Friday, August 7, 2015

Happy holiday


It's a PH...D1
So cool... no need to work.
Been so stressed this few week with myself, my mom, NCSC & HFS.
- feel sick. Didn't have enuf rest because my mom also sick.
- Uncle 3 say my mom tell other 3 姑 6 婆 that I didn't bring her to see Dr. I... whatever...
- Uncle 3 say those 3 姑 6 婆 say I "Dao"... NV greet them... I ... whatever... u so like my greet... I greet u all next time la!
😞 Y target me? I look like tofu is it... very soft, nice to bully ah!? Or cos I am a damn daughter?! I ... whatever la! U think/ say whatever u like la! Even so, if ever one day I get a chance to have a kiddo, I hope it's a daughter ...okay! What's wrong being daughter?! Check out my mom's son! Ahhhh...... eat too full, out of topic to comment ah!
- Competency checklist booklet to complete with dateline.
- Case study: supposed to hand up in mid Aug but surprise attack by Roti Prata Fong... to hand up on 6.8.15.
😤 Surprise meeting to tell us our posting!? What's the point u r not prepared with all the possible FAQs answers? Making everyone like... sianz... I am of course, no surprise... go back to HFS to work.
NCSC coming to an end soon on 31.8.15, a brand new stage again. Wish me luck.
Sometimes, I ponder if I made the right choice to leave inpatient & join outpatient. Lesser friendship. Out of comfort zone. Longer working hours. Early out & late home. Lesser time to buy yummiest food. More politics; need shields to protect myself. More reality to handle. Lesser team work. Gaining weight cos too much sitting. Enjoys PHs. Learning new things. Unable to fit in the old & new.

Something happy 😊 apart from all this not so nice challenges in IT life.
😍 Advanced BD present 🎁 from beloved busy husband.
1) Stayreal TOPS ... all my request is fulfill
2) A familiar NICI friend from HK... Name: Jubilee to represent SG 50.
3) Totoro pouch
All my favourite items. But abit sad 😔 cos husband spent so much money on me & he only got Jenny cookies for himself.

😐 I wish I could have 30mins quality with husband when we meet. He is always with his "mistress Iphone". Already difficult to meet & have time together due work, studies, my mom etc... If u might missed opportunity to communicate with me ... when I am gone. At least 15mins to tuck me to bed or hug me like before. Things will never be the same at different stages of life due to the experience we encounter... that what I conclude.

I wish... less troubles, less stress, more love, more happiness, less sadness, less masking, more food, less fatness, able go do things I like, better organizing skills, better luck..... etc...can't end here. 😂 lol...

I like this poem... "Someone coming into your life is a big thing because his whole life comes with him."

Monkey never change his cheeky 😝 spots.

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