Sunday, August 9, 2015

SG 50

Happy National Day, Singapore! This is HOME TRULY! SG 50 Jubilee celebration.
Thank you, Mr LKY for everything U did for Singapore. Feels sad that this year, I could not see U on the TV as usual. Nevertheless, I had a chance to pay u last respect when u go to a better place.

There are many freebies this year...
Free Data from Singtel hence, I can watch my favourite Korean drama, "You are surrounded", last episode to complete before the free data is gone.
Free travel... due to Mr Flu stayed in me, I can't go enjoy free rides. Only managed to take bus ride to BKP to grab some items to de-stress myself. Managed to grab some food that I am craving... Magnam ice cream, MT. Craving for chewy junior strawberry & blueberry puff but it's not within reach. Shiok, free bus ride, at least I took 1 free ride.

When I came back from wet market. Saw mom in toilet & shit all over in the toilet!!! Clear everything. Luckily she never fall.
Bring mom to see Dr Lim again today cos mom didn't seem to get better since the last Dr visit on last Wed. I am not sure if I should sent her to hospital. Asked brother to help, scolded him for leaving mom for me handle alone, shut his door & be with his computer & hp. Well, he did help to push mom via wheelchair to see Dr Lim. As I always said, pig 🐷 brother never change his spots. Haiz...
Dr Lim say, mom lost some weight, due to dehydration & giddiness secondary to diarrhea. Given her a jab & some medicine to make her better.
Lost sleep this few days due to mom, woke up ever 1-2hrs. In turn, giving Mr Flu & sickness stayed in me. Haizz...
Making me to think that if I ever have a kid, I don't know if I can cope. But well said by someone, if u forever say not ready, not having a kid for real, u won't know if u r ready. No need to force, I believe everything is predestined. PS:LC, Don't mind my thinking. It's just a random thought & comment.

Dear 老天爷, 拜托啦不要再为难我了。够了。谢谢。

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