Sunday, July 27, 2014

I thought, U think, WHO confirm?

I thought U think WHO confirm ah?

Hear no Evil, See no Evil & Speak no Evil!

Ask when u r unsure, don't assume!

So sad...long weekend is ah...what ah? It is suppose to be a long weekend?! Unfortunately, time passed too quickly! Seems like I wasted my long weekend doing nothing! So sad! Plans did not fulfilled! Short-term last min plan is tailgated by Mr Murphy Law! Ms Upset came to visit me! Mr Grumpy came along empty handed. Madam Craving not satisfied. Mr Handful & Mrs Hug missed the party. Baby Regret sobbing sadly. Mr Chiongster jio me out but Ms whatever stopped me from going out to roam around & enjoy the starry starry night. Health minister asked me to study hard to get another cert that concerns my future working life. Bitter bug asked me to take to him to be sweet honey stars but I refused to talk! Quiet Beez buzzed her thoughts.

Just send some of my uninvited imaginary friends home or abroad!

Bee mindful adviced me not to make promise to others if I can't do the same to others.

Yes, yes, I noted already.

It is just another day, boring day, alone without warm hands and cold thought is ok!

Mutual agreement through communications is very very important. It make sense to me & brain washing with FAB detergent in progress, will be ready in the preset timing. Can't have the cake and eat it. Be carefully what u wished for. Not everyone is that lucky. I am already a lucky weirdo monkey!

Dear reader, please do not take my blog seriously cause it is the most random thoughts right now! I change every seconds, every minute, every hour!

Time to look for one of my love & hate friend...Byezz everyone. Cya soon cause I think five steps behind the clock! I don't talk sense cos I am not a thinker!

Enough of FON speech!

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