Wednesday, September 10, 2014


I am definitely a dreamer. Every time, everyday without fail, I dreamt of something be it usual or unusual stuffs. Last night, I dreamt that I realise I have to attend my graduation but I forgot to take my regalia from Curtin before the ceremony. Yaya. ..I am having my graduation on 29th September 2014, a few weeks from now. Ah Fong haven give us a definite answer as in whether we can apply for a 1 day leave or half day leave. Everything seems like my motto of day by day without a specific plans. Almost everyday, my classmates will ask the speaker about what are we going to become when we finish this course. ..knock knock...gals...Our fate is sealed...on 1st September 2014. Now what we should do is look ahead & walk straight. ..alternative route is not available currently.

I always loved to tease my cute hubby...I want a kid...He will be like ...har! Hard to cope lei! I already got one baby monkey wifey. Another monkey?! His facial expressions is hilarious! !!Too bad I can't insert line's character. ..If not u will laugh til u roll on the floor. How are we going to cope with the kid...We need a lot of money, no shopping,  time, energy & the most importantly is the logistics problem!!! Well, hubby do not worry so much...not yet! Enjoy your games 1st. If I have a kid...There are a few things or many things I want to do with my kid. During pregnancy, a diary to keep track on the whole experience of becoming a mummy,  create a scape book for my baby with the scan pictures, record my weight, my photos, have a photography session with my baby. Whether baby gal or boy...It doesn't matter, as long as healthy will be the most important. Of course, after giving birth, thank our parents for having us despite the scary, painful process. Everyday, their growing up process I must be involve. Sleep late & wake up early. The crying, the poo & other little things that drive u crazy. I must be prepared that hubby might not be able to take it, I must be prepared to be a married single mummy. I want to bring my kid to many places, do little things together, loves him or her with my whole heart, go swimming , playground, library, art activities, listen to music together, bed time stories, cook some yummiest food etc... I need to be more hardworking & train myself not to be a lazy piglet. Will update if I think of something. Not forgetting to sayang my cute hubby at the same time. I loved to tease my hubby...loved his expressions...

Okay,  everyday I have lotsa information to absorb but it doesn't seems to be able to store them all in my brain. Whenever I want to revise, I fall asleep in less than 10mins. What am I going to do? Byee. ..I am reaching my in house school...another long day.

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