Saturday, December 26, 2015

Hohoho... Merry Christmas 🎄

When Christmas comes, it mean new year is approaching

Year 2015 is ending soon & let's welcome 2016.

Time is running out for me. Why? Many things can't be done when u r getting old. Oh well, I believe it's all predestined. Be contented with what u have NOW & treasure it while u have time.

How did I spent my Christmas Eve, day & post?

24th December 2015- No official announcement until we ate FOC pizza, yes! Half day work & then I went back. Picked up by LC to meet MD & Amilyn for Haidilao steamboat dinner. I was a bit worried if I will like it but surprisingly I love it. Thank you, Amilyn for introducing "tomato 🍅 soup base" & thank you hubby for choosing all time favorite "Chicken 🍗 soup base". I enjoyed myself even though I was not able to participate in the conversation actively because I am a boring person. Thank you, hubby for trying to bring me to meet ur friends for dinner. Thank you, MD & Amilyn for allowing & accepting me to join u all for dinner. They even invited us to visit their sweet staycation room at Park Hotel. It's nice & cosy. They even got a Sponsored parking coupon for us.

Home sweet home 🏡  & it's pressies time!
I got a IPad mini 4 from hubby- superb cos my previous iPad is so heavy! Hehehe. .. I am loving it!

Not forgetting to mention all other Christmas 🎄 pressies given by my friends & colleagues. Just in case my memories storage fails, I shall list them down. Numbering at random..

1. Pigsy- Craftholic soft toy & VS spray
2. Anne- Limited edition perfume & water bottle
3. Bel- Groupon & Mac Long Eyewear
4. Marilyn- My fave Gardener handcream
5. May Ling- Chocolate
6. Sister Teo- Cookies
7. MD & Amilyn- cookies
8. Aidila- cupcake
9. Ting- precious moment A4 file
10. Venassa- "I" figurine
11. Koh- handcream
12. Alice- pouch
13. Aileen- a dress 👗
14. RZ- water bottle
15. Trip Buddies gift exchange- pending

Dear all, thank you for brightening me up with so many gifts. I loved them all!

Every year I tell myself I must prepare the gifts early but I never do it. Try again next year!

25 December 2015- Staycation in Marriott Hotel with hubby! Soo nice, quality time spent! Nice brunch with MD & Amilyn at Far East Plaza Chicken rice & dessert at Scott's. Super full but super happy. Booked "Ip Man's" movie at 9.40pm. Shopping at my favorite supermarket & food stuffs grabbed. Loved Jordan's corn bread & it's so delicious when eat with apple ham & double cheese! Not forgetting the nice makan from 7-8.30pm at Marriot L2. After movie, we have a short walk at orchard. Loved the fact, so late out together! Watched a silliest movie in hotel before we fall asleep.

26 December 2015- my worse nightmare early in the morning: hubby iPhone 6s CMI. Mr Blackie Lim appeared without notice. Hahaha. .. luckily managed to onz it back. Yup... staycation ended faster than I expected. And I am back to Isetan's supermarket to spend $. I was sent back to BKP. Feeling sick & I sleep sleep. Slightly better after 1 dose of panadol & sleep.

Sianz. .. super old TV 📺 spilt permanently. Going to burn my pocket money 💵 again...

Good night dear all... I am going to sleep. What else did I missed out in my blog for today?

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