Saturday, December 27, 2014


1st September 2014, I was being Auto enrolled in Nursing Cardiac Speciality Course aka NCSC without acknowledging if I want to be part of the class. Thoughout this 4months; 2months theory on September & November and 2months attachment on October & December, we had priviledge to go various departments, labs & teams to understand & appreciate their nature of workflow. I enjoyed 85% of the postings but I also hated 15% of the postings. There are people who are willing to share & glad to have us there. But definately, there are people who is the spoiler who made us feel like....arrghh...Just endure.

Time passed quickly & officially we have completed our 4months training on 26th December 2014! That's right! We will be going to our respective assigned areas to begin our 8 months OJT. I don't know, I have mixed feelings! Just do my best!

After these 4months course, I have 8 friends; 3 new ones from CTS GW. I have gained at least 2Kg of weight over the 4months because I eat, I sit, I sleep & I shit! Worse, got to do something about it or else my alternative is to upgrade my uniform size from XS to S le!

Our final paper is on 12 Jan 2015. Of course, Nobita have not study yet. Every month got to meet Dr Fong for presentation, my turn is in July! Health assessment competency in Feb & some more competency will be gradually coming to haunt me. Haizz... later cannot poo properly then constipate then angry then cry!

Friday, December 26, 2014


On 24 December, Dr Fong finally announced our 8 months OJT posting. Well, honestly I am not surprised cos I already know the arrangements for some of the gals. I don't know how the higher management decide on the fate of the 8 SSNs! Can't agree to their decisions... hahaha...Just a comment.

Nevertheless, Dr Fong say I can enjoy half day! Of course, I am happy. Managed to pass Pigsy her gift & some chocolates. Hubby pick me up at 2.30pm... I enjoyed 3hrs off! We went to Central Mall to do threading, eat meatball sandwich & some shopping. We had a impromtu movie date at Vivo..we watched "The Hobbit: The Battle of the Five Armies"! Not too bad, I quite like it. My Xmas present from Santa Lim is Ferragamo Blue wrist band! I like it!

On Xmas 25th December, we slept like a Pig til almost late afternoon. Another movie date at Tampines Mall...we watched " Doraemon: Stand by Me". It is a simple, nice movie & they managed to win some of my tears. Hi, my new nickname is Nobita. Why?! Accordingly to my hubby, my character like Nobita... I have no talent, I am not good in sports, most of the time, I am being bullied by others, I can't study well, I am lazy, I don't have solutions to problems, I usually rely on others, I am not well-liked & I don't have alot of friends, I loved to sleep, I am late for dates BUT I want others to be happy & I am happy. Is this me? Did I describe myself correctly? We had a simple lunch, 85% sponsored by the Stingy Meow but I enjoyed it very much cos it's all my favourite food. 

On the boxing day, 26th December, I took leave because I am too lazy to work after a PH. I went to eat prata with hubby at Sembawang since "white Heroine fish" uncle stall is on renovation. Yes, the prata was so yummy. Saw 3 Ah Gong & 3 Ah Ma was eating prata & taking photos made me feel like doing the same to keep some memories & 20years later... that is if I am not dead do same things as the Ah Gong & Ah Ma! Got one Ah Ma resemble me, she took down her Specs when taking photos....hahahaha.... furni. Went to BKP with mom for lunch. Managed to do one thing that I wanted to do during weekdayss but due to work committment, I didn't have time. That is change my UOB account bank book! Then of course, I didn't anything at home but the day ended so fast. 

Good Night everyone, my eyes are fibrillating away...need to sleep lei!!! Thank U everyone for everything! Jay Chou...we r coming to ur Concert to end 2014 with a blast! 

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I am a cry baby👶

Today is Day 2 of Advanced Counselling Course. My ability to understand the course contents was average while others could quickly grasp the essence of the topics. Was abit sad. But I was able to be connected with MSW Genevieve's examples. She said, a client said "I am no good!" That's is my thoughts...I am not good enough! She asked her client, "to whom u feel u r not good enough?" Another example that she give was her mom has Cancer & she was depressed most of the time due to her illness. Her mom went to see a Psychologist & the psychologist asked her..."u were mostly depressed, so there were time that u were not depressed and when?" Genevieve felt that as a counselor, she could not help her mom who has depression, she was sad. I asked a silly 🙋 question....."I am a shy, reserved & quiet person, how do I built a therapeutic relationship with clients who need help? I can't engaged in conversation freely like Joan. My classmate Joan said..." I remembered Ivy was the only one who give everyone a sticker on our group photo, this small simple action make them feel I am genuine & warmth. Then MSW Genevieve say I can be a non-verbal counselor who demostrate my genuine, warmth & silence to be a effective counselor. Maybe...

After class, Genevieve spend a little bit more time with me. As I was telling her my thoughts, emotions flow in & I eventually CRY cos I was feeling guilty towards my dad I did not do my best for him. The only comforting thing I did for him was to be with him during his last bit of journey...I held his hand, hoping he won't be alone during his last moments. I remembered that I was all alone in the hospital thoughout the night, waiting for his suffering to end. And I have no more chance to say this to him anymore..." 爸爸对不起,请您原谅我 和我爱你!" He cannot hear me.

Genevieve comforted & counsel me. Tears cannot stop flowing.

Probably I felt lonely, bottled up my feelings & stressed that I could not hold my emotions anymore.

Thank u Genevieve for being there for me even though I am not your friend. I really feel better after I talked to u & cried😭

Monday, November 17, 2014

It's holiday!

26/10-30/10/14 HK cum Macau trip

My husband has been trying his best to grant my small & big request to make me feel happy. Yes, of course I am happy cos he changed the flight a few times til SQ made him pay "fine" for making so many changes.

26/10: Managed to bring my mom to attend my cousin's wedding at Jurong Chinese restaurant. Of course, my mom was super happy. She even request to wear her treasured gold chain to the wedding. After the wedding ends, he came to pick us up. My mom is the happiest cos she love to take car ride. Our flight is at 8pm. When  Husband took the taxi uncle to stop at Business class... I wonder why? He told me that it is because he is SIA member. Time to board the plane. Feel so shiok that we can like cut queue & enter the Business class tunnel even though I feel pai seh! The seat was spacious so spacious & I have a super Big space. The overall experience was awesome! Thank u husband for pampering me. The meal is also different! We had scallops & the whole meal was nice! Husband observed & told me I was not restlesss. I am like a good kid. Upon reaching to HK, we took cab to hotel via F1 HK taxi! I was so quiet throughout the taxi ride, holding so tight the handle & seat beat was on! Phew! We reached hotel safely & we went to a PUB to watch MANU match via 2nd F1HK taxi even more fierce driver who thought he is singer! Yes, I did the same thing throughout the journey & we did arrived safely. After the match, we took another F1 HK taxi back to check in.

27/10: We took cab to the website recommended Dim Sum to have breakfast before we embark on a shopping journey. The taste of the food was ok la! We went to a specific mall to look for snoppy, I wanted to get something from snoppy stall for Aileen BUT to my horror...Snoppy MUST SEE is like a desserted place, nothing much to appreciate actually. I didn't do my research properly but still I enjoy myself. Set off to another mall to look for the rumoured best Macaroons from this specific mall. Finally bought one box of 7 to satify my craving & curiousity. Husband was disturbed by so many emails & work stuffs! Me too! Finally, we sat down at MacDonald for a nugget lunch meal while husband doing the work stuffs. I am grumbling la! :/ Yes, we went to one my favourite mall to shop. Got what I need in HK even though we have limited time.  Adidas at " orange first sight". Stay real for me, one for husband...some favourite snacks etc. Watched a Chinese
 variety China...If u spport against domestic violence.....on 25/11/14... please wear a Orange top.

I am sleepy! To be continue

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Random conversation

LC: Reporting to wifey. Husband should be going osaka 4th to 17th Jan
Me: wawawa...someone reporting to wifey... to make her super VIP
In between we send some stickers to each other
Me: (only realize)... 2weeks ah! 
LC: Yup
Me: shiok ah! 2 weeks away from wifey. wonder so fast report la! 
LC: Siao bo
Me: (LOL monkey sticker sent) early gana report late also gana
so funny
EMO me: tml going to work again! sometimes I wonder if I like my job anot or simply work for $. Can't go back to the past already. It will never be the same again. hence, when u make a decision...nv regret. That's easy than said. feel so lonely on this current route I am walking alone. feels sp unwanted on this route. feels so uneasy on this route. feels so wrong on this route. 

LC: Resign after bond finish

EMO me continues: feelslike when I am young... I missed my school bus home & I have to think of alternative ways to get home. otw home, wished the uncle who gave me the ride isn't  a bad man. wished my dad will be waiting for me at the usual pick up place. wished I could get home fast after a tired & frighten day. resign after bond finish will be 3years later? when I am 37years old? 

LC: Just nice. Work part time 

Me: Will I be able to achieve what I need?

LC: Wat u need? Can I provide?

Me: There is so many unknown questions. seeking for unknown answers. Will it be good or I am just lost again. Maybe I need a GPS...a global one.
Some nice monkey stickers pop up again...I like the one where the big monkey holds an yellow umbrella to shelter the small gal monkey.
I also don't know what I need. I have worked for more than 13years in nursing but I guess I took the wrong path to move on to another road that I couldn't see what's infront of me & I have tripped, kicking over many tiny & big stones. I wished I could be like Amanda who worked smartly in the real world. I am just waiting all this while for other people to open a conversation or their world. I am too EMO today. I am out of my comfort zone & currently facing difficulties in adapting to the new path. Actually, I have once moved out of my comfort zone during SARS & now again I am doing it again even though I know the jungle is too much for me to overcome & survive. I should have just stayed in the ZOO.

LC: a singing monkey sticker

Me: Who's that singing? It has been a long time since u sing for me.Until I find my possible directions home....I probably be this grumpy monkey for some time. I missed the days I worked CCU & CTSICU. Bedside nursing, I am more confident since I know my work routines, missed the days I can buy good food to share with my friends, work closely with colleGues & Drs. I can't possibly go back ever. I am just a crazy girl ahh... anyway...thank you for listening to my repeated grumpy story. I probably can't handle the real jungle world, should have stayed in the Zoo...allows me to get my regular happy meals & friends. I am talking too much...too much for u to hear... 

Saturday, October 11, 2014

I have graduated!

29th September 2014 is my most happy day.

Call me a Degree holder! Finally I made it & graduated from Curtin University Singapore.
I would have to thank all the people who helped me along the way, I would not be able to make it without all your help. Thank U ADN Tay, SNMFoo, NC Jasmine, for writing a beautiful recommendation letter to enable me to get the sponsorship successfully. Thank U NC Bel for reading, checking my assignments despite ur busy schedule, risking of foaming or syncope while reading & correcting it. 

For this graduation, I spend $ 135 to rent the necessary items, $25 for photo service & $40 for 2 guests graduation tickets. But I still very happy cos my Husband & Bel could attend my graduation & take photos. The only thing is my mom did not take photo with me. I got the expensive graduation Kangaroo soft toy at $75!!! Had Vietnam lunch set with Bel cos husband need to work.

Next is to spend $ to buy a graduation photo... 

The stupid shoe is so big, got to use tissue to makeit more "stable"  but in the end more pain. 

I am demanding!

Hello my secret blog fan or rather my admirer.....

Thank you for your support all these year. I hope u enjoy my blog contents. If u have any suggestions or feedback on the content or blog topics, do feel free to email my secretary Ms Babymonmon, she will be more than happy to assist you. Being my only Fans, u have the privilege to get my most updated blog.

Through this blog, I can express my thoughts, feelings, events or things that I cannot share with my few friends available & let u understand me more.

Sometimes, somethings I do not know how to tell or express myself so through this channel, I wish to let u know my concerns.

I am a typical demanding wife but I am not controlling your life. I am not prepared to change LC for now so I wish u can be healthy & happy. Hang on,don't go away...please take 5mins to read on...

One day, I came home to change unitentionally, I saw a cigarette floating in our toilet bowl & of course I wasn't quite happy but at the same time sad. I guess u are so stressed & u wanted to destress by smoking! Do u remember when u started smoking? Do u remember how u feel when u 1st started smoking? Is it a habit? Is it an excuse? Is it an addiction? Is this temporary or r u social smoker? I hope u could share or talk to me. People might say, tell u also u don't know one la! Y waste my breath? Why make my spouse worry about my problems.

Question: What is the difference between a friend, a wife or a enemy? How would u feel if one day before I die, I say this to U...I wish I could know more & share not only ur happiness but ur concerns too. Yup, like the TV drama...I would say.. I am leaving this world without understand my closest love one thoughts, feeling, needs, wants, problem etc... Sharing only your happy events or thoughts & not able to share yr my personal opinion...To u, I am just ur best friend, not wife. A relationship builds up over time with trust, rapport & communication, the least secret(s) to keep. Yr monkey will feels that she is the most VIP(very important Piglet). If we could only share happiness, I am a mistress to u. Probably, traditionally, I am not yr wifey BUT under Singapore Law, I am legally ur wife! I too naggy?

My point is hello...I am your MW aka Monkey Wifey, would like to be ur 1st class wifey who not only can share your happiness but yr troubles. I do not want to get depressed over guessing game.

Please make an appointment with my secretary;Babymonmon to date me to clarify any doubts. I hope u could understand that U mean so much to me otherwise I will just slowly disappear from yr view without letting u know how I feel.

Bel is the best example of my scenario, now not only Bel is suffering, the husband & the kids are affected. If there is communications.When things are bottle up & filled to the max, the bottle exploded. How to fix it back? Even after fixing it, there is some scars on the bottle. We do not have a time machine like Doreamon, if not I wish to turn time back.

Shame on me

Ytd, I just had my 1st attempt 1st test at 3pm, I think 2nd attempt is asking to prepare myself. Actually, I didn't study hard so if I fail the test...I am expecting to fail. Well, the test is not as hard as I thought but my Answers are CMI. Think the marker will be foaming while marking my test paper & Dr Fong will be having syncope. My brain totally blank when I see the Questions, can't remember the answers at all. Write whatever I could. Shame on me for being a CCNC ICU nurse. How did I get my certs all these years? It's too late to say anything. Now got to move forward & start study for the 2nd test on next friday. Yup, this time I am sure I can pass. Got to be more serious & focus.

Birthday celebration on 27.9.2014

This year I had a SURPRISED birthday celebration on 27.9.2014 in ECP chalet. 

LC sms me on fri, pack your bag & we going chalet on Saturday 2D1N at ECP. We went to ECP after lunch at BKP home...homecooked Bak Kut Teh! Then we went to Giant MP, bought some drinks. Wanted to walk around & buy ice-cream but daddy say GTG with his usual Mr Bao's facial expression! 

We checked in ECP chalet & the wanted to see the China version the voice BUT the TV was CMI! So sad, despite LC attempt to repair but it didn't give "face". Then there was a guy delivering BBQ food items to us...So many food...Satay, Otah, Chicken mid-wings, corn, stingray, Hotdog, crabsticks, cooked food like sotong balls, fried Bee Hoon, curry chicken & mashmallow. I was so many food for the 2of us then LC say, "no, I asked my friends to come over to BBQ with Us!" I believed him & then I say I also want to ask my friend to come. Yes, Pigsy, Bel, Anne, Pris & a few others since my friends not so many. But Pigsy already hint me that she is Busy at home. I only sms Bel to come, thinking she might be bored at home but she also say No to me since super last min. Sad for a moment but anyway it's ok since I know LC's friends. But due to my poor social skills, I was sad that my friends can't come. Wa, one conelto ice-cream $4!!!!!, luckily I chose Magnam at $4 too! more worth the price. 

Bee & Helen came early... I didnt suspect anything, I help in fire starting...successfully after some struggling with the charcoal, fire starter. We started to BBQ some food...but LC's friends haven come. Then Bee say to me... your HP rings...when I walked in the chalet without suspecting anything fishy, when I walked in, I saw Pigsy & family infront of me, I was happy! Jumping like a little kangaroo. Then my second surprise... Bel & Anne with Rive cake.....yes...jumping like a happy kange
aroo again to receive them. We started to BBQ & subsequently, Shannnon & family came & "Zhen Zhen Ga Ga Leck & Lynn came...But LC friends didn't come. I was abit sad though cos I get to enjoy but didn't. Hahaaa...godson JH came to me to ask for a masmallow, telling me it's to prepare for my BD cake. Yes, my wish came true I have a BBQ birthday party with LC & friends & of course a BD cake! But as expected by my clever LC, I didn't like the cake so much. It was so sweet mah! 

Well done LC, I was so SURPRISED & I am like a HAPPY kangaroo. I enjoyed myself . 
Thank you so so so much for this 34th BD surprise!
Of course, I loved all the presents so much too! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

It's September😇

19-21 September: 3D2N Genting trip with Hubby, Leck & Lynn. 2 scoops of world class chocolate, 1 scoop of strawberry cheesecake & 1 scoop of peanut chocolate ice-cream from Baskin Robins with 2 days! Shiok!  A bit of shopping, bought my fave denim top & 1 short for husband! Contribution rm200 to the new theme park renovation.! As for no idea & didn't ask.

Happy 35th Birthday dearest favourite husband😉

23 September:
SMS from Bel: Happy Anniversary Ivy...I guess Bel is the only one who keep tracks on her friend's Birthday, anniversary & friend's kids birthday etc. Well, TO Bel!
Oh! Today is our 8 year wedding anniversary😀. Wow!!! Many more to come! Mushy Moore words for husband...I Lauhu u! THANK YOU for every possible things that u do for me! WARNING: don't stop loving me OR ELSE! U know I am not threatening u, just reminding u! 😁😁😁 I wish to get forehead or cheeks 😗 wahahaa!

Grand Copthorne Cafe Brio's buffet dinner 1 for 1 for birthday month was a great deal! I enjoy til too full for the 1st time this year. My favourite dishes are...oyster with tabasco sauce, steam cold prawn, fried tempura brinjal,  prawn, green bell pepper, unagi, chestnut chicken with chicken, salmon sashimi, black sesame mochi, ice-cream was my favourite especially the yam favour, curry udon & marshmallow coated with chocolate.
Thank you for taking a stroll after dinner.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I am definitely a dreamer. Every time, everyday without fail, I dreamt of something be it usual or unusual stuffs. Last night, I dreamt that I realise I have to attend my graduation but I forgot to take my regalia from Curtin before the ceremony. Yaya. ..I am having my graduation on 29th September 2014, a few weeks from now. Ah Fong haven give us a definite answer as in whether we can apply for a 1 day leave or half day leave. Everything seems like my motto of day by day without a specific plans. Almost everyday, my classmates will ask the speaker about what are we going to become when we finish this course. ..knock knock...gals...Our fate is sealed...on 1st September 2014. Now what we should do is look ahead & walk straight. ..alternative route is not available currently.

I always loved to tease my cute hubby...I want a kid...He will be like ...har! Hard to cope lei! I already got one baby monkey wifey. Another monkey?! His facial expressions is hilarious! !!Too bad I can't insert line's character. ..If not u will laugh til u roll on the floor. How are we going to cope with the kid...We need a lot of money, no shopping,  time, energy & the most importantly is the logistics problem!!! Well, hubby do not worry so much...not yet! Enjoy your games 1st. If I have a kid...There are a few things or many things I want to do with my kid. During pregnancy, a diary to keep track on the whole experience of becoming a mummy,  create a scape book for my baby with the scan pictures, record my weight, my photos, have a photography session with my baby. Whether baby gal or boy...It doesn't matter, as long as healthy will be the most important. Of course, after giving birth, thank our parents for having us despite the scary, painful process. Everyday, their growing up process I must be involve. Sleep late & wake up early. The crying, the poo & other little things that drive u crazy. I must be prepared that hubby might not be able to take it, I must be prepared to be a married single mummy. I want to bring my kid to many places, do little things together, loves him or her with my whole heart, go swimming , playground, library, art activities, listen to music together, bed time stories, cook some yummiest food etc... I need to be more hardworking & train myself not to be a lazy piglet. Will update if I think of something. Not forgetting to sayang my cute hubby at the same time. I loved to tease my hubby...loved his expressions...

Okay,  everyday I have lotsa information to absorb but it doesn't seems to be able to store them all in my brain. Whenever I want to revise, I fall asleep in less than 10mins. What am I going to do? Byee. ..I am reaching my in house school...another long day.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Feeling EMO😣

These few days, I am feeling EMO!!! There is no fixed reasons, a lot of things happening that lead me to this state. Started my CC on 1 September & I am stressed yet relax as in didn't really revise & understand what I have learned during my 1st week. Saturday & Sunday...I was practically dreaming of not so nice things :( for example- dreamt LC so fierce; I guess I am scares of LC's mom or because I am too slack & didn't do housework.
LC say dreamers are insecure soul. I guess he is right. I am insecure person. During day time, I worry about small little things, cares too much how people see & comment about me. How to overcome my this silly troubling & stressful thoughts? I think it's unhealthy over a long period of time.

Had a nice Saturday date with LC,  went TCC to enjoy September 50% treat, it was great, love the soup & lobster salad, the best part is I paid half price!  Shiok!  After that,  greedy us, bought nachos set with additional cheese & potato chips. We watch "Lucy" but I don't understand the movie. Sunday, explore punggol beach...enjoy Thai food but it was not as fantastic as I imagine. Think Toa Payoh Thai food is more nicer & worth the price.

A surprise proposal raised by LC. He said...We may plan for a kid next year end! I was happy to hear that. Man hope to achieve a successful career. Woman hope to hope a kid of her own (it is a career for a woman). LC doesn't seems to favor for a kid but for my sake, he say can consider...Thank you! I want to be a super mom!

Today, me & Anne went to visit a SEN "H" who was diagnosed with a renal Ca. She was a very kind-hearted, motherly & approachable staff who helps me a lot when I was in CTSICU.She always called me "ah Hwa" like what my mom calls me at home. She looks so weak, on Fentanyl 3mls/hr, frail & makes me feel sad. My tears is like at my corner of my eyes, controlled. It reminds me of my dad...Pa...I missed u. Hope u are well & happier now. The day before he deteriorate, he was talking to us. I haven say thank you & sorry to him. I made some cranes for SEN "H" & I pray to god, please do not let her suffer so much & hope she get well soon. I remembered she made the best home made Rojak,  she will ask me to eat.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I am almost late! Set alarm at 5.45am but 5.30am human alarm clock ...🐔 already waking me up. Of cos, I throw tantrum & ask for extention to sleep til 6am. Luckily, I reached classroom 5mins before 8am.

Ytd, Jessica told me I looked more happy in HF, this is the first time someone who doesn't really know me commented this. I was like..... replying her with my disbelief face, questioning myself! She said I looked more stressed in CTSICU! OMG!

HTT is my study partner again! I am happy cos our aim was to pass, no need flying colors!

Venepuncture & cannulation is our topic today, practice & classroom practical test passed! Tml theory & practical exam (out in the real world!!!) If quota not met, I might have to POKE my husband for real to meet my target. Hahaa.....I will be gentle k.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Punky mistress!

At 5.19am...
Husband: Daddy wanna say sorry for advising u to go to HF place. Did not know u will be so unhappy there

After I board bus, I started to reply...
Wifey: I know u wanted me to grab the office hrs for my health. No need to be sorry, ultimately it's my decision. I just can't cope that well. Didn't know the real working world is really very ugly. I am worried I'll not be able to protect myself in a politically correct way & end up I become another ugly politic person. I only need extra extra extra time to adjust myself to the new environment. U might need to hear a lot from my grumpy channel & greedy eating habits & behaving like a kid. U might need to be extra X100 or X1000 times more patient towards me cos I can only be my true self infront of U. The outside world has alot of arrows, bad people who has hidden agenda or people view me as a threat (that person is cravy la!) HF specialty, in the beginning I already have some interest some time ago but in view of my name tag title, Myself & other people might have higher expectations about me. Another thing is I feel lonely cos I am no longer in my comfort zone & enemies might increased if I have accidently stepped their foot. I am thankfully to be healthy so far, mom is well, husband loves me, able to eat yummiest food, I still others friends. Don't worry, currently, I do not need any PSY help. I have been through some toughest time, I may not be the strongest gal but I am not the weakest link.

I sounded sad everyday...

I shall think of some activities I want to do & husband to fulfil when he is free, cos it's my favourite month...September.

1. Check availability, change HK trip dates, ask me 1st cos O need to ask Examiner
2. Shopping 2hrs for 3sessions at Orchard, Bugis & Tampines
3. Food hunting... Sushi, waffles with ice-creams, Roti prata, hawker food, cake.
4. Explore a new cafe in Singapore
5. Cycling at ECP or Sentosa
6. Go Curtin on 27.9.14 to collect important stuffs
7. Watch movie i.e. Lucy
8. Jio or borrow OZ & we take phptos & help me book the photograply session. (Groupon expires on 10.10.14)
9. Help me change bedsheet
10. Assist me to cook a meal
11. A super last minute task coupon that allows me to use anytime if husband is free
12. Be less sad, be a little more happy

Husband.....Is it too many request or too little that I can add on .....we do not need to clear everything within 1months, we can repeat the activites again :p

Try to do it with me!

Day 2

Description of my current situation. It feels like I am "training bus driver" placed in a expressway, with 8 other training bus drivers who are better physically, academically, sociable than me, examiners on board to give us instructions & assessing us occassionally. I could only step on the engine & drive on. I am not sure where I am heading, where is the destination, after how long I am reached a petrol station, will there be any mini mart to cheer me up, buy a magnan ice-cream, snacks or magazine etc. I am lost! I was not invited to go for my friends party cos I am no longer within their visible range, I have drifted far away. I missed my favourite activity...BBQ! We are no longer connected cos I didn't maintain constant update, didn't pay subscription, auto roaming is not applied or contracts ends. I can't people for forgetting me gradually over time. Today, I learned that alot of my knowledge have returned to my teacher or thrown somewhere over time, it is good to learn again. Even though, I doesn't understand everything but I took notes & coming back to read again. I paid attention to all the possible tips on what might be tested! Repeatly the examiners reassured us that we will learn the advanced knowledge & the exam is very easy! But they forget to anticipate that a silly monkey is in the bus. 

Monday, September 1, 2014

Battle begins!

Dear Fans, 

Tuned in to my blog to learn how is my progress in my latest battle field, types of armour that I am wearing for different battle field & if I can survive through these 2months theory, 2months practical & 8months on the job training. Of course, not forgetting my 1year training, 1 year bond & 1 year degree bond, I am proudly to say I will be the "Heartly Lao Bee C" not my fave Tea-C or Kopi-C okay! By September year 2017, I will be a free monkey, free from damn bond! 

Yes, forget about the sure bond jail! Let's all focus on my 1st day on the outfield. My highest Mdm came to speak to us & a familiar face had an emergency landing in our class to make it 9 in total! I know very bery well that there is no escape for Nemo me, I would need to find ways to protect myself, making sure I am alive til the course ends! Nah!!! According a "realiable source", it is a easy course that will benefits us in future. The speaker is a super brainy, political clever & trained resourceful person, I was impressed! Please walk carefully & don't step on any fiery hairy tail or else ask for good luck & blessing. I am very hopefully to work my new sisters & brother even if they misunderstood my intentions. 

Today's topic to my is like my facourite "Mee mok" dry. I have no interest in doing research! OMG! my eyelid is overdose with tiredness & stress. Hello "zhou gong"! Good night Lao zhar bo tan!

Sunday, August 31, 2014


People always say dreams reflect on what your innermost thoughts!

I had a dream yesterday night which reflects on what I am missing! I dreamt that Mirana, Huiling, Siti & myself was at somewhere but I could not fit into their circles! Yes, I admit after I went CTSICU since 27 January 2014, I already don't belong CCU member already. I feel left out! I have made new friends but our relationship have not grow yet & I left again for another rare opportunity. My distance between CCU & CTSICU is even further! I could not join them in their daily activities like nursing patients, attend emergency, have food feast, join in their party, share their joy! I am now a stranger to them. We do not share the common topics, only hi & bye between us. I am missing all these...working today no matter free or busy day, buying food to share before or after work, sharing a similar incident or topic, getting praise or scolding from a same supervisor or doctor etc. I cannot go back anymore. I feel lonely. Last Friday, there was a celebration at CCU, they ordered Durian cake & I told A & B that I like Durian cake. A kept a slice for me & wrote my name on a piece of paper to cover it. When A sms me, I was in a panic mode cos A wrote my name but I am not a staff there so shouldn't keep for me so I quickly finish my work & rush to CCU & swallow the cake before anyone realised that I eat the cake. Am I too sensitive?!

Now I am like alone wearing heavy amour everyday except saturday & sunday fighting the battle alone. So sad! I used to sleep like a pig til 10.30am then wake up to prepare for work & buy yummiest food to work! Now, always Kopitiam, Caffe & toast, houseman canteen, cheers & vending machine! Ok la! Sometimes TBM or Mama shop or Lele steamboat. No more as & when MT :( No company :(  No friends :(  What future life have I choosen? I hate this kind of feeling!!!

Whenever, I hear about my colleagues complain about Pink, I will like why why? Why? I enrol myself in this shit! Stupid gal!

I just have to fine tuned myself to get use to this new lifestyle. Accept the fact the day u went away!

Boring Sunday! I am lazy to do anything. Husband is on business trip!

The battle begins in 1st September 2014

SCC is going to be officially stated on 1st September 2014! Oh yes! I have accepted my sealed fate. Can't be bothered to fight with the C M! Another meeting on Thursday to update us on their evil plots to tie us down with bond 1 year! My husband say there is no bond for in house course but they are super C to come up with this idea! In total I will be working there for another 3years. To be optimistic...I say it is a "metal rice bowl" for 3 years unless a dummy buy over my bond! 

September & November:- Mon- Fri: 8-5.3pm

Sat-Sun, PH: OFF 

October & December:- one afternoon shift per week but allowance $ give. 

I think the TOP management is the ultimate people who can play with your mind, can convince or confuse u when they have already set a goal to achieve. Like me, a silly sweet potato head sure will be eaten even with the skin on. I will have to work harder to survive through this course. Do not set too high expectations or pin high hopes on me cos u r going to be disappointed. 

Saturday, August 23, 2014

婚姻 to be continue...

Today I saw a video via FB. It is shocking! DOM having extramarital affair at home with a PRC. Legal wife was furious & she was pulled the PRC's hait. However, DOM begs wife to let it go but wife too affected & pulled even harder. DOM begs her daughter (who is filming the process) to ask wife/mom to let go & spare PRC. Daughter say, "mother...come, I have filmed everything down, I will post online & let everyone know. Then his daughter said this straight to his dad's face..."狗男女!!!" Finally wife let go & argue with DOM! 

Sometimes when I go Chinatown, I don't like what I see! Can't blame the man? Or should blame their house's 黄脸婆? 


Friday, August 22, 2014



婚姻。。。也是两个人。。。一起享受的过程 不过是一辈子的事, 也不只是两个人的事!

谢谢老公爱我比我爱他多! 别要停, 你要一直爱我多一点!

Punky...Welcome to our big NICI family. .... I like U very much! Your distinctive purple coated hair is so charming.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Candy Crush👅

Life is like Candy Crush game!!!

In candy crush, the basic icons are green squares, yellow lemon, red kidney bean & blue spaceship. U might get different boosters to help u to win the game if u have the right strategies. It is like if u met a 贵人 @ the right timing...u get to win the game with high scores & move on to the next stage. At work if u have the right steps, u will be promoted fast. If u r like me, no ambitions, not brainy & just want to bluff through every month to get the fixed salary then u have 2 route- be mouldy or blacklisted. Even if I have failed for the 1st time, u can wait try again for another 4 times but if u still failed to win then u will need to wait patiently for next chance. During the game, u got to decide the moves that aids u to win the game, the right combo get u a bonus powerful candy. During work, if u have the right working partners, supervisors then u will higher chance to succeed. But evil people got evil plots to win the game with evil moves. Those silly silly 🙊 will be their pawn to sacrifice for them in order to let them win the game. In life, there are many stages that we have to go through, some easy & some difficult. Some stages, others just win it with one try, some takes a few hour & even few days to complete it. But when u are tired of clearing the stages...u will just ignore the game or sometimes delete the game either forever or download again to try again. Some might just keep trying til they clear the stage n move on.What about U?

Me? Sometimes, I want to clear the stage with determination, I will wait for the next possible chance to try again. Sometimes, I just don't care. Sometimes, I'm just bored. Sometimes, I just hate it. Sometimes, I just missed the chance of clearing the stage by one move.

Now, I was being assigned to go for a course that I didn't sign up for, why bully 🙊🙉🙈? I didn't have a definite answer if I could go back to HF after the course. I just started like in June & I began to have more interest in this subject & send me away & no promise that I will go back to the department. Then in the first place, don't like me go over. I've been leading a stressful life from 16 June til current...dreamt of missing out my work, gana scolding, when I was more adapt to their tempo, I got to move again.

Not sure if Pink is a trustworthy person anot, from what I observe & heard about her. She seems to be a 不简单的人, 假假对你好, only do things that benefit her only. Maybe she don't like me as her subordinate. I don't know. PINK called me ytd & told me that I got in the course??? What??? I replied her...i didn't apply. Then she twisted her words & say the TOP nominated me to go!!! At least ask me if I'm interested anot 1st la! Listen to ur staff view is also an important factor to make staff respect, happy with their organisation & retain staff & seek for a loyalty staff. When asked if I will go back HF? She say she don't know?!! Okay la...u also small fry even though u r promoted to Senior NC. I would not think that way if i never hear stories about u. There was a SRN working in this department b4 me, is being get rid by PINK by saying TOP say she can't take her. The staff is more hardworking than me lei! Whatever la! if they want me to die, I die for a year to clear my bond then plan for the next stage.

This year, I've like change many jobs: CCU-> CTSICU-> HF-> next possible would be Cardiac nurse speciality course for 4 months-> ???

The course: I will bluff another cert lor! Gain more knowledge. No bond. Full time. Attachment. Sub speciality. But I only learn about other systems but additional workload. They probably didn't see my Degree results before deciding to let me join in the course...hahaha...

Maybe the course is not as bad as I think n I might find another interest area. The office table is not meant for me.

Friday, August 1, 2014

1st August 2014

Today; 1/8/14 is a special day for Nurses, Happy Nurse's Day!

I am a nurse since 2001 til today minus 1year(2004) because I went to cheat a paper qualification. So I have been a nurse for 12years already! Time flies, I thought I could not survive this long But yes I did. Since early this Feb, I have changed my directions, moved to Surgical & now office hr. I missed my colleagues, my comfort zone, my clinical work & off on weekdays. I feel less popular, less people to gossip with, less people to cover my ass & left out. Well, it's my choice even though many high authorities has dropped me hints that it is a dead end. I just to move on as planned & granted. For the hours...that is what my colleagues comfort me. Over this new environment, I have to wear armour to protect myself from sudden bullets or arrows attack cos I am so visible now. I can't return to my old paths already. Lost touch...that is what I am afraid of cos new arrow is RRT assignment. Those higher authorities also eyes on me! After I come to this department then I realise that I need team work & I love team work! I am now all alone in the big jungle & I am lost!

This year, I have received presents from my organizations, New Boss, New supervisor and friend Anne. Waiting for my husband to get one present too.

Monday, July 28, 2014


When I woke up this morning, all my sadness relatives have more or less went back home during my sleep!

I have a one and only number 1 fans who read my silly blog entries. Though this blog, I was able to let him understand how I feel.

I received an Line sms from my LC, happy! When I saw him from far, I was smiling already! I was happy, all the evil sadness thoughts vanished in the thin air! We went to BPP for sushi lunch, bought MT & my favourite cake! He copy my eye weapon power. Did notice LC did not use iphone during lunch is almost an hour! He said...u didn't notice I did not use my IPhone for 1hr right? my heart....I thought nobody sms u mah! Silly me! Thank you for your huge effort, it is not easy.

LC is a bottle, he has bottling power, I feel it is not healthy! I am a can opener, I hope u can let me open & share your happines, sadness, stress, anger, love, ambitions, secret etc.

We went back home after lunch, Mr Hand showered me with love! I am happy! I am a happy Princess Monkey. I am thankful for your attention, love & actions! Actions speaks louder than words.

Looking forward to see u on Sunday! Be safe. Be happy. Be my favourite husband. Be healthy.

Sunday, July 27, 2014

I thought, U think, WHO confirm?

I thought U think WHO confirm ah?

Hear no Evil, See no Evil & Speak no Evil!

Ask when u r unsure, don't assume!

So sad...long weekend is ah...what ah? It is suppose to be a long weekend?! Unfortunately, time passed too quickly! Seems like I wasted my long weekend doing nothing! So sad! Plans did not fulfilled! Short-term last min plan is tailgated by Mr Murphy Law! Ms Upset came to visit me! Mr Grumpy came along empty handed. Madam Craving not satisfied. Mr Handful & Mrs Hug missed the party. Baby Regret sobbing sadly. Mr Chiongster jio me out but Ms whatever stopped me from going out to roam around & enjoy the starry starry night. Health minister asked me to study hard to get another cert that concerns my future working life. Bitter bug asked me to take to him to be sweet honey stars but I refused to talk! Quiet Beez buzzed her thoughts.

Just send some of my uninvited imaginary friends home or abroad!

Bee mindful adviced me not to make promise to others if I can't do the same to others.

Yes, yes, I noted already.

It is just another day, boring day, alone without warm hands and cold thought is ok!

Mutual agreement through communications is very very important. It make sense to me & brain washing with FAB detergent in progress, will be ready in the preset timing. Can't have the cake and eat it. Be carefully what u wished for. Not everyone is that lucky. I am already a lucky weirdo monkey!

Dear reader, please do not take my blog seriously cause it is the most random thoughts right now! I change every seconds, every minute, every hour!

Time to look for one of my love & hate friend...Byezz everyone. Cya soon cause I think five steps behind the clock! I don't talk sense cos I am not a thinker!

Enough of FON speech!

Daily life!

Can u think of a good reason to be angry after u have heard of so many unfortunate airplane crash? Be happy, do whatever u want to do! Forgive & forget whoever have bullied u! Eat whatever u want to eat & forget about dieting! Do ur best in ur job! Love the ones who mean the most & care most! My possible days that is left to live in this world is unpredicatable. Of cos I am fearful when the day comes. 

Last night, I woke up suddenly thinking of work then I can't sleep after til I dozed off in bed. Am I giving myself too much Unnessary stress? In this new job, I am a visible staff. In my previous setting, I am camoflage by many other staffs. Now got to work independently & there are only 5 of us, easily spotted to be the worse (Me the Monkey). Play by ear la! My white hair is getting more! I have no strategies to get out of this shit! 

I loved this Korean Drama 49days... I cried so much! This show is about a rich gal who is getting married soon. She bought a pretty dress for her best friend who is also her bridesmaid. While on her way to deliver it to her best friend, she met an car accident. When she "woke up", she realised that she is only a spirit. She has a last chance to live again. She has to find three person who loved her truly to get three tear drop within 49days. She lives in another gal's body during the day to look for tear drops. As times goes by, she lost faith. She found out that her fiance was with her best friend & her fiance only wants her money n not love. She could not find anyone that love her truly. However, during the period of time, she realised that there is a man who loves her truly. That guy "feels"that she is the gal whom he like. He observed the gal's eating habit, her gesture, her actions, her smile etc. Yes! He is the first person who give her the tear drop.

In reality, truth can be cruel!

Fate... I strongly believed in fate. 

I could not go LC hse ytd cos mom's leg is swollen. I have to make a trip home after I have made one new pair of specs. Yeah! LC of cos wasn't that happy...I can see that but I guess in real life, u can't have best of both world. I have to use my Libra weighing scale to make the tough decision. I have only one mom & one husband...both score 1point. Mom is old & she can't fully take of herself, LC is independent; most of the time I am not needed to take care of him. Mom-1 more point, LC-0point. Mom is getting old, anytime my dad is taking her away, LC & me also anytime have to report; both 1point. Anyway, verdict is mom is the winner. 

I am suppose to meet LC for dinner but ya...fate say today cannot meet cos LC dad has already cooked for him. Okay, initially was thinking of eating & drinking something nice but can't. Okay la, abit disappointed. Only get mom's dinner cos told mom I am going out for dinner with LC, I guess maggie mee shall be my best friend tonight. Too lazy to go out to buy other food. 

Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Good night everyone, I am NSCU-HF nurse aka bog spec not so pretty/confident & clumsy Monkey Tan. I have worked in this department for about a month excluding my 1week leave. Before I officially become this department Staff, I was not confident that I am suitable for this job. I feel I was troublesome, do not know my job scope well & always need help. I hold to do my best in 3months time.

1) Able to screen without any assistance
2) Able to present c/s w/o shuttering
3) Able to do HFE w/o any trouble
4) Ans HF HP w/o problem
5) Able to do Clinic work smoothly

By 2nd week of August.

Timing wise... I feel time is not enough. I have many things need to do, feel like doing & want to do.

I am not sure if I am in the right Job Scope anot? Already my 3rd rotation already! Shall give myself more time. Jia You!

Blog again next time. Time for bed cause tml is another course day & a happy day!


I am pampered like a princess by my husband!! Thank you. More to come?

Received a special flower & bear gift from Husband on 17.7.14! I love it, feel like a pampered Princess. I can't remember when is the last time I receive flowers from him le! I took pictures of the flower & bear BUT sob sob...I forget to take me & the flower & bear la! However, flowers cannot live that long. I saved the bear & now she is my new friend; I named her "Beary". She will take bus with me, go work & shopping with me & be my imaginary friend. Husband...i can't wait to introduce u my new imaginary friend.

I feel LOVED esp this period when I am stressed with my new job scope as evidence by increased number of white hair & appetite.  I feel fortunate to be LOVED esp when I heard unhappy marriage from a friend. In the eyes of Singapore Law, we have been husband & wife for 7 years 8 months...coming to 8 years...For real? In the TV drama shows & there is asa saying that when your marriage reached 7 years, the couple is in danger for extra marital affairs. Hope we remained Mr & Mrs Lim for a thousand that too long for u husband...asking u 10000 of silly why questions,  irritate u, ask for silly request.

I am weird...yes...imaginary friends...yes...I have alot! Why? The reasons are simple...In real life...I have very few friends, my imaginary friends wouldn't find me boring, silly, wouldn't say they don't like me, will endure all my torture but won't leave me, I am the most clever one among my imaginary friends, I am not brainless, or stupid to be with, I will not worry that they will hurt me, shoot me with arrows etc! Thank you all for being my most royal imaginary friends & not forgetting to thank my husband for buying them.

Sunday, July 13, 2014

What about marriage?

When Venus & Mars is attracted to each other & eventually become husband  &nwife...what is the most important factor that maintain the relationship?  Personally, I feel it's communication, mutual trust & respect, quality time spend together & don't bottled up things... There might be more factors to it but for now...that's my opinion.

Man..... A sucessful career.
Woman.....A happy family that include a happy husband & kids.

I always feel I don't understand my husband cos he don't talk much about his troubles, work & stress. But I do understand a few percentage of him. Giving him "space", let him be alone to do his things freely without a irritating monkey buzzing beside him. But I do want some quality time with sometimes even for an hour for myself alone! I would stare at him & verbal request him from using his 4th mistress named Iphone.

Ranking: 1st mistress: Me...hopefully. 2nd: Sexy Xiao Hong. 3rd: Computer & PS3. 4th: Iphone.

Belinda feels my marriage is weird...she feels I should stay with LC & have a BB.

My idealistic marriage is a simple wedding ceremony if possible, if don't have also NVM. Then stay with LC & have a BB. I know the BB would not be so possible...cos I already have a old BB, Husband not keen & might be difficult to juggle.

Recently my friend & her husband faced some marriage problem. She had a fight verbally & physically with her husband & unfortunately their kids witnessed it. After that, her husband did not go home, did not answer her phone calls or Sms & left her alone with her kids. He told their close friend that she was not appreciative of his efforts as a husband & because this family, he missed the opportunities to achieve a career & he blamed her. She is very sad. There are many factors to reflect. Just hope everything goes well for her. She & he must be on lots of stress. She talks to her friends for opinions & help.

What have u learned from his scenario?

Kyoto 7-11June 2014

I have plans to go to Kyoto during my annual leave in 7-11 June since January with my friends, however it was only confirmed til the last minute & I made it! My dad was not well & eventually passed away in May. Then I was worried if my mom that she could not take it. Sometimes, she would talk to my dad's photo ..."1)ask my dad to wait, after she was her face, she will prepare breakfast for him", 2) scold my dad via photo..."sit down there no need to do anything then got food to eat ah!" 3) mom will say ..."dad keep staring at her!" However, eventually she is back in her "lalaland". I have managed to book a fairly good price air ticket from SQ at $1040 cos subsequently the ticket price went up to $1270. The lodging, food, bus & train tickets and expenses add up to estimate $3500. Actually, when I unpack I feel I did not buy much. Went to my favourite places in Kyoto...Nishiki market, the Loft & Isetan. Went to new places like Takashimaya & Aeon. Sightseeing places include the Golden Palace & Fox temple. Had very nice veg, prawn & crab tempura, very nice soba nearby Fox temple,crab feast nearby Nishiki market, desserts. Stayed in Almont hotel- not too bad for the price, 10mins walking distance from Kyoto station & we stayed at Tamahan Inn 2D1N @$300 with Dinner & breakfast included! The dinner was nice, my favourite dish would be Brinjal with rice...I ate 2bowls! The Tamahan traditional house stay is once in a lifetime expensive experience. Total estimated spend: $3500!

5D4N holiday has ended, now I feel sad! Going back to work reality facing the challenges. I need to wear shields to prevent any arrows. Already one arrow flying towards me when I go back tml.

Looking forward to my next leave to escape from work & stress.

Monday, June 30, 2014

Another change!

Yes...yup...I did...I am the new HF nurse joining the team on 16.6.2014. Within a year, I have change my Job role twice. I have been to CTSICU from 27.1.14- 15.6.2014, I like it there cos I have learned new things & made new friends but opportunity came & I took it. Ya...I have to been to another unknown world to explore if I could survive anot. I am not a quick learner & I am abit lazy. Yes, I have got a good preceptor & 2familiar colleague & a soft spoken supervisor. My preceptor printed all the necessary reading materials, polices & procedure, teaching materials, going through the work flow with me. However, within a small department there is still politics. I can feel ARROWS aiming at my chest & peanut brain after attending the 1st NSCU meeting. Pay minus $350 next month. Sometimes, I wonder if I have made the right choice? I cannot request my off days on weekdays. But I get to off  weekends off except that I have to work one saturday every month. I work 8-5pm every day except 8-6pm for 3Mondays every month. I cannot meet my friends who worked 7-4pm. But I have regular working hours & my bowel movement is now regular...I have to go every got feel le but got traffic jam. Damn! Of course, I learned new things at this new department medications, presentation of case to Dr...haiz...Dr Sim pulled my right ears infront of so many ppl because I have inform him late for one of the case that I missed. Attended CCP meeting, self introduced myself with name is Bee Hwa...then can't remember what I say le. My supervisor & Boss Sim add on. Hope for the best.

D&D on 22.6.14...The theme is cross cultural...I have attempted to loan Myammar clothes from Khine but I have very poor judgement. Khine is only 40kg & I am could I fit her clothes? Crazy me but luckily managed to loan from Mya. Ya...I am late for the event again as usual despite I am off. Yes, I am sad but nothing can be done. It was a boring night for me. After the event, we fetched Anne for a impromptu supper cos dinner was not that nice. We ate ice-cream prata, chicken wing & tea. Almost got fined by LTA but luckily Anne was quick to inform us.

Finally booked my SQ flight tickets @ $1040. Luckily cos now left with $1270. I can use the $ that I saved to buy more cute stuffs. LOL...Looking forward but at the same time worried about my mom, hope everything goes well. In one weeks time...I am flying alone to Osaka to meet Ms Pro & Walla to go to Kyoto. Hope they like Kyoto like me.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Move on!

Went to cat café to relax. I am quite lucky some cats were not sleeping when we went over & I get  to play catching with Jia Jia with the café assistant's help. Ate cheesecake, drink Root beer, bought a Apron @ $25 & a Skittles pin @ $13. See again soon..... :)

Things need to be done or buy:

1) Hair cut for Mom & myself
2) Manicure & Pedicure
3) Facial
4) Threading elbow
5) Oral debate practice on 27/5 @ 4.30-5pm @ Curtin school
6) Debate on 28/5 @9-11am
7) e-Test on Nursing management on 6/6/14
8) Tidy home
9) Iron work clothes
10) Get items: (IKEA 4-6boxes), (Daiso boxes, laundry bag without holes, tidy bags), (5new chairs from Giant), shower gel big & small, table for living room.
11) Watch movieS
12) Go beach for walk walk & cycling
13) Mum's appointment
14) Update passbook
15) Look out for SQ air-tickets to Osaka
16) Get for myself: A top & a long dress, a pair of sport shoe, belt, & buy yummiest snacks & food.
17) Transfer $ to Jessie, pay Bills
19) Apply for MC, AL & compassionate leave & submit medical claim
20) Help brother to register the house under his name & mom's name

That's all for now! Will add on MORE!

Final distination

Dad was admitted to NUH since 1/5/14 for COPD. He stayed in the HD for a few days, can see that his condition is deteriorating & worse than his last admission in Feb this year. He is weaker, frail and he is unable to perform some ADLs. The DEM Dr & inpatient ward Dr has been updating us periodically about dad's condition & possible demise within 3months. We all are of course sad to know this. Mom is also not well due to flu & cough. The worse thing is she is also unable to perform her daily ADLs such as bathing & eating. She could not walk that far & she is tired out easily. We went to d hospital to visit dad whenever we can but it is too tiring. Mom could not stay still for long  & she needs to nap on & off. And dad hopes we can stay as long as possible which is possible at times. I feel bad but this is what I could do within my limits. Sometimes, I feel like I exhausted, all alone & too stressed out.

On 17/5/14, Dr Lawrence who is the usual Dr who updates me regarding my dad's condition called me & told me dad's condition is worsen overnight. He asked me to gather all the relatives to visit my dad. I called my brother & 3rd uncle & told them about it. I missed my management tutorial class & went to NUH with mom. I could sense that dad is fighting his last battle. My 3rd uncle called me & came to visit dad after he learned about his condition. We talked to my dad who is drowsy, unresponsive to call & not opening his eyes to call. I played some oldies song for dad to listen and told him to follow the light if he sees it. He had already suffered so much. I feel he is still very worried about his only son; my brother & my mom. I told mom to tell dad that she already bought 4D numbers that he asked her to buy. Mom tries to wake up dad & asked me why dad did not wake up upon calling, I told her that dad is asleep.

I stayed overnight to keep my dad company. He was febrile & cold compressed was applied. He is on Subcutaneous morphine every 6hours. His heart rate is high, rate of 130bpm, saturation maintained 100% and he is on NBM. I dozed off on and off & wakes up to change his cold compress. His heart rate & SPO2 gradually dropped. Eventually, at 5.30am, I can sensed that he is leaving, I held his hand & told him that brother will take care of mum. I told him to follow the light & go peacefully. He passed away on 18/5/14 @ 0604hrs. He looked peaceful at that moment. When he passed away, I called my brother to inform him & I told my mum that dad has passed away. My mom cried, it's heart-breaking. Then I called my 3rd uncle & husband. I could not speak properly when I called then, it feels like I am choking with my own saliva. I glad my brother, 3rd uncle & husband came down after I have called them. I thought I am prepared for this situation long ago but I am not. It is a relived for dad because there is no more sufferings but I am regret that certain things I have not done for him. For example, bring him to see the Panda; Jia Jia & Kai Kai, talked to him & many others. The casket uncle came down to help us arrange everything. Most of the decision is done my 3rd uncle & brother. When my 3rd uncle asked me if I have $, I say Yes but when he told me, the who funeral may cost 15-20plus thousand, I was in shock. I suddenly was awake & I walked to the casket uncle & told him what I have. He told me it is about 15K.

We went to claim dad's body then change the final death cert for dad at NPC BKP while brother & 3rd uncle go home to prepare the rest. I called town council to apply for permit to use the void deck for the wake for 5days. My 4th uncle also came down to help with the wake preparation. When everything is done, dad is back from embalming & we started to pray. I cried during the process, especially when the casket uncle asked us to say, "you raised me up & I will take care of you when you are old." Gradually, the wake setup is done & my uncle & aunties came. The collection of white gold starts & I hold the key of the safe box.

It is not easy for me as a eldest daughter, I got to keep all the white gold & making sure the amount is correct & safe. There is so many opinions from the uncles & aunties, I don't know whose advice to take. I just keep quiet nodded & answer PRN. The uncle who arrange the purchase of dad's Condo came & my 3rd & 4th uncle say, I don't need to go to chose the condo. I am abit upset, why? Just because I am daughter? My brother will chose but at least I should see where is the condo location. I told my 3rd uncle, the condo uncle says need to pay NETS & brother doesn't have the NETS card therefore I need to go but he doesn't believe me. I just keep quiet then I told him to ask the condo uncle if pay cash then I will pass the $ to brother & I don't go. The condo uncle told my 3rd uncle that need to pay by NETS then I was allowed to go. Just don't understand their thinking. Daughter is also my dad's child, it is just that I am a female!

After  have paid for everything, the balance $ was deposited accordingly. Husband was right, should write all the expenses down, because my brother &  relative will read through.

All this upsets me but I am blessed with a husband who is always there for me, endure for me & advice me. He comes every evening to help me, even though sometimes there are not so nice comments from my uncles & aunties, he just swallowed everything down for me. Feels heart ache sometimes to see that. THANK YOU. I am really happy, no matter what others say, YOU always there for me. I always showed him all my monkey faces, probably it is a way that I vent out.

For the past 5days 4nights, I slept for about 3-4hours.
Strange things happened to me..
1) saw a greyish cat outside our house, she stared at me & I looked at her & then she ran away.
2) saw a moth/ butterfly outside our house & it fly away when I came back home.
3) the greyish cat came into our house on Fri night while brother was watching soccer, I heard my brother scream & I thought he screamed "GOAL" & I came out to check & he told there is a cat ran into our house. I did not believe him at first, both of us is so timid & we called our bold mom to settle. I followed behind mom to get the cat out of our house.
4) Saw a moth at the lift area.
5) Dropped & broke my moisturizer & lost my SK eye cream. Heart ache but luckily left minimum amount.

I am just TIRED after the whole event. I woke up with my leg cramped & painful on Fri.

24/5/14; my 3rd uncle came over to tell my brother to go housing board with my mom to register the house under his name. That's my dad's wish when he is alive. So I told my brother that all the PUB, TOWN COUNCIL bills to change under his name. I probably help to pay for PUB bills & ask brother to pay for town council. Gradually hand over the responsibilities to brother. My mom, I will continue to take care, bring her for Dr's follow up.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Clone me!!

I wish I could have a clone me! She will stay at home to take care of my parents while I am at work or overseas or whenever I am not at home. Today Lawrence aka senior counsellor came to our house to asess my family situation, plan advanced care for dad & render necessary assistance. He will need to assess our financial status through means test & then apply funds to help us. Even though it's our 1st meeting, I provided him almost all the information he needed. My tears glands is in active mode & I feel EMO contributed by my pre-period symptoms. But I managed to hold it back! I told him " there is this much that I could do!" I feel helpless, not being able to do more for my parents & for myself. I am worried about mental status, I am worried that I will go crazy one day. Everything is embedded inside my heart. I have got assignments and presentations that I have not finished but the deadline is NEAR! I have got an important interview on coming Wed. I wish I could have another me to finish my job!

My second night, Acting NC Shanta was assigned to guide me! Didn't like but okay, done!

Sister Yeoh asked me why sisters never off my night since I start my night on sat & I don't like working night shift! I told her I don't know, they did not call me. It's not up to me right. Why I feel hateful about her remarks. Whatever la!

Last night, need alot alot sleeping time cos I am tired BUT I have alot of things not completed! HELP please!!

Sunday, April 20, 2014

Meow on a Sunday afternoon

Lovely Sunday Deeto with Hubby @ Neko No Niwa Cat Café :)
I can't remember all their names except for those that I like! Hee.. MIA Meow pics are Emma, Brown Monkey...Looking forward to see U all again!
Thank U hubby for the pleasant surprise today!
My silly Qn was: R they real till I saw them moving :):):) tsk tsk tsk
Oh ya, their chocolate banana was awesome, I want to try their lemon tart next time!
Mr White & Kai Kai



Sunday, April 13, 2014

hi Murphy╮(╯_╰)╭

Ytd, my shift ends with a sweet & surprise MSG from my chubby hubby..."Decided to send my pick up my wifey. Call me when u done"... I was happy & didn't interpret too much about d surprise msg... after I've change my clothes, after I left d Ward, I was jumping & jumping like a little rabbit! But actually hubby was thinking 10steps ahead...I was sad to see his disappointed facial expression. I rather he don't come n pick me up & I go back myself via 190. My answer was I can't because I've some plan today. I asked him y can't he just 糊里糊涂过一天?I always 糊里糊涂过一天,有得吃就吃、有得睡就睡 silly silly day by day...hahaa... I guess that's my motto! I can't predict when I'll omitoufu, just do what I can...plan already can't fulfil then also OMG! ME full of Excuses la! Chubby hubby, I take back my words, pls do not follow my silly thinking! Babymonmon blog is a interesting communication channel that BTW u & me. Do I've plans? I do...but no definite schedules! Lol! My only wishes for chubby hubby... be healthy, be happy & sayang me many many! Hahhaa... that's all for now!

Saturday, April 5, 2014


I'm IC aka in-charge in CTSICU for the 1st time, guided by Agnes. She is a very senior RN in CTSICU, she is nice, friendly & willing to teach. many things to count...headache...

The customer available is 3!! Good cos I can count my items gradually, understand the work flow. Not sure if they will assigned me to Do this again tml another!

Friday, April 4, 2014


I have watched the movie Captain America twice at Golden Village but it's a totally different experience.
30/3/14: watched with hubby at Great World & it's Gold Class. Of course, the price is also gold class. Food is separate payment. We ordered ice-lemon tea & nachos with sala and cheese dip for $17.60!! Rating: overall experience is 3.5/5...marks deducted because we are being welcomed by staff, they were busy attenting to others need, we have ordered the snacks, payment was also late. Both of us was allocated first row but it's still fine. We sat at "Osim" chair, blanket provided.

3/4/14: It's treat from Ting Ting! This time is at DG. It was still a nice movie. Watching it again but it's a different feel...most of us are from Curtin students.

Thursday, April 3, 2014

It's my LIFE!

CTSICU exposure!
I have been in CTSICU for about 2months already! So fast! Common Qns from the crowds are: Do u like CTSICU? Do you want to stay here? Did you chose to come here? How long will you be here? Any difference from CCU? More things that in CCU to learn? Ah! U SSN(clinical) already? I thought you are a newly graduated SN attached to CTSICU...not one staff but a few asked me! Have you studied your advanced diploma? Sometimes, my silly but abit clever brain asked me if I should answer them truthfully or with reserve because I don't know them, not sure if they are good or bad?! Some questions .....I've forgotten already! Shall update when they ask me again! I like my preceptor because she is nice, not so fierce and very pleasant person...of course I do feel pressurised at times because there are so many things that I do not know. Now, I've get use to most of the routines but not all the RNs. Well, I give myself 2years to stay in CTSICU to learn most of their stuffs. I like to do dressing. I know more about chest tube, not so fearful about it. But there are also evil people la that wants to make my life unpleasant! Hate it! So stay away from me...evil forces.

Opportunity has come to knock on my door! One day...
Marilyn asked me via sms if I'm interested to join HF team for office hour anot!? I was abit tempted because I have plan to do office hour and maybe specialty. I have no special talents, not clever, not a management person. But so many Questions & uncertainty in my mind. My salary will be lesser...because no ward allowance, no meal allowance, no night shift allowance...$ is very important for me due to my current situations. Can I manage the work flow? Am I up to my boss's standards? Will CTSICU or management allow me to be transferred? My degree is still in progrwas and can they accommodate my schedule? Stressed again! On the good HF, got Marilyn & Symsul to guide me about the work flow. I work office hours, one saturday per month, off on PH. See what's the outcome & I update again. Everything is not confirmed so...I will keep my mouth SHUT to prevent rumors from killing me softly. 

I believe ..."everything happens for a reason!" Hope for best outcome for me! 

Too STRESSED or too HOT?!
Last night, I woke up suddenly because I got nose bleed for no reason! Got a shock but I manage it calmly and it stopped eventually and I slept again. I woke up 1hr 30mins later to prepare to go to work. Now I'm also having auntie visit...losing alot blood le! What if one day I just died in my dream? I have so many things I have done or say yet! My husband had been too buat & stressed with work & he doesn't share much of his matters or worries with me.....Am I complaining? Yes, I'm, I feel I'm like nOt his best buddies, best friend, best wife...share with more, look at ur Hp less for an half an hour is good enough. Okay, treasurethe possible talk time with before it's too late!

Dad....Pallative care....
I wonder sometimes if my dad understands his condition anot? Everyone dies one's hard for him because his son is not married, no wife, no to die in peace? I feel so evil n ruthless to tell him we can't live forever, it's not our choice to die on which day & how? His lungs functions left 30% or less and he is waiting for time. Sad but how? Sometimes, I feel useless, bad , evil but then how? I also want to live my life sometimes to enjoy myself! Take one step at a time la! Nobody can help me. Just hope I can cope ......just cry if needed! hahahaa...or just eat....or just run away....

Sunday, February 16, 2014

2014- 1st AL slot!

2RD+5AL+2DO= 9days away from work!

Overall, I enjoyed myself & it's quite packed with activities!

9/2: Go "Xiao Hu Zi" Dr's hse for CNY celebration.

10-12/2: Phuket mini-honeymoon cum pre-Valentine's day celebration(in my heart!) We r so lucky, we got upgrAde for free to Villa :) with personal pool! I'm loving it to the MAX! Husband planned a whole day activities with a 9hrs employed personal driver! Of cos, my cute husband bought a show package with him for 5000baht! The lunch was yummy though a little bit spicy, husband ordered coconut(my fav drink in Phuket!). Well, dinner is average only but the ambience is so cooling. It's not that worth cos the food average, lobster was like under-cooked, so many young & adult sales persons asking us to BUY items when we are struggling to eat the food under super strong wind! Luckily, the not so romatic dinner ended with a spectacular fireworks; my husband's fav! I was scared! 

The main reasons husband booked Renaissance Phuket Resort & Spa because of their wide-spread breakfast buffet & it's away from the busy city. Their breakfast buffet is yummy that the dinner that I had on my 1st night. I like the yummy toast, freshly squeeze fruit juice, pastries etc... Husband enjoyed our personal "swimming pool"...hahaaa... We went to the resort windy & nice views! We had a 30mins massage at the beach hut! Of course, husband Zzzzz during the process! LOL!!! We had another yummy coconut drink :)  At night, we went to Fantasea for buffet (the thought of it, I feel like N/V), some shopping & show (it's good at certain pArts but some pArts...I almost dozed off!) I was like a SICK monkey after the show & toilet was my BFF at night! Sweet husband give me medicine.

Of cos, 3rd day...I missed the yummiest B/F! Sad! Home Sweet Home!

13/2: R&R

14/2: Pray Pray! Go Practice with partner for 15/2's HA test. 
Of cos, Husband pick me up for Dinner! Rose & Owl neckacles but abit heavy for my frail neck! Hahaaa.....

15/2: HA exam! Finally PASS & it's DONE! Totally relieved! 

16/2: Last day of AL.....R&R!

Hihi.....CTSICU.....sorry.... I'm coming back! 
Silly monkey... JIA YOU ah! Aim to be a efficient No.2 in 2weeks time then aim No.1!

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Finally, CTSICU!

Yes! Finally I'm posted to CTSICU for real! June 2013, higher management suddenly want to start job rotation & e everyone is sadden by the news! Brave or crazy Monkey volunteered herself! I wonder if she has considered it for real or sacrifice herself so that her other colleagues no need to go? Probably, she just want a change of environment cause she is stagnate at her usual comfort zone for 9years? It was being postponed til the higher management confirms it in October! Initially, she & one more colleague "Z"  supposed to go 2/12/13 but due to technical problem...Monkey is delayed til 27/1/14!

Monkey is obviously scared cos she knows her standards, limited amount of brain cells, poor PR skills, timid "cat", worry alot etc! Having Snr, some more clinical name tag, ppl has so much higher expectations! People tends to compare Monkey & "Z" performance.

Monkey's roster is super 3days them off 4days due to CNY. However, she didn't have much luck as predicted by her Zodiac. The following week, monkey worked for 5days then she is off 4days & 5days AL! Being thrown alone one day to do SSRR due to less manpower so, monkey have to do it cos it's her assignment & the best thing, they assigned another staff who doesn't know the JD! Ok, then don't blame me if I made alot of mistakes cos I never do it alone before! hahaaa...And they also me to be number 2 for a room! I feel very bad towards the SSN M because I didn't manage to help him. instead, create some mafan for him. He can't scold me cos he understands my situation. Poor thing. PM IC SSRR was a SEN/PEN... she wasn't happy with my performance. So she helped me tell sister, how can put me alone with someone is of same standard as me. So next day, SEN/PEN was tagged with me n I was supposed to it alone under supervision! I manage to get a pass. And the next next day, I was tag with another EN (better wavelength) & I feel more confident & better understand the Job scope of SSRR! Thanks!

Manage to learn abit of Number 2 job scope cos they soon will assign me to be one! Luckily, manage to be assigned to SSN P & SN A who help me to have a better understanding of the work flow of number 2! Number 2 must always stand on Left side of the patient!!! Don't like, we work as a team, WHY must set this kind of rule? I'm very lucky to get a Very Nice Preceptor who is most popular in CTSICU!

I realised that people always say bad mouth someone else behind their back,esp their NC! For eg. SNM also don't what happen in CTSICU, promoted(SSN-> NC) then forget to put themselves in the ground level's shoe, hugging FAME & AUTHORITY etc!!! Actually, we do it everyday! Hahaaa.... I willjust work then go home, avoid this evil teachings to influenced me. My ex-SNM say...learn all the good thing, don't learn the bad things. 

Everyday, the most common QUESTIONs that I get from my new colleagues is "Why U want to come to CTSICU? U chose or Management? How long is ur job rotation? 1year? or longer? I am not sure whether my answer is  politically correct anot: job rotation so I come! Just leave me alone! What do think of CTSICU? Very different from CCU hor? More fast pace? More line? More complicated? .....................Don't ask me compare now cos I just work 8days! 

After I have worked for 8days in CTSICU, I give myself a new nice name.....beep...beep...beep...road-block IBH!! Jia you!! Another 351days to one year! Who know? I like the place & decide to stay for good!

Don't know who is good or BAD colleagues! Don't know who I can trust or talk to? Don't who is a bad stabber or wearing fake mask? Shall observe & keep low profile n don't step on people's tail! How to cos I have limited brainy brain cells! LOL! Fighting!!!!!!