Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I am a cry baby👶

Today is Day 2 of Advanced Counselling Course. My ability to understand the course contents was average while others could quickly grasp the essence of the topics. Was abit sad. But I was able to be connected with MSW Genevieve's examples. She said, a client said "I am no good!" That's is my thoughts...I am not good enough! She asked her client, "to whom u feel u r not good enough?" Another example that she give was her mom has Cancer & she was depressed most of the time due to her illness. Her mom went to see a Psychologist & the psychologist asked her..."u were mostly depressed, so there were time that u were not depressed and when?" Genevieve felt that as a counselor, she could not help her mom who has depression, she was sad. I asked a silly 🙋 question....."I am a shy, reserved & quiet person, how do I built a therapeutic relationship with clients who need help? I can't engaged in conversation freely like Joan. My classmate Joan said..." I remembered Ivy was the only one who give everyone a sticker on our group photo, this small simple action make them feel I am genuine & warmth. Then MSW Genevieve say I can be a non-verbal counselor who demostrate my genuine, warmth & silence to be a effective counselor. Maybe...

After class, Genevieve spend a little bit more time with me. As I was telling her my thoughts, emotions flow in & I eventually CRY cos I was feeling guilty towards my dad I did not do my best for him. The only comforting thing I did for him was to be with him during his last bit of journey...I held his hand, hoping he won't be alone during his last moments. I remembered that I was all alone in the hospital thoughout the night, waiting for his suffering to end. And I have no more chance to say this to him anymore..." 爸爸对不起,请您原谅我 和我爱你!" He cannot hear me.

Genevieve comforted & counsel me. Tears cannot stop flowing.

Probably I felt lonely, bottled up my feelings & stressed that I could not hold my emotions anymore.

Thank u Genevieve for being there for me even though I am not your friend. I really feel better after I talked to u & cried😭

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