Monday, September 8, 2014

Feeling EMO😣

These few days, I am feeling EMO!!! There is no fixed reasons, a lot of things happening that lead me to this state. Started my CC on 1 September & I am stressed yet relax as in didn't really revise & understand what I have learned during my 1st week. Saturday & Sunday...I was practically dreaming of not so nice things :( for example- dreamt LC so fierce; I guess I am scares of LC's mom or because I am too slack & didn't do housework.
LC say dreamers are insecure soul. I guess he is right. I am insecure person. During day time, I worry about small little things, cares too much how people see & comment about me. How to overcome my this silly troubling & stressful thoughts? I think it's unhealthy over a long period of time.

Had a nice Saturday date with LC,  went TCC to enjoy September 50% treat, it was great, love the soup & lobster salad, the best part is I paid half price!  Shiok!  After that,  greedy us, bought nachos set with additional cheese & potato chips. We watch "Lucy" but I don't understand the movie. Sunday, explore punggol beach...enjoy Thai food but it was not as fantastic as I imagine. Think Toa Payoh Thai food is more nicer & worth the price.

A surprise proposal raised by LC. He said...We may plan for a kid next year end! I was happy to hear that. Man hope to achieve a successful career. Woman hope to hope a kid of her own (it is a career for a woman). LC doesn't seems to favor for a kid but for my sake, he say can consider...Thank you! I want to be a super mom!

Today, me & Anne went to visit a SEN "H" who was diagnosed with a renal Ca. She was a very kind-hearted, motherly & approachable staff who helps me a lot when I was in CTSICU.She always called me "ah Hwa" like what my mom calls me at home. She looks so weak, on Fentanyl 3mls/hr, frail & makes me feel sad. My tears is like at my corner of my eyes, controlled. It reminds me of my dad...Pa...I missed u. Hope u are well & happier now. The day before he deteriorate, he was talking to us. I haven say thank you & sorry to him. I made some cranes for SEN "H" & I pray to god, please do not let her suffer so much & hope she get well soon. I remembered she made the best home made Rojak,  she will ask me to eat.

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