Monday, March 23, 2015


It is a sad monday... Mr LKY has went to another world today.

Someone told me that death is a natural process in a life cycle, the differences are how are I going to die & when will it be.

It is never easy to announce that ur loved one passed away. I had this painful experience last year in 18th May 2014 when my Pa passed away in the hospital & I watched him fade away without being able to take away some of his sufferings & pain. But being able to accompany him by his side, I hope he can forgive me. I cannot forget the day before he become drowsy, he is so alert & able to talk to us. My only wish is he could be pain free & no more sufferings. I remembered that the day when his condition deteriorate & the Dr call us to visit him early. We accompanied him, listen to YouTube together, held his hand & asked him for forgiveness & asked him go peacefully. All I can do is to watch him... walking towards death or a better world without sufferings til the next morning when he is really to go. I was ALONE in the hospital. I thought I could hold my emotions & tears but I didn't.  When he is alive, I never say..."Pa, I love u!"

To tell u the truth, I hated him sometimes BUT for a short while. Being the first child for my parents, I was told my dad did not pick me up when I was discharge from hospital just because I am baby girl. Why? Baby girl is also a gift from heaven & a love gift. Being a eldest & girl was not easy, feel I am not treated fairly. He forget to think about my future.  However, my Pa still dote me, he know I loved bitter durians, crab claw etc & he will reserved for me.

I missed u, Pa... I hope u are in a better place & happy now. Loved YOU.

Be Strong, Lee family.

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