Sunday, August 31, 2014

The battle begins in 1st September 2014

SCC is going to be officially stated on 1st September 2014! Oh yes! I have accepted my sealed fate. Can't be bothered to fight with the C M! Another meeting on Thursday to update us on their evil plots to tie us down with bond 1 year! My husband say there is no bond for in house course but they are super C to come up with this idea! In total I will be working there for another 3years. To be optimistic...I say it is a "metal rice bowl" for 3 years unless a dummy buy over my bond! 

September & November:- Mon- Fri: 8-5.3pm

Sat-Sun, PH: OFF 

October & December:- one afternoon shift per week but allowance $ give. 

I think the TOP management is the ultimate people who can play with your mind, can convince or confuse u when they have already set a goal to achieve. Like me, a silly sweet potato head sure will be eaten even with the skin on. I will have to work harder to survive through this course. Do not set too high expectations or pin high hopes on me cos u r going to be disappointed. 

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