Sunday, July 13, 2014

What about marriage?

When Venus & Mars is attracted to each other & eventually become husband  &nwife...what is the most important factor that maintain the relationship?  Personally, I feel it's communication, mutual trust & respect, quality time spend together & don't bottled up things... There might be more factors to it but for now...that's my opinion.

Man..... A sucessful career.
Woman.....A happy family that include a happy husband & kids.

I always feel I don't understand my husband cos he don't talk much about his troubles, work & stress. But I do understand a few percentage of him. Giving him "space", let him be alone to do his things freely without a irritating monkey buzzing beside him. But I do want some quality time with sometimes even for an hour for myself alone! I would stare at him & verbal request him from using his 4th mistress named Iphone.

Ranking: 1st mistress: Me...hopefully. 2nd: Sexy Xiao Hong. 3rd: Computer & PS3. 4th: Iphone.

Belinda feels my marriage is weird...she feels I should stay with LC & have a BB.

My idealistic marriage is a simple wedding ceremony if possible, if don't have also NVM. Then stay with LC & have a BB. I know the BB would not be so possible...cos I already have a old BB, Husband not keen & might be difficult to juggle.

Recently my friend & her husband faced some marriage problem. She had a fight verbally & physically with her husband & unfortunately their kids witnessed it. After that, her husband did not go home, did not answer her phone calls or Sms & left her alone with her kids. He told their close friend that she was not appreciative of his efforts as a husband & because this family, he missed the opportunities to achieve a career & he blamed her. She is very sad. There are many factors to reflect. Just hope everything goes well for her. She & he must be on lots of stress. She talks to her friends for opinions & help.

What have u learned from his scenario?

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