Tuesday, July 22, 2014


Good night everyone, I am NSCU-HF nurse aka bog spec not so pretty/confident & clumsy Monkey Tan. I have worked in this department for about a month excluding my 1week leave. Before I officially become this department Staff, I was not confident that I am suitable for this job. I feel I was troublesome, do not know my job scope well & always need help. I hold to do my best in 3months time.

1) Able to screen without any assistance
2) Able to present c/s w/o shuttering
3) Able to do HFE w/o any trouble
4) Ans HF HP w/o problem
5) Able to do Clinic work smoothly

By 2nd week of August.

Timing wise... I feel time is not enough. I have many things need to do, feel like doing & want to do.

I am not sure if I am in the right Job Scope anot? Already my 3rd rotation already! Shall give myself more time. Jia You!

Blog again next time. Time for bed cause tml is another course day & a happy day!

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