Sunday, February 22, 2015

CNY 2015

CNY 2015 is just another day, another yearly festival, a love-hate relationship with CNY.

I loved CNY when I was young. My aunties, uncles will come to my Grandma house (my family stays with Grandma in a big kampong house in " Lim Chu Kang") to celebrate CNY. My mom's "PorPor" will bring us to Bukit Timah Beauty would to buy some new clothes & food for me, brother & family. I loved it. My mom will slaughter ducks, chickens & prepare to give my uncles & aunties. I get to play with cousins. After my Grandma passed away, all these activites gradually cease.

Over the years, I developed a Love-Hate relationship for CNY.

I have always envy people who has a big family who shares close bonding with each family members. I am not so lucky to be part of this group.

I have a unique mom.

I just wished to have a normal family, probably difficult in this life, maybe next life-please try again next life.

Last year, my dad passed away hence according to chinese customs, we are not allowed to celebrate CNY (Anyway, we don't celebrate CNY in my family). My unique mom doesn't understand why we can't celebrate CNY. My brother once again did not contribute to the CNY stuffs- not surprising at all, predictable! No reunion dinner is common in my BKP hse too! We went to 3rd uncle & Ah Yee house as per mom's request. As usual, commom questions arised- my cousin asked," when are u getting married?" Any plans for kids? Nothing much to say mah!

Occassionally, I would ask my LC- "Can u bring me along whenever he say he is going to his customer house?" I know his reply would be " Cannot cos it's work related ." This year, he brought me along to his friends house. Thank you for bringing me. I am not trying to be the gal who want to intrude your peaceful life. Just want to know. No need to bring me along next time. I had great fun. Thank you.

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