Sunday, July 27, 2014

Daily life!

Can u think of a good reason to be angry after u have heard of so many unfortunate airplane crash? Be happy, do whatever u want to do! Forgive & forget whoever have bullied u! Eat whatever u want to eat & forget about dieting! Do ur best in ur job! Love the ones who mean the most & care most! My possible days that is left to live in this world is unpredicatable. Of cos I am fearful when the day comes. 

Last night, I woke up suddenly thinking of work then I can't sleep after til I dozed off in bed. Am I giving myself too much Unnessary stress? In this new job, I am a visible staff. In my previous setting, I am camoflage by many other staffs. Now got to work independently & there are only 5 of us, easily spotted to be the worse (Me the Monkey). Play by ear la! My white hair is getting more! I have no strategies to get out of this shit! 

I loved this Korean Drama 49days... I cried so much! This show is about a rich gal who is getting married soon. She bought a pretty dress for her best friend who is also her bridesmaid. While on her way to deliver it to her best friend, she met an car accident. When she "woke up", she realised that she is only a spirit. She has a last chance to live again. She has to find three person who loved her truly to get three tear drop within 49days. She lives in another gal's body during the day to look for tear drops. As times goes by, she lost faith. She found out that her fiance was with her best friend & her fiance only wants her money n not love. She could not find anyone that love her truly. However, during the period of time, she realised that there is a man who loves her truly. That guy "feels"that she is the gal whom he like. He observed the gal's eating habit, her gesture, her actions, her smile etc. Yes! He is the first person who give her the tear drop.

In reality, truth can be cruel!

Fate... I strongly believed in fate. 

I could not go LC hse ytd cos mom's leg is swollen. I have to make a trip home after I have made one new pair of specs. Yeah! LC of cos wasn't that happy...I can see that but I guess in real life, u can't have best of both world. I have to use my Libra weighing scale to make the tough decision. I have only one mom & one husband...both score 1point. Mom is old & she can't fully take of herself, LC is independent; most of the time I am not needed to take care of him. Mom-1 more point, LC-0point. Mom is getting old, anytime my dad is taking her away, LC & me also anytime have to report; both 1point. Anyway, verdict is mom is the winner. 

I am suppose to meet LC for dinner but ya...fate say today cannot meet cos LC dad has already cooked for him. Okay, initially was thinking of eating & drinking something nice but can't. Okay la, abit disappointed. Only get mom's dinner cos told mom I am going out for dinner with LC, I guess maggie mee shall be my best friend tonight. Too lazy to go out to buy other food. 

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