Tuesday, July 22, 2014


I am pampered like a princess by my husband!! Thank you. More to come?

Received a special flower & bear gift from Husband on 17.7.14! I love it, feel like a pampered Princess. I can't remember when is the last time I receive flowers from him le! I took pictures of the flower & bear BUT sob sob...I forget to take me & the flower & bear la! However, flowers cannot live that long. I saved the bear & now she is my new friend; I named her "Beary". She will take bus with me, go work & shopping with me & be my imaginary friend. Husband...i can't wait to introduce u my new imaginary friend.

I feel LOVED esp this period when I am stressed with my new job scope as evidence by increased number of white hair & appetite.  I feel fortunate to be LOVED esp when I heard unhappy marriage from a friend. In the eyes of Singapore Law, we have been husband & wife for 7 years 8 months...coming to 8 years...For real? In the TV drama shows & there is asa saying that when your marriage reached 7 years, the couple is in danger for extra marital affairs. Hope we remained Mr & Mrs Lim for a thousand years...is that too long for u husband...asking u 10000 of silly why questions,  irritate u, ask for silly request.

I am weird...yes...imaginary friends...yes...I have alot! Why? The reasons are simple...In real life...I have very few friends, my imaginary friends wouldn't find me boring, silly, wouldn't say they don't like me, will endure all my torture but won't leave me, I am the most clever one among my imaginary friends, I am not brainless, or stupid to be with, I will not worry that they will hurt me, shoot me with arrows etc! Thank you all for being my most royal imaginary friends & not forgetting to thank my husband for buying them.

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