Monday, October 5, 2015

White paper 📄

The best thing that happened today!

I won the balloting for 19-25 December 2016 leave slot!


Dr Fong asked me if I want to give up my leave slot?! In my heart... why bully me, ask me to give up. NO, I must know my rights! So she prepared 6 blank square paper & cross out 1 square paper & prepare for us to ballot. She handed us to pick, Sister Veronica then Jaya then suppose to be WY but she didn't want to pick, Dr Fong passed the box to me, I skipped, Regine or LY pick then I pick... dare not opened cos I scare to see a cross.

But I got a white square paper without a CROSS!!


Can go holiday lo!
Next step is to save $!

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