Saturday, October 11, 2014

I am demanding!

Hello my secret blog fan or rather my admirer.....

Thank you for your support all these year. I hope u enjoy my blog contents. If u have any suggestions or feedback on the content or blog topics, do feel free to email my secretary Ms Babymonmon, she will be more than happy to assist you. Being my only Fans, u have the privilege to get my most updated blog.

Through this blog, I can express my thoughts, feelings, events or things that I cannot share with my few friends available & let u understand me more.

Sometimes, somethings I do not know how to tell or express myself so through this channel, I wish to let u know my concerns.

I am a typical demanding wife but I am not controlling your life. I am not prepared to change LC for now so I wish u can be healthy & happy. Hang on,don't go away...please take 5mins to read on...

One day, I came home to change unitentionally, I saw a cigarette floating in our toilet bowl & of course I wasn't quite happy but at the same time sad. I guess u are so stressed & u wanted to destress by smoking! Do u remember when u started smoking? Do u remember how u feel when u 1st started smoking? Is it a habit? Is it an excuse? Is it an addiction? Is this temporary or r u social smoker? I hope u could share or talk to me. People might say, tell u also u don't know one la! Y waste my breath? Why make my spouse worry about my problems.

Question: What is the difference between a friend, a wife or a enemy? How would u feel if one day before I die, I say this to U...I wish I could know more & share not only ur happiness but ur concerns too. Yup, like the TV drama...I would say.. I am leaving this world without understand my closest love one thoughts, feeling, needs, wants, problem etc... Sharing only your happy events or thoughts & not able to share yr my personal opinion...To u, I am just ur best friend, not wife. A relationship builds up over time with trust, rapport & communication, the least secret(s) to keep. Yr monkey will feels that she is the most VIP(very important Piglet). If we could only share happiness, I am a mistress to u. Probably, traditionally, I am not yr wifey BUT under Singapore Law, I am legally ur wife! I too naggy?

My point is hello...I am your MW aka Monkey Wifey, would like to be ur 1st class wifey who not only can share your happiness but yr troubles. I do not want to get depressed over guessing game.

Please make an appointment with my secretary;Babymonmon to date me to clarify any doubts. I hope u could understand that U mean so much to me otherwise I will just slowly disappear from yr view without letting u know how I feel.

Bel is the best example of my scenario, now not only Bel is suffering, the husband & the kids are affected. If there is communications.When things are bottle up & filled to the max, the bottle exploded. How to fix it back? Even after fixing it, there is some scars on the bottle. We do not have a time machine like Doreamon, if not I wish to turn time back.

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