Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Topic requested by LC-1

Blog topic requested by LC-1: Where I want my LambChop to bring me?

I want my LC to bring me to his world 🌍. Epic answer?!! I always wanted to go to my LC's world. I feel I am from another planet trying to connect with him but it seems to be a dream. I know he is loving me with all he can with his heart, providing & fulfilling my wishes with his best resources. His way of letting me taking care of his finance is buying all things that I like. However, I am a very greedy Monkey who desires more than materialistic items. It's the soul connections, able to talk anything under the sun without withholding any words that worrying to hurt or anger each other. Probably, you will say..."Eeee, CMI aka cannot make it! Like some other gals who wished to control their the other half finance, I only wish to take care of my LC's finance & not control.  To be more specific, it means knowing how much he earned, any winning or lose from his investments during friendly MJ or building axe. I guess he worries if I would nag, angry & "can't sleep"/ can't stop asking if I know the amount of investment he have done. Finance aka $πŸ’΅is a sensitive topic to talk about actually. To me, it feels like a barrier between us. I am also learning to "let it go, let it go!" Stop my curiosity & interest in being finance minister. Hope I would succeed.

Places in Singapore: Go with LambChop :... so long never go beach, fly kite, bowling, ktv. Places that has live band, I am still thinking, add on when I have inspiration.
Bring me & mama go: Zoo, sentosa sea aquarium

As for which countries I want my LambChop to bring me? My answer will be lame... many lor! Wished to go many countries.
For example, 1)Taiwan-Taipei, Kending, etc, exploring their different parts of Taiwan, understanding their cultures, taste each places specialty.  2) Korea 3) Philippines 4)Japan 5)New Zealand 6) Europe 7) Australia 8) BKK
Not in alphabetical order, depends on mood, season, air-fare price,available leave etc.

What about my LambChop?

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