Friday, February 27, 2015

I don't understand why?

I don't understand why..... human never LISTEN πŸ‘‚?

Let's start off with my MOM... told her not to eat this, drink that, do not do this, just do that BUT she simply couldn't listen, understanding & follow what I say!!! I could only nag nag nag, explain explain explain & repeat myself ample times with no positive results!!! I cry, I become monster πŸ‘Ή,  I raise my voice, I gentle & I coax with poor outcomes. Hack la! Do what u want la!  How many more years do we have to do all this mischievous acts?

Who is next?! Yes!!! Obviously, next would be my my mom's precious SON, my only blood related brother la!!! Another problematic MAN!!! Call yourself, a MAN? Come on la, how old are you? U have wasted half of ur life doing what?  Please STOP & wait up ur ideas!!! STOP ur "RISK investment in Lion ten"! God damn it!!! When?!! Will I be free from your FONS ??? Try to save up some $$$MONEY!!! Even me, this stupidest idiot know that age is catching up & health is gradually report sick hence, save than risk it completely to build unnecessary AXE for yr national. We do not communicate as a family for care for each other,  we are more like tenants n landlord living under one roof! I could forsee what alot of future problems u might face. However, probably our PA already predict it & he left u his matchbox shelter. Lucky u! Of course, I am jealous but happy for PA's arrangements. Even if now "PA" is sitting beside me, I am not scared to say this: PA, I am jealous of Ah Heng, have u forgotten that u also have a stupidest, dumb daughter? I have told PA before how I feel. I am not asking for any returns BUT please blessed us with a simple life in yr new world. Thank you.

Next... Work, politics... never ending stress for lazy me...being lazy, I can't meet others expectations... I am miserable so does the other parties. Upcoming HA on 5th March 2015! I think I can make. Politics... to me, such a smallest fry is a challenge! I do not wish to be sweep into the politic typhoon, I will feel terrible, no cure, no antidote & eventually die! Even though,  my ideal plan is to move on to clinic when I am 35 years old but I feel abit regret for this 8months of new job scope. Well, I probably need to find ways to survive n live happily ever after. I need more more more time for adjustments. Hopefully I can make it by December 2015.

My 3rd uncle is another challenging man who smokes freely like a chimney. (MY BRO ALSO!!!) Why? Didn't u see how my PA suffer? He already WARNS u all to stop smoking 🚬 QUIT it! Nevertheless, ultimately it's ur OWN body! Do whatever u want. Do u know u all are also dragging us to hell cos we are also inhaling second-hand FOC toxic smoke? Is it fun to see us get potential CA free gift from God one day? Is this the way u all want us to suffer? Yayay. .. back to my theory- life is Short, never mind- just SMOKE while u like! Consequences comes later & it may be too late to do anything to service recover!

Am I having a lot of anger? Yes, 101% that I am angry because I didn't do anything to change or force changes. I've learned recently, u need a Vision in order to make changes will be carry out effectively. I only wish to be a SIMPLE STUPIDEST monkey πŸ™ˆ with adequate amount of family love, care & concern, true friends that cares for me as what I am; a super passive person. Most importantly, my LC continues to understand me,  pamper me like a princess even though I am getting older n uglier. I am always envious about old couples who share love n concern for each other, ;holding hands tightly worrying that other old man will steal her 老princess πŸ‘Έ.

Thank you for listening. I am writing this blog under my block.... it's so late but it's so windy here. I am enjoying being ALONE. I used to go ECP to relax myself when I am troubled or bad things happened to me. Ok, my eyes is warning me..... eyes πŸ‘€ say " I don't understand why is she blogging at this time after Ah Fong sessions, after Kickboxing & after 3 mini bread intake!!!" Stop blogging la! I closing in 10mins! !! πŸ˜†

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