Sunday, May 25, 2014

Move on!

Went to cat café to relax. I am quite lucky some cats were not sleeping when we went over & I get  to play catching with Jia Jia with the café assistant's help. Ate cheesecake, drink Root beer, bought a Apron @ $25 & a Skittles pin @ $13. See again soon..... :)

Things need to be done or buy:

1) Hair cut for Mom & myself
2) Manicure & Pedicure
3) Facial
4) Threading elbow
5) Oral debate practice on 27/5 @ 4.30-5pm @ Curtin school
6) Debate on 28/5 @9-11am
7) e-Test on Nursing management on 6/6/14
8) Tidy home
9) Iron work clothes
10) Get items: (IKEA 4-6boxes), (Daiso boxes, laundry bag without holes, tidy bags), (5new chairs from Giant), shower gel big & small, table for living room.
11) Watch movieS
12) Go beach for walk walk & cycling
13) Mum's appointment
14) Update passbook
15) Look out for SQ air-tickets to Osaka
16) Get for myself: A top & a long dress, a pair of sport shoe, belt, & buy yummiest snacks & food.
17) Transfer $ to Jessie, pay Bills
19) Apply for MC, AL & compassionate leave & submit medical claim
20) Help brother to register the house under his name & mom's name

That's all for now! Will add on MORE!

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