Monday, April 28, 2014

Clone me!!

I wish I could have a clone me! She will stay at home to take care of my parents while I am at work or overseas or whenever I am not at home. Today Lawrence aka senior counsellor came to our house to asess my family situation, plan advanced care for dad & render necessary assistance. He will need to assess our financial status through means test & then apply funds to help us. Even though it's our 1st meeting, I provided him almost all the information he needed. My tears glands is in active mode & I feel EMO contributed by my pre-period symptoms. But I managed to hold it back! I told him " there is this much that I could do!" I feel helpless, not being able to do more for my parents & for myself. I am worried about mental status, I am worried that I will go crazy one day. Everything is embedded inside my heart. I have got assignments and presentations that I have not finished but the deadline is NEAR! I have got an important interview on coming Wed. I wish I could have another me to finish my job!

My second night, Acting NC Shanta was assigned to guide me! Didn't like but okay, done!

Sister Yeoh asked me why sisters never off my night since I start my night on sat & I don't like working night shift! I told her I don't know, they did not call me. It's not up to me right. Why I feel hateful about her remarks. Whatever la!

Last night, need alot alot sleeping time cos I am tired BUT I have alot of things not completed! HELP please!!

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