Thursday, December 31, 2015

Goodbye 2015

31.12.2015 is ending in less than 10mins prior my post. Goodbye 2015. I have not reflected myself,  the good(s), the bad(s) that happened to me in 2015. Update this post later.....Thank you, my dear hubby, dearest mom, friends & enemies.

Sending 2015 off soon..... AND
Welcoming 2016 in less than 8mins while I was typing my post in Punggol. What to expect in 2016? Hmm... update later bah!

My blog post for 2015..... bye bye...

Sunday, December 27, 2015


Bel sms today saying that she is going crazy because she is with her 2 boys 24/7 since she is on leave & they have no school. Her kids or maybe all kids are full of energy, even running at the playground for 2hrs, they r still not tired when their parents are half-dead! My reply to her was enjoy bonding with the kids while she can cos in future, they wouldn't want to play with their parents. I can easily say this to her cos I do not have a chance to "enjoy" what she is going through. I told her LC is blessed to be alone 24/7 at home. Without a kid or me disturbing him, he is a blessed guy.

My conclusions are as follows:-
1. Having a kid is never easy
2. Not everyone is entitle to a kid
3. Dad & Mom is important to have a kid
4. Willing to sacrifice
5. Understand that u may not have time for ur own stuffs
6. Money is a must have
7. Time is what u needed the most
8. Treasure the bonding before they grow up

What else to add? Nah! Don't bother cos .....

Benefits of no kids are as follows:-
1. No arguments
2. No responsibilities
3. No obligations
4. No headache/ heartache
5. No worries
6. No additional financial situation

What else to add? Nah! Why bother?!

Cons of no kids are as follows:-
1. Three gu six po kpo enquires
2. Curious kpo likes to pop that Qn when they r bored.
3. Concerned ppl worries about me
4. No chance to experience as a Mom. Well, that easy to solve, get a dog & I am a mom. The only thing is the dog can't call me Mom in English or Mandarin. That's not a problem too cos I have 2 godson who calls me Godma, so still someone call me "God-Ma" temporary cos they still young.

Nevertheless, we r human beings for sure cos we r never contented. When we have it, we complain for having it. And when we don't have it, we complain for not having it.

For my loyalty blog reader, it's just a random thought & blog. Please do not take it seriously.

Saturday, December 26, 2015

What if?

What if time is running out for me?

Watched "Ip Man" show with hubby ytd night. I love the movie especially Ip Man & his wife love story, even thought eventually she died of cancer.

Person views of Ip man & points learned. Ip man is a responsible man who loves his family & kung-fu. His wife is supporting towards him & stand by him no matter what happens. When Ip man is focus with a task, he overlooked his wife until his wife slapped him & told him that something bad happens to her. The Dr diagnosed her to have late stage stomach cancer & the cancer cells is spreading fast. Her lifespan is only 6 months after confirming the diagnosis. It's so devastating for him & his wife. He spend the rest of the 6 months with his wife, accompany her for check-up & seek alternative medicine. He made effort to learn dancing cos his wife loved dancing because previously he did not turn up at the dancing class as he need to keep the school safe from ruffians. His wife is upset then. As his wife health condition deteriorates, he endured & pull himself together. He even forgo his chance to prove his kung-fu is authentic. However, his wife knows Ip man's passion towards kung-fu & then she secretly helped him to set up the challenge against the person who challenged him. He won. She requested him to take 📷 photos with her to keep the memories. So sweet.

What if time is running out for me, what do I want to do? Probably something similar to Ip man's wife, spend the last 6 months of time with my hubby & mom. Take photos 📷. Arrange my funeral matters so that everything is take care of. I do not wish to have too many visitors because I will be too tired to speak to so many people & let them c my pathetic looks. Oh, not forgetting to accomplish my wishes before I mati.

One fine day, everyone of us would have to leave this world. Be forgiving whenever we can, do not harm others if possible & loved who we are.

Hohoho... Merry Christmas 🎄

When Christmas comes, it mean new year is approaching

Year 2015 is ending soon & let's welcome 2016.

Time is running out for me. Why? Many things can't be done when u r getting old. Oh well, I believe it's all predestined. Be contented with what u have NOW & treasure it while u have time.

How did I spent my Christmas Eve, day & post?

24th December 2015- No official announcement until we ate FOC pizza, yes! Half day work & then I went back. Picked up by LC to meet MD & Amilyn for Haidilao steamboat dinner. I was a bit worried if I will like it but surprisingly I love it. Thank you, Amilyn for introducing "tomato 🍅 soup base" & thank you hubby for choosing all time favorite "Chicken 🍗 soup base". I enjoyed myself even though I was not able to participate in the conversation actively because I am a boring person. Thank you, hubby for trying to bring me to meet ur friends for dinner. Thank you, MD & Amilyn for allowing & accepting me to join u all for dinner. They even invited us to visit their sweet staycation room at Park Hotel. It's nice & cosy. They even got a Sponsored parking coupon for us.

Home sweet home 🏡  & it's pressies time!
I got a IPad mini 4 from hubby- superb cos my previous iPad is so heavy! Hehehe. .. I am loving it!

Not forgetting to mention all other Christmas 🎄 pressies given by my friends & colleagues. Just in case my memories storage fails, I shall list them down. Numbering at random..

1. Pigsy- Craftholic soft toy & VS spray
2. Anne- Limited edition perfume & water bottle
3. Bel- Groupon & Mac Long Eyewear
4. Marilyn- My fave Gardener handcream
5. May Ling- Chocolate
6. Sister Teo- Cookies
7. MD & Amilyn- cookies
8. Aidila- cupcake
9. Ting- precious moment A4 file
10. Venassa- "I" figurine
11. Koh- handcream
12. Alice- pouch
13. Aileen- a dress 👗
14. RZ- water bottle
15. Trip Buddies gift exchange- pending

Dear all, thank you for brightening me up with so many gifts. I loved them all!

Every year I tell myself I must prepare the gifts early but I never do it. Try again next year!

25 December 2015- Staycation in Marriott Hotel with hubby! Soo nice, quality time spent! Nice brunch with MD & Amilyn at Far East Plaza Chicken rice & dessert at Scott's. Super full but super happy. Booked "Ip Man's" movie at 9.40pm. Shopping at my favorite supermarket & food stuffs grabbed. Loved Jordan's corn bread & it's so delicious when eat with apple ham & double cheese! Not forgetting the nice makan from 7-8.30pm at Marriot L2. After movie, we have a short walk at orchard. Loved the fact, so late out together! Watched a silliest movie in hotel before we fall asleep.

26 December 2015- my worse nightmare early in the morning: hubby iPhone 6s CMI. Mr Blackie Lim appeared without notice. Hahaha. .. luckily managed to onz it back. Yup... staycation ended faster than I expected. And I am back to Isetan's supermarket to spend $. I was sent back to BKP. Feeling sick & I sleep sleep. Slightly better after 1 dose of panadol & sleep.

Sianz. .. super old TV 📺 spilt permanently. Going to burn my pocket money 💵 again...

Good night dear all... I am going to sleep. What else did I missed out in my blog for today?

Friday, December 11, 2015

What happens to my family?

Lately, my favourite Korean drama is "What happens to my family".
It's a warm comedy cum family Korean drama that make me laugh & cry at the same time. The actors did really well in acting their roles! Thumbs up! "Hyojin" who is a innocent aka brainless simple gal who has no talents at all but she can drive u nuts. I feel I am like her, the only difference is I am not a rich family daughter. Lol... 😂 I loved this drama, I am coming home everyday to watch it! I wish it has a happy ending. It is because the Dad in the drama files a lawsuit against his 3 children in order to spend his limited quality time with them. He has advanced stage stomach cancer but he doesn't want to let his 3 children know. His terms & conditions to dropped this lawsuit is that his 3 children will need to fulfill the requests that he raised. And he planned a schedule on what he want to do during his last 3-6 months of life with his children & family. It includes having dinner with his 3 children on every Saturday. His eldest son & daughter-in-law need to move back to his place. His daughter will need to go for match-made sessions & get married. His youngest son need to get a proper job & give him allowance every month. Eventually,  his 3 children found out the truth & it's very heartbreaking for him & his children. When someone ask his youngest son- what is/are your Dad's hobbies or likes? He can't answer. I also do not know what is my late Dad's hobbies or like also. Beside knowing his like to gamble, I know nuts about his other hobbies or likes. If people were to ask me what's your husband's hobbies or likes? I can only say, it will be playing computer games, staying at home, play soccer and work. Beside all this, my reply would be I don't know.

I concluded this drama's moral of the story is simple- treasure what you have, spend time with them whenever you can; no matter how short. It's the quality & not quantity. Say what you want to say before your time runs out, but please say more nice than harsh things. Family 👪 ties is very important but often ignore or no time to maintain it due to other commitments such as work. Not everyone can maintain or have good family relationship. I hope to have a normal family 👪, living together, loving each other & be healthy.

I LOVE you Mom, no matter how naughty u are & disturb me when I sleep lime a PIG 🐷.  I love you Husband,  no matter how busy you are & "hates" me for disturbing you!

Well, I need to sleep. Wish me sweet dreams!

Sunday, December 6, 2015

Recording my memories!

My post title is recording my memories! Well, everytime I post on my blog is actually recording my memories already. Why I want to record my memories? It is because I am a super forgetful person, I can only rely on the post to help me remember the good and of course the bad too!

Before I sleep, I log on to FB and was shock and sad to see the post of others whom say that a reputable NC T.A.C. has left us to a better place without sufferings. She taught us when I was attending a 1 yr course and while I work as a RN. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and doing your very best as a NURSE. RIP NC T.A.C. All of us will have to leave this world one day, the only difference is how, when and where.

Philosophy of Bee 🐝 : Life is short, fragile and unpredictable. Enjoy while I am allowed, I shall eat, shop, sleep, buy whatever/ whenever I crave, "bully, torture & loved" my LC and Mom before my game is OVER and there is no reset button. Be forgiving whenever possible, be evil for that moment and forgive them if I can because I do not have so much time hating or plot for revenge. I cannot promise I sure can but I promise I try.

Not forgetting to record my wonderful 6D5N HK cum Macau trip on 30Nov- 5Dec 2015.
P.S.- will need my trusty LC to help me to recover my memories.

30 Nov- Check in Hyatt Regency, loved the room & not forgetting the lounge; loved the food & the view. Set off to East TST to purchase more NICI friends, 6 key chains, 1 new winter friend & a FOC seal. Went to "Ladies market" then followed by Sneakers street and I bought my 1st pair of Nike track shoe; loving it cos it's comfy.

1Dec- went to "Wang Da Xian" to pray early in the morning. Followed by Dim Sum brunch at the mall nearby. Bought my 2nd pair of Nike shoe. Langham place- we had yummiest favourite dessert; durian with glutinous rice and mango sago bean curb.

2Dec- went to IT market to look for "privacy protect screen", too expensive so give up. But managed to change my screen saver & get a pinky cover. Then we proceed to look for the famous "车仔面" at causeway bay, it was yummiest.

3 Dec- went to Macdonald to grab the Snoopy cushion set for Aileen as her Xmas gift, hope she likes it as much as I do! Grab Jenny cookies X5 boxes, a must when u go HK! Exchange another SGD$200 for HKD cos almost bankrupt.

4 Dec- Hello Macau via 1 hour ferry. Luckily, I did not have any N/V symptoms. Check in to Holiday Inn, dinner after LC break from me. Lord Stow famous egg tarts was good when it's warm!

5 Dec- Hello old Macau and Hi to our favourite makan place. We ordered duck blood/pig skin/veg soup, wanton mee, 3 mixed aka black pepper goose/roast pork/ char siew noodle. Some shopping & free tasting.

6 Dec- Dim Sum brunch^-^ recommended to repeat order are peanut butter toast bread, fried Wanton, siew Mai & yummiest Milk Tea BUT never order the Macau Pork bun & CCF porky- OMG. Maggie mee was okay Nia. Some final shopping & off we go to airport via ferry. Check in, some tibits shopping & SQ lounge for a dinner break. Home sweet home.

😣got eye infection to end the trip.

7 Dec- LC sent me to see Dr Lim & have lunch with my Mom. Went to BKP with Mom for some bonding time. Cook fried rice for dinner.

Thank you very very much my dearest one and only LC who plan this trip & sponsored my flight, hotel stay, food & some purchases. I wish we have more of this quality time spend together.

8 Dec- in 7 mins time to 12 MN. Hi work, I got to work for my next trip & I am quite broke. However, I have to go out tml with AIA group for dinner to celebrate Amanda's BD! Looking forward to PAY day!

Gotta go cos I need to sleep!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

I am flying a kite!

I enjoyed your company, I am so lucky cause u made some changes & adjustment according to my request,  the most importantly is you didn't ignore my need & complains. Thank you. Great time passes quickly.

Thank you God for giving me such a lovely hubby who attempts to fulfill my requests.

 My husband is like a kite, he loves freedom, he enjoys being alone & do his things quietly like playing his Diablo with his friends, watch walking dead, doing his favourite work! I am like a little girl who flys the kite, I can't pull the string too tight or else the kite might snaps, I can't let the string go freely or else I will lost the kite. It's a matter of balancing it.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Me, Myself & I

It's been a long time since the last time I blog. Why? It's because I am so occupied with small little things, I am too tired & not forgetting I am LAZY fan & supporter.

I end work at 4.20pm & I planned to go for a shoulder massage 💆 & foot reflexology. However, due to my poor time management, I left work at 5.20pm.
I still think that I want to have a me-timeout, all by myself & I am determined. Went to Vivo branch Kenko to grab a shoulder massage & foot reflexology for 60 mins for $89. Well, the price seems atas... the overall experience is worth it. It a auntie who did for me. She asked me whether which level I want: small, medium or large strength? Of cos, I tell her medium because I am scare of pain. Indeed, pain ah... especially the toe nails part, she say it's because of my shoulder pain. 60 mins passed quickly & the me-timeout ended. Of course, the cashier ask me if I want to buy package then each session will then cost $77. I did not buy.

This week, mom say her tummy is aching. Went to see Dr Lim, he diagnosed mom's tummy have alot AIR and given her some medicine.
This morning, I checked her blood glucose & it's quite high, higher than her usual readings. Then I talk to her, explained the many reasons & possibilities if her blood glucose levels are getting higher. One of few are need to admit to hospital, no more FDW if she is admitted to hospital etc. Then she cry ... omg... then I need to comfort her. I wasn't fierce. Then I late for work. Hahahah...
Got to go... rush to take train to catch up some time so that I won't be late for work. Bye......

Mom... faster get well k.

Monday, October 5, 2015

White paper 📄

The best thing that happened today!

I won the balloting for 19-25 December 2016 leave slot!


Dr Fong asked me if I want to give up my leave slot?! In my heart... why bully me, ask me to give up. NO, I must know my rights! So she prepared 6 blank square paper & cross out 1 square paper & prepare for us to ballot. She handed us to pick, Sister Veronica then Jaya then suppose to be WY but she didn't want to pick, Dr Fong passed the box to me, I skipped, Regine or LY pick then I pick... dare not opened cos I scare to see a cross.

But I got a white square paper without a CROSS!!


Can go holiday lo!
Next step is to save $!

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Oii, Mdm Emo!

After 2 weeks of long leave, I am going to work tml. Good times always end faster than I expected! Sad 😔

Oii... Mdm Emo!

Took afternoon nap, but during that short 1 hour, I had so many unpleasant dreams that makes me even more tired 😴

LC always travel to TW for work. See u on 18 October 2015 then. Will send u more presents wishlist... please wait patiently.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

25 minutes

As I listen this song- "25 minutes", sweet memories flashes in my mind & warms my heart. My hubby used to sing this song for me to tuck me to bed. I can't remember when is the last time though. Perhaps, he is too busy to do that for me le! I am not complaining!

Nah... nvm... I have it in my music library, I can enjoy it anytime I want.

Today is the last day of my favorite month ... good bye September 2015. I will end it by doing my favourite hobby. .. shopping 😆 lol!!! A great excuse to shop!

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy Birthday!

LC surprised me with a birthday party at Ion TCC celebration with Anne, Bel & their kids.

LC say will fetch me on 27/9/15 for dinner at TCC at 5.30pm. I was late. We parked at Wheelock place. We proceed to Taka for pre-dinner shopping. I wanted to buy a Lojel carry on suitcase with my taka voucher. However, I actually don't need for now. So I request for a hotdog bread instead. But I can sense something fiery cos LC say "whole day I haven eat anything & I am hungry!" I realize something not right, so I quickly proceed to TCC for dinner. I wasn't suspicious at all! Then I sense something is going to happen... & I saw my Minions friends & kiddos sitting there waiting for me. C asked me, "why are you so slow?" Basically, I can't see my own expressions at all cos I am not a expressive type of person. I was really happy. They got for my favourite sunflower, unicorn, love & star balloon combi for me... on my birthday & I am so happy cos it's so pretty!!! Dinner followed by a mini Birthday cake & not forgetting a birthday song for me.

Thank you for the awesome birthday celebration!!!

Of course, after dinner we head home to look for my Birthday present la!!!

I was surprised by the 3rd Babymonmon purchase as requested by me few months ago, a Lesportsac sling bag & a angbao to shop at M'ysia this thursday!

Thank you all for making my Birthday beautiful & I felt loved!

Saturday, September 26, 2015

Hello September!!!

I am on annual leave, on holiday on September 2015.

Hello Taiwan, thank you for having me!

Dear LC, thank you for arranging to fly SQ to Taiwan, free accommodation with FOC breakfast and free meals also. I only need to spend $ to buy things for myself. It's one of the best present that I have this year.

I loved Taiwan. I hope I can come again soon.

Day 1
Reached Changi Airport at 7am via taxi, check in & fly to Taiwan via SQ.
Reached Tao Yuan Airport at 1pm, change NT $ at airport  (better rate compare to Singapore)
Exit, look for prepaid calling card-done. Took bus 1960 to Grand Hyatt Taipei that cost me NT $145 & I saved NT $1100.
Safely reached the right hotel.
Proud of myself.


Day 2
LC bring me go gai gai.

Day 3
Out alone, went to Taipei 101, Eslite which I spend almost the whole day for just the 2 of the shopping mall.
Out for dinner at Wang steak... yummiest set dinner, worth the price.

Day 4
Out alone, took train ZhongXiao Fuxing Sogo... spend most of my money there.
Bought Famous Ah Zhong rice flour noodle.
Took cab back cos too tired to walk.
Went to neighborhood shopping mah & I found Totoro shop... so big, loved it... felt cheated at Sogo also cos the Totoro puzzle & frame is so much cheaper. Damn! Angry abit. But it's ok la!
Hotpot dinner... yummiest supper.
Fat die me.

Day 5
Going back to Singapore, flight at 5.45pm.
Bye bye Taiwan... hope to c u soon

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Too Many!

Lately, too many things happened that made me sad 😔
Sometimes somethings are meant to happen, & it happens for a reason, it might out of our control.
I am too tired😴 & my little 🙈 monkey heart 💚 might not be able to take it.

A's boy boy passed away at such a young age, 5, only 5. However, he is in a better place called Heaven with a guardian angel 😇 & we will see him again. Devastated, devastating for their family & friends. Even though, I met the boy less than 5 times but it's so heart aching when I visited him in the hospital & attending his funeral. I wanted to visit A & his boy on last week, the visit was delayed due to my own events. Last Friday,  I planned to visit A & boy during lunch or after work & after I settled my mom. But on that day, I feel so uneasy & I was lucky that my friend, A.W. sms me to ask me out for lunch. I asked A.W. to go visit A & boy, she agreed. We took cab & I bought some fruits for them to boost their sugar level. Otw there, my friend B sms saying that A's boy's ECG showed asystole! I was in shock! We rushed there, while standing outside the room, my tears were on standby as I hold them back. When I saw his rhythm & I don't know what to do. When I saw A & her family, I was sad. I found a chance to step ahead to hug A, wanted to give her some comfort but I couldn't hold my tears 😭 back & I cried so much cos I know how much they loved him. Attending A's boy funeral on the sat, on my working sat, I couldn't concentrate on my work, wished to be with A's side no matter how little help I can render but my presence can support her.

I remembered myself being alone in the hospital, staying beside my dad's bedside watching him leave me, from morning,  afternoon, midnight then next morning alone was so painful. Being daughter, it might not be the best option for him cos all his life, he is worried for his son. I wished my dad won't be alone suffering, waiting for his turn to leave this world. I thought I am strong, I am prepared for his departure but I was wrong. I couldn't talk over the phone, choked on my tears 😭.

I am not afraid to be alone when I eat, shop but I don't like the feeling of sleeping alone cos feel so sad 😔 like nobody love me.

Today Boss called for an urgent meeting, didn't have a good about it. Yes, it's not something good that he wants to announce. He is troubled by his personal family life. His marriage is on the rock, divorce is something that might happen. 3rd party is involved. His mom is also making his life difficult & he need psychological counselling. He is so successful in his career but family is neglected. He missed alot of precious moments of family life.
It's not for us to judge someone because this happens cos every family has their own problems. He is someone I respect when comes to work, he delicate 100% to those under his care. I wished things will be fine for him. Emotional stress is never easy to deal with.
I am 75%  lucky in my marriage. My husband loves me whole heartedly... at least that's how I feel. His tolerance towards me, my character & showering me all the things that he can get for me. With my special family situation, he is able to support me as much as he can so that I will be less stress. Thank you for being there for me. I love you.

Friday, August 21, 2015

See u again!

Anne's 2nd son, Blythe is a special boy whose heart structures is different from us. He is cheerful, smiley & loves foods. 

I was planning to visit Anne after work or tomorrow. However, I felt uneasy for not going to see Anne and her boy. 

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Every mom's wish

Every mom's wish...
I guess almost 100% ... their wish is their kid is healthy & free of any illness.

I remembered that Anne's 2nd son needs some cardiac surgery due to comgenital condition some time this year but I didn't follow up. Plus recently, I am too pre-occupied with my mom's admission & discharge care.

I am sad to hear the bad news after surgery, he needs ECMO. Such a young boy & he need to go through so much.

Dear all Gods, please help Anne's 2nd son. Please PRAY for him. Please be healthy. A miracle is wished upon to help Blythe to get well.

Saturday, August 15, 2015

Monkey Friend :)

I have a monkey friend...
Her name is Bel...
One of my few friend...

Me: Why u be my friend?

Bel: Cos i chose to b yr fren.Esp aft i saw u at PS alone. And aft i attend yr ROM. I wanted 2b yr fren. U were there 4me quietly also 10yrs ago when i was down. Giving me support.

Me: Thankfully u came even if u r so busy with work, with ur own emotions, with ur own happiness & sadness.

Bel: Jus felt tt i needed to see u & yr mum la. No need to thank. Actually when i saw yr mum jus nw was a lil emo. i will be sad also if anything happen to her. But glad tt she is her usual self. Im not close to my mum. I cant really talk to my mum either. Envious tt ur close to yr mum though she drives u crazy also. If mon, need me to pick u & her home jus let mi kn k.

I am putting this whatsapp sms in my blog to remind myself...
I am a fortunate monkey who has a monkey friend who cares for me genuinely & didn't judge me based on my background or character.
U warmth my little monkey heart.
We had Burger King as late dinner. Share with me the good news- u r promoted to NC 1! Happy for u. U sent me home with ur too fast too furious driving skills, I e-brake with my legs, scare the hell of me.
I call this type of friendship... FATE... hahhaa...
Thank u!
I wish... U will happy & healthy. U & LC have a new beginning.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

One after another!

Today I took MC for MR & MRS Flu officially invaded my body & I needed a rest.
Dr Lim given my "candies" to lure MR & MRS Flu... I took 5 tablets & "when I am gone, when I am gone to drowsy land"! I dreamt alot of weird things. I cannot remember them.

She asked me where is Dad? OMG!!! I was like shocked! Then I told her, dad already passed away last year, now only left his urn at home.
Then she started to cry?!
Then, she like suddenly remember dad passed away last year & we pray not long ago.
Poor Mom, hope she gets well soon.
She seems to have more strength today, able to get up with minimum help.
Asked Dr Lim today & he say it's okay that mom has no strength due disease process.
Okay, let's wait & see what happens. Please la!!! Get well soon k.

Bring mom down to open the letter box to find 2 letters for brother & 1 for me. At least, good to see mom walking slowly down.
One after another...
Brother received a letter from TP; warrant of arrest... WA PHIANGZ... some more things for me to headache ah! As usual, I scolded him for causing trouble while mom is still sick! Ask him how come he never follow up after the last appeal. He told me, they told him to wait for news. I told him, WTH, u at least must follow up if it's approved. Now, trouble come knocking on the door then he still doesn't look so panic! Damn it! Whatever it is, I asked him to go to the nearest police station to ask since TP already closed by the time he came back & open the letter. He leftho,e since 8pm & till now still no news & didn't come back plus never bring his phone. How to contact him?! Also don't know what happem!? Is it gana caught & locked up?! At least, the police will call me to bail him out bah hor? I also don't know. Let's wait & see. If not, I will go police station to ask.

Monday, August 10, 2015

The END SG50 PH😯

This is last SG50 PH...
Well, i have to conclude... I missed the chance to enjoy much😯
It's a pity!
My ultimate wish now is my MOM will get well soon.
Tml I am applying urgent leave cos mom is still not well. Worried that she is alone, unsteady gait due to weakness & lethargic.
LC is back today, but I can't meet him to get a hug, throw tantrum or disturb him.

Sunday, August 9, 2015

SG 50

Happy National Day, Singapore! This is HOME TRULY! SG 50 Jubilee celebration.
Thank you, Mr LKY for everything U did for Singapore. Feels sad that this year, I could not see U on the TV as usual. Nevertheless, I had a chance to pay u last respect when u go to a better place.

There are many freebies this year...
Free Data from Singtel hence, I can watch my favourite Korean drama, "You are surrounded", last episode to complete before the free data is gone.
Free travel... due to Mr Flu stayed in me, I can't go enjoy free rides. Only managed to take bus ride to BKP to grab some items to de-stress myself. Managed to grab some food that I am craving... Magnam ice cream, MT. Craving for chewy junior strawberry & blueberry puff but it's not within reach. Shiok, free bus ride, at least I took 1 free ride.

When I came back from wet market. Saw mom in toilet & shit all over in the toilet!!! Clear everything. Luckily she never fall.
Bring mom to see Dr Lim again today cos mom didn't seem to get better since the last Dr visit on last Wed. I am not sure if I should sent her to hospital. Asked brother to help, scolded him for leaving mom for me handle alone, shut his door & be with his computer & hp. Well, he did help to push mom via wheelchair to see Dr Lim. As I always said, pig 🐷 brother never change his spots. Haiz...
Dr Lim say, mom lost some weight, due to dehydration & giddiness secondary to diarrhea. Given her a jab & some medicine to make her better.
Lost sleep this few days due to mom, woke up ever 1-2hrs. In turn, giving Mr Flu & sickness stayed in me. Haizz...
Making me to think that if I ever have a kid, I don't know if I can cope. But well said by someone, if u forever say not ready, not having a kid for real, u won't know if u r ready. No need to force, I believe everything is predestined. PS:LC, Don't mind my thinking. It's just a random thought & comment.

Dear 老天爷, 拜托啦不要再为难我了。够了。谢谢。

Saturday, August 8, 2015

Happy holidays not so happy 😐

Knock... Knock... I am Mr Sick... I need to stay in for awhile!
Probably, I am too greedy to ask Pigsy to buy chips for me... ate some & Mr Sick came to me.
Can't sleep well also cos need to attend to mom.
My mom also sick.
Headache... wonder what should I do?!
Can only depend myself.
Probably bring mom see Dr Lim again tml. Whether need to bring her to DEM.

Due to unforeseen situation, I can't go Pigsy's hse to learn how to make dumplings.

LC ask me to create a blog for him so that I can understand him but I realize am I able to take it?! Hahaha...

Friday, August 7, 2015

Happy holiday


It's a PH...D1
So cool... no need to work.
Been so stressed this few week with myself, my mom, NCSC & HFS.
- feel sick. Didn't have enuf rest because my mom also sick.
- Uncle 3 say my mom tell other 3 姑 6 婆 that I didn't bring her to see Dr. I... whatever...
- Uncle 3 say those 3 姑 6 婆 say I "Dao"... NV greet them... I ... whatever... u so like my greet... I greet u all next time la!
😞 Y target me? I look like tofu is it... very soft, nice to bully ah!? Or cos I am a damn daughter?! I ... whatever la! U think/ say whatever u like la! Even so, if ever one day I get a chance to have a kiddo, I hope it's a daughter ...okay! What's wrong being daughter?! Check out my mom's son! Ahhhh...... eat too full, out of topic to comment ah!
- Competency checklist booklet to complete with dateline.
- Case study: supposed to hand up in mid Aug but surprise attack by Roti Prata Fong... to hand up on 6.8.15.
😤 Surprise meeting to tell us our posting!? What's the point u r not prepared with all the possible FAQs answers? Making everyone like... sianz... I am of course, no surprise... go back to HFS to work.
NCSC coming to an end soon on 31.8.15, a brand new stage again. Wish me luck.
Sometimes, I ponder if I made the right choice to leave inpatient & join outpatient. Lesser friendship. Out of comfort zone. Longer working hours. Early out & late home. Lesser time to buy yummiest food. More politics; need shields to protect myself. More reality to handle. Lesser team work. Gaining weight cos too much sitting. Enjoys PHs. Learning new things. Unable to fit in the old & new.

Something happy 😊 apart from all this not so nice challenges in IT life.
😍 Advanced BD present 🎁 from beloved busy husband.
1) Stayreal TOPS ... all my request is fulfill
2) A familiar NICI friend from HK... Name: Jubilee to represent SG 50.
3) Totoro pouch
All my favourite items. But abit sad 😔 cos husband spent so much money on me & he only got Jenny cookies for himself.

😐 I wish I could have 30mins quality with husband when we meet. He is always with his "mistress Iphone". Already difficult to meet & have time together due work, studies, my mom etc... If u might missed opportunity to communicate with me ... when I am gone. At least 15mins to tuck me to bed or hug me like before. Things will never be the same at different stages of life due to the experience we encounter... that what I conclude.

I wish... less troubles, less stress, more love, more happiness, less sadness, less masking, more food, less fatness, able go do things I like, better organizing skills, better luck..... etc...can't end here. 😂 lol...

I like this poem... "Someone coming into your life is a big thing because his whole life comes with him."

Monkey never change his cheeky 😝 spots.

Sunday, August 2, 2015

1st August 2015

Happy Nurse's Day!!!

Yes, 1st August 2015 is Nurse's day!!!

In July 1998, I started my studies in NYP for Diploma in Nursing & completed my course in June 2001...

Signed bond with current employer in 2000. Completed my 1 year bond.

To date, I am a nurse for 17 years. Worked for current employer for 13 years. Studied for 3 years for Diploma & 1 year for Advanced Diploma.

I wonder how long more I can be a nurse.

Friday, July 24, 2015

I am Luis

Recently, watched sponsored movie "Ant-Man" with complimentary Popcorn & Pepsi set.

LC told me that my character is like Luis; Ant-man's good fren. Luis likes to tell long story, from head to toe. Bel also agrees.

Hi everyone, I am Luis IT.

Not everyone can receive feedback positively at once, I will need to go thru some thinking.

Feels sad :(
Feels that I am not their style (LC & Bel)
X...Get straight to the point is not my style, probably that's ppl is usually frustrated when I am having conversation with them.
如果你能爱听我的长篇大论而不会 feel frustrated...
won't be alone 
won't feel sad

feel happy, 
feel important, I will tell u more... 

I could have a Doraemon who is never bored or feel frustrated with me.

If I could change my character, not to tell long story, my life might be better.
1) Keep my reply/answers short & sweet (summarised)
2) Don't tell long stories to LC & Bel.

IT: Aiyo, no need to change la! Happy 就好了! Hahaa... continue to let them suffer la!

Now, I know why I like to have soft toys cos my imaginary friends will always smile & looks happy when I tell them long story... they LOVED it. Hahahaa.....

Monday, July 6, 2015


If... I can be more bold & brave.

After my groceries & dinner shopping, I took bus 960 to go home. There was a young pregnant woman who board the same bus as me. Nobody seems to notice that she is pregnant, hence no one give up their seat. She moved in as much as she can as it is peak hours. She is a pretty, pettie young pregnant lady. Eventually, she was just standing beside me. I hoped someone could give up their seat for her but nobody did. Finally, I muster some courage to ask her if she wants me to ask the guy to give up his seat but she say no need & she is fine. That man's eyes glued to the ipad & HP when the lady stands beside him. (For goodness sake, when u r with your GF, or WIFEY, please put your Electronic items away for at least 5mins to spend quality time with her, she will be touched!)So I didn't. Just then, he saw her "little angel" waving to him & he give up his seat. Sometimes, I feel being a male also is of disadvantage cos they would have to give up their seat due to "gender responsibilities". Sometimes, they might be tired physically & emotionally & wished to catch some rest during the long bus ride. Well, well... hey guys... it is still your responsibilities to take care of women & kids. 

If ... if one day this impossible situation happens... if I am pregnant, carrying a "healthy angel" in my tummy, I wished I will get seats to rest. LOL!!! Nah! Don't worry Hubby, it's just a random thought, not a want or need! Hope u could give up ur seats whenever possible.

Thank you Mr for giving up your seat. 

Sunday, June 28, 2015


Ma & Ah Girl 2D1N 1st staycation at Holiday Inn Express on 27.6.15

Thank you LC for the effort & arrangement!

Looking forward to my 2nd & 3rd Singapore Staycation with LC!

Monday, May 18, 2015

18 May 2015

Today is my Dad's 1st death anniversary. One year ago... I was accompanied him through his last journey before he ended his suffering & left us to a better place. Good & bad memories we had together is always on mind. Being a 1st child in Tan's family BUT too bad, I was borne as a daughter instead of son. I was told, it was my 2nd auntie who bought new baby clothes to fetch me home,  my dad is probably too busy. As I grow up, we have so many good & bad times. We get extra pocket money when mu dad work or when he won $. The poorest time is when we had to eat the cheapest instant noodles for sometime. My mom is sick after her miscarriage. My aunties says it was my dad who made her get worse. I don't know. But he still cares for mom. I remembered we bought Macdonald to visit mom at the rehab Centre. Life is tough. I do not want to let anyone know about my situation, I become different!? When I grow older & start dating, dad wasn't "supportive". Well, which father is "supportive"? At least they communicate with each other but for me. We do have some arguments. In yr 2006, I did my ROM. I never thought this day would ever happen due to my "special" family situation.  Dad gradually aged, medications, hospitalized & my responsibilities increased. I was pressurize, emotional, tired, financial drained & sad. Thankfully, my LC is supportive towards me most of the time. Thank you. Frequent visits to Dr Lim, hospital, hospitalization & eventually everything came to an end. Dad n myself  never say "I love you" towards each other but we do care for each other even though I am only a daughter not a son..  I always felt not treated fairly cos I am a daughter.  But dad used to picked durian when he was younger, keep all my favourite bittersweet durian for me, reserved crab claw for me, keep all nice food for me, worried if I will come home anot etc... THANK YOU FOR BEING MY DAD IN MY THIS ONLY LIFE. YOU ARE ALWAYS IN MY HEART... THE GOOD & BAD TIMES.




Sunday, May 17, 2015

Modifying myself

Thank you LC for allowing me to cut my hair short. I am so happy. Meet Wati to go for haircut at Reds Orchard but she is late due to unforeseen situation. Pretty hairdresser Celia asked me what is the length I want to cut? I already thought of it... my answer is shoulder length and I want to do treatment also. Why Celia? Why Reds Orchard cos my buddies trip friend- Jessie aka Ms Pro always go to her for haircut. Actually I went there once before long ago. Me & most typical Singaporean want to ask for discount but our mouth simply can't do it! The counter have to do closing early, before we complete our hair therapy, the cashier came to bill us... The good news is before we can say anything...Celia already asked the cashier to give us 15% discount. Nice... yes!!! I spent $148 for my hair but I am still quite ok with it because I seldom cut my hair... next thought is to color or highlight my hair. Seek for approval... dear Mr LC!

Saturday, May 9, 2015

A Blessed Wedding

Attended my Advanced Diploma friend- Evelyn & Kenny's wedding. A sweet emo emotion rose up. My tears are like pending to roll down anytime while the music & flower girls walking in to the Church. As Evelyn's father held her hand & she looked so radiant, blessed & happy as she walked in and towards Kenny. Evelyn was emotional, choked with her tears on & off while she is delivering her speech. I remembered she said this getting married is not in her plan as she loves to be free & happy. I feel so happy for them & touched.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

3D2N Krabi trip

25-27/5/15: 3D 2N Krabi trip with Jessie & Regine

Fly via Tiger air, stay at Ban Sainai Aonang=total cost: $300
Spending: $350

Day 1 Activities: Massage, Starbucks coffee & cake High Tea, street shopping, seafood dinner @ Longtail restaurant, watch TV & snacking then bath sleep.

Day 2 Activities: resort in-house breakfast, took tour guide bus to enjoy our pre-booked activities worth 2500 baht... include 30mins ATV, it was exciting, scary at certain points, I am scare to fall cos it all hard surfaces, stones. Unfortunately, Regine fall at the ending, feel so painful for her. If I was her, I sure Cry... after ATV, we ate some sweet pineapple then set off to next destination- water rafting for 5K. As I am scare of water, I was very careful not letting myself to fall, holding on the rope tightly,  grab whatever that will prevent myself from falling into the water. It was uneventful but enjoyable... After that, we went for elephant trekking- I was scare again cos the elephant have to climb up slope then down slope, carrying me & Regine's plus the guides man's weight... so poor thing, I wouldn't want to try that if possible... then simple lunch... we have rice with fried egg, fried chicken, veg, water & watermelon. We are given a free waterfall destination but super boring then to monkey cave which is also super boring... After all activities, we went back to resort then go for Massage again. This time the massage is disappointing.

Friday, April 17, 2015


My name is IVY.
My character is like my name:
😟I-mai*I-mai- can't make real decisions even simple things like what to eat for lunch or dinner, can't make up my mind, do things slow slow etc, 😟idealistic- always dreaming to be a greater, better person
😟Idolize- people who are smart, pretty & talented people. Usually, I am also jealous them cos my brain contains nothing, I describe my brain as coconut brain, only water, no meat. Hahaha... it makes me feel worthless sometimes. It makes me feel shame shame of myself cos I speak like a brainless idiot. Most of the time I regretted what I have said very fast but it's too late to apologize. Husband- so sorry, I am not ur ideal wifey. Nvm la hor... can't escape from me le!
😛I-irritating- I am like a irritating specimen that can drive u to the wall, vomit blood... I know U don't like me touchy touchy touch u but I can't help it, when I see u, I automatically wants to hold u, grab ur arms, hand etc... I am try to be mindful that U don't like it. (How do I know? *from ur non-verbal cues la! Well, enjoy this irritating wifey while she grabs ur arms before I have return to another world) hahaha.....

V-very fortunate to have my husband who is my most reliable pillar. U are like my "instant" estacy make me happier. I feel like telling u all my unhappiness, happiness, silly & everything cos I know I "instantly" become Cinderella, like a princess 👸 & I am treated like a princess though sometimes u forget my presence. I am so grateful today especially when u know my mom is not well & u came to my rescue on your busy schedule.

Y- I LOVE TO ASK Y? And it's silly Y? For example...Y am I not like others who are steady in their work, Y my brain contains nothing, Y I am less fortunate than some others, Y I am not pretty, Y I am born in the family, Y I am so indecisive, Y I am so lazy, Y I am like others, Y people bully me, Y politics, Y force me, Y can't leave me alone, Y must do research, Y u making me feel so small, Y I can't do or have certain things, Y I can't be like her, Y I don't understand,  Y I don't know my husband well, Y I have little friends, Y people don't like me, Y they need to stab me, Y can't I do whatever I like, Y must u compare, Y must I be a PROFESSIONAL SSN, Y must u do this to me, Y I can't do it correctly like others, WHY??? Am I so stress?

Just to scream out loud with my inner frustrations!

Monday, March 23, 2015

I am not intelligent

I never being intelligent in my whole 35years old. A better word description is STUPID.

Bel say I never think before I say. I totally agreed what she say but still she hurt my fragile heart unintentional.

I talk before processing my thoughts...which will lead me to unpleasant, bad, scary & even death to me when I do this... almost everyday.



It is a sad monday... Mr LKY has went to another world today.

Someone told me that death is a natural process in a life cycle, the differences are how are I going to die & when will it be.

It is never easy to announce that ur loved one passed away. I had this painful experience last year in 18th May 2014 when my Pa passed away in the hospital & I watched him fade away without being able to take away some of his sufferings & pain. But being able to accompany him by his side, I hope he can forgive me. I cannot forget the day before he become drowsy, he is so alert & able to talk to us. My only wish is he could be pain free & no more sufferings. I remembered that the day when his condition deteriorate & the Dr call us to visit him early. We accompanied him, listen to YouTube together, held his hand & asked him for forgiveness & asked him go peacefully. All I can do is to watch him... walking towards death or a better world without sufferings til the next morning when he is really to go. I was ALONE in the hospital. I thought I could hold my emotions & tears but I didn't.  When he is alive, I never say..."Pa, I love u!"

To tell u the truth, I hated him sometimes BUT for a short while. Being the first child for my parents, I was told my dad did not pick me up when I was discharge from hospital just because I am baby girl. Why? Baby girl is also a gift from heaven & a love gift. Being a eldest & girl was not easy, feel I am not treated fairly. He forget to think about my future.  However, my Pa still dote me, he know I loved bitter durians, crab claw etc & he will reserved for me.

I missed u, Pa... I hope u are in a better place & happy now. Loved YOU.

Be Strong, Lee family.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

My Wishlists

My Wishlists before u start ur degree...

Watch movie 🎥
Go KTV 📺 to sing sing sing
Marmalade Pantry near turf city for night live band

Temporary wishlists...

New added wishlist

Be a gentle wifey
Cook a meal for LC once in a blue moon.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

About March Me :)

Lately, I am in love with Jigsaw puzzles. Went shopping with hubby at Bugis & I bought a 300pcs Tontoro puzzle- 75% completed. 12.3.15- bought Eiffel Tower 1000pcs puzzles that cost me $43.90; frame not included, at a shop in Velocity recommended by Oliver.

I also signed up for Kickboxing at promotional price- $588 for 24 lessons over 6months. Currently, I still have 1more lesson from Groupon. I find that Kickboxing is fun but tiring. I love the rapid boxing movements, allow me to vent my frustrations. I think I over do it, now my shoulder is still aching after my 2nd lesson. I hope that I won't regret signing up for the lessons for $588. $100 each month & aim to go for 1 class per week. I aim to at least lose 3 kg over the 6months. It is because I am gluton, I love to eat. Currently, my weight is 53kg as of March 2015, my aim is to be 50kg by September 2015. Will I be able to achieve my goal? To be evaluate in September.

Yesterday, I met KPO aunties in the lift & they asked me when am I getting married. My reply to their question is SMILE. She then SAY..."this yr u ALREADY 36 hor, u same age as my daughter hor, faster get married & pregnant, if not difficult!!! My reply was, SMILE & say 37 already!! Inside my heart- mind ur business please. Having a kid is probably every women's wish, duty & ways to prove that u r a woman who has functioning reproductive system. It is like a man should have their own career that proves their abilities. Each man or woman is an unique individual who may or may not fufil their gender assignments. Nevertheless, thank u KPO aunties for ur concern but u all don't need to worry too much for me.

Yesterday, 3rd uncle & auntie invited me & mom to their place for dinner. 3rd auntie commented that my skin is fair & smooth. Then 3rd uncle say, "I think Ah Hwa put on weight that's y her face looks fair & better circulation." Yes, I have gained some weight. Then 3rd uncle say, "Ah Hwa, u got white hair ah?" Yes, I have many white hair. Good observations. Dinner was simple but yummy. Soup & steamed fish. I am going to keep a lookout for the temporary stall that sells the sauce for steaming fish, I liked it. I asked them to cook for me sometimes & I passed $ to them to get the ingredients. They agreed. (* Last night, I dreamt LC went to 3rd uncle house with to have dinner ^.^...funny!)

Pre-BD celebration dinner with Buddies trip friends-W, J, R & I on 13 March 2015. Had my favourite Japanese restaurant set dinner, followed by desserts at TCC. Gossiping sessions... J suppose to be the hot favourite candidate to be promoted to NC but missed. Another candidate, M got it! When M got it, NC OBG called to ask ADN T why J did not get promoted?! J has been a hot favourite & ADN T likes her alot & has intention to promote her. It's all politics la! When ADN T saw J, she said this to her, " M get promoted before u doesn't she is better than U?!" So sad, if I am M & I heard this. Whatever it is, just hear & blog here & not to say this to anybody else if I still want my life & job. Heard from J & W that M is not well liked by ADN T, but I saw with my own eyes before the promotion results is out, M went to see ADN T & they were in good conditions! Scary, all so fake? I also fake sometimes at work to keep myself alive. Sometimes, die also don't what is the reasons. 

Sleepy le...byezzz

Friday, February 27, 2015

I don't understand why?

I don't understand why..... human never LISTEN 👂?

Let's start off with my MOM... told her not to eat this, drink that, do not do this, just do that BUT she simply couldn't listen, understanding & follow what I say!!! I could only nag nag nag, explain explain explain & repeat myself ample times with no positive results!!! I cry, I become monster 👹,  I raise my voice, I gentle & I coax with poor outcomes. Hack la! Do what u want la!  How many more years do we have to do all this mischievous acts?

Who is next?! Yes!!! Obviously, next would be my my mom's precious SON, my only blood related brother la!!! Another problematic MAN!!! Call yourself, a MAN? Come on la, how old are you? U have wasted half of ur life doing what?  Please STOP & wait up ur ideas!!! STOP ur "RISK investment in Lion ten"! God damn it!!! When?!! Will I be free from your FONS ??? Try to save up some $$$MONEY!!! Even me, this stupidest idiot know that age is catching up & health is gradually report sick hence, save than risk it completely to build unnecessary AXE for yr national. We do not communicate as a family for care for each other,  we are more like tenants n landlord living under one roof! I could forsee what alot of future problems u might face. However, probably our PA already predict it & he left u his matchbox shelter. Lucky u! Of course, I am jealous but happy for PA's arrangements. Even if now "PA" is sitting beside me, I am not scared to say this: PA, I am jealous of Ah Heng, have u forgotten that u also have a stupidest, dumb daughter? I have told PA before how I feel. I am not asking for any returns BUT please blessed us with a simple life in yr new world. Thank you.

Next... Work, politics... never ending stress for lazy me...being lazy, I can't meet others expectations... I am miserable so does the other parties. Upcoming HA on 5th March 2015! I think I can make. Politics... to me, such a smallest fry is a challenge! I do not wish to be sweep into the politic typhoon, I will feel terrible, no cure, no antidote & eventually die! Even though,  my ideal plan is to move on to clinic when I am 35 years old but I feel abit regret for this 8months of new job scope. Well, I probably need to find ways to survive n live happily ever after. I need more more more time for adjustments. Hopefully I can make it by December 2015.

My 3rd uncle is another challenging man who smokes freely like a chimney. (MY BRO ALSO!!!) Why? Didn't u see how my PA suffer? He already WARNS u all to stop smoking 🚬 QUIT it! Nevertheless, ultimately it's ur OWN body! Do whatever u want. Do u know u all are also dragging us to hell cos we are also inhaling second-hand FOC toxic smoke? Is it fun to see us get potential CA free gift from God one day? Is this the way u all want us to suffer? Yayay. .. back to my theory- life is Short, never mind- just SMOKE while u like! Consequences comes later & it may be too late to do anything to service recover!

Am I having a lot of anger? Yes, 101% that I am angry because I didn't do anything to change or force changes. I've learned recently, u need a Vision in order to make changes will be carry out effectively. I only wish to be a SIMPLE STUPIDEST monkey 🙈 with adequate amount of family love, care & concern, true friends that cares for me as what I am; a super passive person. Most importantly, my LC continues to understand me,  pamper me like a princess even though I am getting older n uglier. I am always envious about old couples who share love n concern for each other, ;holding hands tightly worrying that other old man will steal her 老princess 👸.

Thank you for listening. I am writing this blog under my block.... it's so late but it's so windy here. I am enjoying being ALONE. I used to go ECP to relax myself when I am troubled or bad things happened to me. Ok, my eyes is warning me..... eyes 👀 say " I don't understand why is she blogging at this time after Ah Fong sessions, after Kickboxing & after 3 mini bread intake!!!" Stop blogging la! I closing in 10mins! !! 😆

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Happy birthday 🎂

Today is CNY 初七 aka 人日 which means it's everyone's birthday 🎂!  Happy birthday everyone before the clock strikes 12MN!

Some people/family will practice 捞鱼生!!

After work, I went to BKP to purchase my pay day craving dinner since mom is not cooking.  Saw so many people queuing at Ichiban boshi to buy 鱼生 home. So envy! I always envy people who share close relationship with family members and relative especially big family 👪. So nice, everyone gather together to 捞鱼生lor!

Overheard a couple conversation. ....

Husband: (noticing wifey looking at people who is queuing up to buy 鱼生) He asked wifey," do you want to 捞鱼生? "
Wifey: Only the 2 of us, how to 捞鱼生, cannot finish also.
Husband: Take out his HP & start to make arrangements.

Me: So envious cos they could just call their family or friends to join in. So nice.
That's impossible for me to contact people to do this type of events...

Nevertheless,  I had a full craving meal as requested by my tummy. Japanese rice, wakami salad $6.30😨, fried chicken 🍗 for dinner alone.

Today is 人日, can i make a wish?

Wished all can have good health, good weather & good career.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Topic requested by LC-1

Blog topic requested by LC-1: Where I want my LambChop to bring me?

I want my LC to bring me to his world 🌍. Epic answer?!! I always wanted to go to my LC's world. I feel I am from another planet trying to connect with him but it seems to be a dream. I know he is loving me with all he can with his heart, providing & fulfilling my wishes with his best resources. His way of letting me taking care of his finance is buying all things that I like. However, I am a very greedy Monkey who desires more than materialistic items. It's the soul connections, able to talk anything under the sun without withholding any words that worrying to hurt or anger each other. Probably, you will say..."Eeee, CMI aka cannot make it! Like some other gals who wished to control their the other half finance, I only wish to take care of my LC's finance & not control.  To be more specific, it means knowing how much he earned, any winning or lose from his investments during friendly MJ or building axe. I guess he worries if I would nag, angry & "can't sleep"/ can't stop asking if I know the amount of investment he have done. Finance aka $💵is a sensitive topic to talk about actually. To me, it feels like a barrier between us. I am also learning to "let it go, let it go!" Stop my curiosity & interest in being finance minister. Hope I would succeed.

Places in Singapore: Go with LambChop :... so long never go beach, fly kite, bowling, ktv. Places that has live band, I am still thinking, add on when I have inspiration.
Bring me & mama go: Zoo, sentosa sea aquarium

As for which countries I want my LambChop to bring me? My answer will be lame... many lor! Wished to go many countries.
For example, 1)Taiwan-Taipei, Kending, etc, exploring their different parts of Taiwan, understanding their cultures, taste each places specialty.  2) Korea 3) Philippines 4)Japan 5)New Zealand 6) Europe 7) Australia 8) BKK
Not in alphabetical order, depends on mood, season, air-fare price,available leave etc.

What about my LambChop?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

CNY 2015

CNY 2015 is just another day, another yearly festival, a love-hate relationship with CNY.

I loved CNY when I was young. My aunties, uncles will come to my Grandma house (my family stays with Grandma in a big kampong house in " Lim Chu Kang") to celebrate CNY. My mom's "PorPor" will bring us to Bukit Timah Beauty would to buy some new clothes & food for me, brother & family. I loved it. My mom will slaughter ducks, chickens & prepare to give my uncles & aunties. I get to play with cousins. After my Grandma passed away, all these activites gradually cease.

Over the years, I developed a Love-Hate relationship for CNY.

I have always envy people who has a big family who shares close bonding with each family members. I am not so lucky to be part of this group.

I have a unique mom.

I just wished to have a normal family, probably difficult in this life, maybe next life-please try again next life.

Last year, my dad passed away hence according to chinese customs, we are not allowed to celebrate CNY (Anyway, we don't celebrate CNY in my family). My unique mom doesn't understand why we can't celebrate CNY. My brother once again did not contribute to the CNY stuffs- not surprising at all, predictable! No reunion dinner is common in my BKP hse too! We went to 3rd uncle & Ah Yee house as per mom's request. As usual, commom questions arised- my cousin asked," when are u getting married?" Any plans for kids? Nothing much to say mah!

Occassionally, I would ask my LC- "Can u bring me along whenever he say he is going to his customer house?" I know his reply would be " Cannot cos it's work related ." This year, he brought me along to his friends house. Thank you for bringing me. I am not trying to be the gal who want to intrude your peaceful life. Just want to know. No need to bring me along next time. I had great fun. Thank you.

I don't understand!

To LIVE no matter how hard is life or to END to cease the sufferings? Which one needs more courage? I don't understand!? I have witnssed people i.e. jumping from high floor but actually he is under alcohol influence hence he might not know what he is doing! From newspaper reports on how people live to the fullest no matter how hard their live is, people who commit suicide or attempt to kill due to minor misunderstanding or thoughts/depression.

I don't understand! How do people conclude how their life should be ongoing or discontinued?

As a white angels, I have different encounters from the customers, their loved ones, the Healthcare workers & Drs etc. Some do their best to live for their loved ones & for themselves. Some can't be bothered. Some leave it to fate. Medical bills have become a heavy burden to some families. Seeking treatment is crucial, maintaining it take perseverance & good mentality to go on.

Why such a sad blog?

Just a thought!

Me?! What's my thought? I don't know! For now, I only wished my life would be simple. My mom would be healthy, free of pain, happy & no bad thought. My brother could think for himself, be a man who can care for himself, take care of his mom & be healthy.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Goodbye Horse Year!

In one hour's time, time to bid goodbye Mr/Ms Horse & welcome Mr/Ms Lamb! 

Let's have a quick recap!

A lot of happenings!!! From CCU-> CTSICU->HF->NSCU->HF. Dad passed on 18/5/2014 am. Trip: Macau, HK, Japan. Missed a few events like 2wedding, 1 house warming, what else did I missed. No longer able to bond with my colleagues..... feels I am so "Just a hihi, bb friend"! Feels so out of place & ..... different! It allows me to understand, no pain= no gain, I did not do my part to maintain our friendship operation. Now need to deal with different job scope, maintain my "Shield" to prevent any damage  & my safety. Goodbye Dad, u made me understand that ..."don't keep things unsaid & ask even though u know what tis outcome already. How about me? Too many till I can't remember. Health not so good...sick sick sick....My Bro who seldom helped home & worked like 24hours but doesn't seems to earn enough money. Giving my mom $10 makes my mom super happy! 

Hubby... U r the person whom keep me going, always try ur best to appreciate me & tolerate me. 

Looking forward for a better year with Mr/Ms Lamb. 

Better health, hard to slim down til target: 50kg by end of Dec 2015. 

Maintain a stable, communicative relationship with hubby. Wished Hubby could share more informations with me. Whenever I sees bad news on TV, I would wonder if the dead party or the living parties has any regrets? Looking forward Japan trip with Hubby. 

Better adaptation to my current job with regards to working timing, Bosses, colleagues, higher management, working partners etc. I don't how long more before I can ditch the miserable thoughts or feelings. 

Wished my Mom- good health, be a good girl & listen to me and don't disturb me so much. 

That's all for me, update again if needed. 

Happy lunar new year in 8mins time. Tq

Saturday, February 14, 2015

14 February 2015

Today is our 14th Valentine's Day since we started dating! Am I right?! 

I am always being pampered by U like a Princess on this special day. Will there be more to come? I received a $20 worth red rose...stingy me was like...happy but EXpensive; not worth the price for 1 rose. Had my favourite Japanese restaurant at Far East Shopping centre...another $80. OMG! 

U granted my wishes today... 1) Hairy monster tx, 2) Fave hotdog bread, 3) Far faraway threading service. Thank U! 

U surprised me with MCM wallet....I loved it! Suit me! Brown & Cony soft toy set...despite EX, u bought for me...I like it! 

Bad me...wanted to give a handmade card filled with mushy thoughts for U but I didn't have enough time to do it! i am bad at buying presents for u. Hope I can get something for u in September cos it is one of my favourite month of the year! Can U wait til September for ur pressie? Tell me what u wished for is even better.  

Thank u for......Loving me............................& everything. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Hello February!

Times flies!!! It's February, one of my favourite month every year. of my longest friend's birthday on 1.2.15- Priscilla Tan. I have known her since 1994 when she came to my class with Teck Whye Secondary school uniform & being 1.7m tall gal. She is outstanding shiny gal who blocks my view of the blackboard on the first day if I was sitting behind her.'s Valentines' time day. I had a surprised gift on Valentines' day ...maybe 10years ago when my silly Ex-BF send me a bouquet of red Roses. Now, I am already a OLD Ex-GF but "chomp" already by silly goose--flowers is really expensive and not that necessary to be given on V-day if not so Expensive! I know he already got me a pressie....hehehhe.....I know where is it!

Cos... Courts & Novena furniture store is going to send me my purchases on 8/2/15 dining table, & steamboat cum BBQ gadget for CNY. 

Cos ... Singtel coming to fix a new telepline in Bukit Panjang.

Cos.... I am spending 3D2N in Macau with LC.

To be updated.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Hi January 2015😆

OMG! January 2015 is ending soon! Time flies😕 Let's recap the wonderful events, happiest moments in January 2015!

1-3 January 2015: 3D2N Macau trip with LC. Fly there via Tiger 🐯 airline & stayed in Holiday Inn. Went to our usual place of interest, discovered " Margaret's cafe" but they are 🔐 closed for holiday. Bought "little cutie" X4, Espirit spree: denim skirt X2, top X4 & legging X1. The happiest thing is LC's investment is fine & I received some profit.

 5 January 2015: Arranged Town Council to remove all unwanted furniture. Now, the house seems to be emptied. Well, new ones are purchased & it will be sent to the house in 8th Feb 2015.

6 January 2015: Supposed to meet Sölö boss & co-partner at Plaza but I got the meeting place wrongly. Suppose to be B.P. Plaza NOT Plaza Singapura😠

8 January 2015: LSCN- Passed with STRESS!!!

10 January 2015: My 1st Saturday work for 2015 cum New Year Party 2015. Plus "Dancing crabby" followed by "Rider's cafe dessert with my buddies friends! A enjoyable session. While waiting for our booking Cab, heard music notes from Marmalade cafe; a lived band playing songs that I know...loved it...can I come next time😉!?? Hahah...

18 January 2015: Painting room walls & ceiling for $260 + part time helper cleaning the kitchen & toilet for $40 for 3hrs- overall good; good to have someone to help me clean the house but of course I did some cleaning too.

22 January 2015: NCSC term 2 examination. ..wasn't fully prepared but took the rest. ...results to be updated when out...pray for a PASS cos I hugged the Buddha leg super last minute & tight.

24 January 2015: One of my happiest day in's Our long waited Prudential sponsored Photo shoot at One Fulluton Hotel at 2-3pm. Had a wonderful & delicious lunch before we meet the photographer, Stan... I have forgotten his name! We paid $63  for 30-50 photos edited & they will deliver in 4-6weeks time. Looking forward to see the end product. It was a fun session, thank you dear Mr Rain for the fine weather. Thank you hubby for the special pressie for January. I am going to order canvas print when the CD arrives. La lalala. ...

24-25 January 2015: Staycation in Capella Singapore with my Sölö friends. Hubby was very thoughtful to send me there even though he wasn't in his best mood due to his hectic work stress. The place was beautiful & tranquil for relaxation. We had high tea at the "library ", dinner at RWS then a not so good sleep due to the tapping of the computer 💻. Having a wonderful $50 breakfast at the hotel the next morning. Enjoyed a Swedish massage 💆... I had great fun, thank you all & special thanks to hubby for making me his pampered 👸 princess.

26 January 2015: Hihi...flu, sore throat & thanks for coming to visit me...took panadol & vitamin C to avoid seeing them.

27 January 2015: Supposed to run 🏃 but avoided cos I am sick for real. Appetite decreases a little but I went to eat my favourite expensive porridge with "sashimi" with hubby... definitely delicious la! Went back home after. Got another wonderful pressies... new Hallmark fitted sheet & quilt and firm Simmons nex gen pillow! So nice!!! Didn't want to wake up when the alarm rings, got to snooze for a few times before I left home for work. What a wonderful gift 🎁.  Love 😍 you hubby for pampering me so much, don't stop, never give give me surprises...only good ones accepted. ..okay!!!