Saturday, October 11, 2014

I have graduated!

29th September 2014 is my most happy day.

Call me a Degree holder! Finally I made it & graduated from Curtin University Singapore.
I would have to thank all the people who helped me along the way, I would not be able to make it without all your help. Thank U ADN Tay, SNMFoo, NC Jasmine, for writing a beautiful recommendation letter to enable me to get the sponsorship successfully. Thank U NC Bel for reading, checking my assignments despite ur busy schedule, risking of foaming or syncope while reading & correcting it. 

For this graduation, I spend $ 135 to rent the necessary items, $25 for photo service & $40 for 2 guests graduation tickets. But I still very happy cos my Husband & Bel could attend my graduation & take photos. The only thing is my mom did not take photo with me. I got the expensive graduation Kangaroo soft toy at $75!!! Had Vietnam lunch set with Bel cos husband need to work.

Next is to spend $ to buy a graduation photo... 

The stupid shoe is so big, got to use tissue to makeit more "stable"  but in the end more pain. 

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