Friday, December 11, 2015

What happens to my family?

Lately, my favourite Korean drama is "What happens to my family".
It's a warm comedy cum family Korean drama that make me laugh & cry at the same time. The actors did really well in acting their roles! Thumbs up! "Hyojin" who is a innocent aka brainless simple gal who has no talents at all but she can drive u nuts. I feel I am like her, the only difference is I am not a rich family daughter. Lol... 😂 I loved this drama, I am coming home everyday to watch it! I wish it has a happy ending. It is because the Dad in the drama files a lawsuit against his 3 children in order to spend his limited quality time with them. He has advanced stage stomach cancer but he doesn't want to let his 3 children know. His terms & conditions to dropped this lawsuit is that his 3 children will need to fulfill the requests that he raised. And he planned a schedule on what he want to do during his last 3-6 months of life with his children & family. It includes having dinner with his 3 children on every Saturday. His eldest son & daughter-in-law need to move back to his place. His daughter will need to go for match-made sessions & get married. His youngest son need to get a proper job & give him allowance every month. Eventually,  his 3 children found out the truth & it's very heartbreaking for him & his children. When someone ask his youngest son- what is/are your Dad's hobbies or likes? He can't answer. I also do not know what is my late Dad's hobbies or like also. Beside knowing his like to gamble, I know nuts about his other hobbies or likes. If people were to ask me what's your husband's hobbies or likes? I can only say, it will be playing computer games, staying at home, play soccer and work. Beside all this, my reply would be I don't know.

I concluded this drama's moral of the story is simple- treasure what you have, spend time with them whenever you can; no matter how short. It's the quality & not quantity. Say what you want to say before your time runs out, but please say more nice than harsh things. Family 👪 ties is very important but often ignore or no time to maintain it due to other commitments such as work. Not everyone can maintain or have good family relationship. I hope to have a normal family 👪, living together, loving each other & be healthy.

I LOVE you Mom, no matter how naughty u are & disturb me when I sleep lime a PIG 🐷.  I love you Husband,  no matter how busy you are & "hates" me for disturbing you!

Well, I need to sleep. Wish me sweet dreams!

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