Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Candy Crush👅

Life is like Candy Crush game!!!

In candy crush, the basic icons are green squares, yellow lemon, red kidney bean & blue spaceship. U might get different boosters to help u to win the game if u have the right strategies. It is like if u met a 贵人 @ the right timing...u get to win the game with high scores & move on to the next stage. At work if u have the right steps, u will be promoted fast. If u r like me, no ambitions, not brainy & just want to bluff through every month to get the fixed salary then u have 2 route- be mouldy or blacklisted. Even if I have failed for the 1st time, u can wait try again for another 4 times but if u still failed to win then u will need to wait patiently for next chance. During the game, u got to decide the moves that aids u to win the game, the right combo get u a bonus powerful candy. During work, if u have the right working partners, supervisors then u will higher chance to succeed. But evil people got evil plots to win the game with evil moves. Those silly silly 🙊 will be their pawn to sacrifice for them in order to let them win the game. In life, there are many stages that we have to go through, some easy & some difficult. Some stages, others just win it with one try, some takes a few hour & even few days to complete it. But when u are tired of clearing the stages...u will just ignore the game or sometimes delete the game either forever or download again to try again. Some might just keep trying til they clear the stage n move on.What about U?

Me? Sometimes, I want to clear the stage with determination, I will wait for the next possible chance to try again. Sometimes, I just don't care. Sometimes, I'm just bored. Sometimes, I just hate it. Sometimes, I just missed the chance of clearing the stage by one move.

Now, I was being assigned to go for a course that I didn't sign up for, why bully 🙊🙉🙈? I didn't have a definite answer if I could go back to HF after the course. I just started like in June & I began to have more interest in this subject & send me away & no promise that I will go back to the department. Then in the first place, don't like me go over. I've been leading a stressful life from 16 June til current...dreamt of missing out my work, gana scolding, when I was more adapt to their tempo, I got to move again.

Not sure if Pink is a trustworthy person anot, from what I observe & heard about her. She seems to be a 不简单的人, 假假对你好, only do things that benefit her only. Maybe she don't like me as her subordinate. I don't know. PINK called me ytd & told me that I got in the course??? What??? I replied her...i didn't apply. Then she twisted her words & say the TOP nominated me to go!!! At least ask me if I'm interested anot 1st la! Listen to ur staff view is also an important factor to make staff respect, happy with their organisation & retain staff & seek for a loyalty staff. When asked if I will go back HF? She say she don't know?!! Okay la...u also small fry even though u r promoted to Senior NC. I would not think that way if i never hear stories about u. There was a SRN working in this department b4 me, is being get rid by PINK by saying TOP say she can't take her. The staff is more hardworking than me lei! Whatever la! if they want me to die, I die for a year to clear my bond then plan for the next stage.

This year, I've like change many jobs: CCU-> CTSICU-> HF-> next possible would be Cardiac nurse speciality course for 4 months-> ???

The course: I will bluff another cert lor! Gain more knowledge. No bond. Full time. Attachment. Sub speciality. But I only learn about other systems but additional workload. They probably didn't see my Degree results before deciding to let me join in the course...hahaha...

Maybe the course is not as bad as I think n I might find another interest area. The office table is not meant for me.

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