Friday, August 1, 2014

1st August 2014

Today; 1/8/14 is a special day for Nurses, Happy Nurse's Day!

I am a nurse since 2001 til today minus 1year(2004) because I went to cheat a paper qualification. So I have been a nurse for 12years already! Time flies, I thought I could not survive this long But yes I did. Since early this Feb, I have changed my directions, moved to Surgical & now office hr. I missed my colleagues, my comfort zone, my clinical work & off on weekdays. I feel less popular, less people to gossip with, less people to cover my ass & left out. Well, it's my choice even though many high authorities has dropped me hints that it is a dead end. I just to move on as planned & granted. For the hours...that is what my colleagues comfort me. Over this new environment, I have to wear armour to protect myself from sudden bullets or arrows attack cos I am so visible now. I can't return to my old paths already. Lost touch...that is what I am afraid of cos new arrow is RRT assignment. Those higher authorities also eyes on me! After I come to this department then I realise that I need team work & I love team work! I am now all alone in the big jungle & I am lost!

This year, I have received presents from my organizations, New Boss, New supervisor and friend Anne. Waiting for my husband to get one present too.

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