Friday, April 4, 2014


I have watched the movie Captain America twice at Golden Village but it's a totally different experience.
30/3/14: watched with hubby at Great World & it's Gold Class. Of course, the price is also gold class. Food is separate payment. We ordered ice-lemon tea & nachos with sala and cheese dip for $17.60!! Rating: overall experience is 3.5/5...marks deducted because we are being welcomed by staff, they were busy attenting to others need, we have ordered the snacks, payment was also late. Both of us was allocated first row but it's still fine. We sat at "Osim" chair, blanket provided.

3/4/14: It's treat from Ting Ting! This time is at DG. It was still a nice movie. Watching it again but it's a different feel...most of us are from Curtin students.

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