Wednesday, September 3, 2014


I am almost late! Set alarm at 5.45am but 5.30am human alarm clock ...🐔 already waking me up. Of cos, I throw tantrum & ask for extention to sleep til 6am. Luckily, I reached classroom 5mins before 8am.

Ytd, Jessica told me I looked more happy in HF, this is the first time someone who doesn't really know me commented this. I was like..... replying her with my disbelief face, questioning myself! She said I looked more stressed in CTSICU! OMG!

HTT is my study partner again! I am happy cos our aim was to pass, no need flying colors!

Venepuncture & cannulation is our topic today, practice & classroom practical test passed! Tml theory & practical exam (out in the real world!!!) If quota not met, I might have to POKE my husband for real to meet my target. Hahaa.....I will be gentle k.

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