Friday, July 24, 2015

I am Luis

Recently, watched sponsored movie "Ant-Man" with complimentary Popcorn & Pepsi set.

LC told me that my character is like Luis; Ant-man's good fren. Luis likes to tell long story, from head to toe. Bel also agrees.

Hi everyone, I am Luis IT.

Not everyone can receive feedback positively at once, I will need to go thru some thinking.

Feels sad :(
Feels that I am not their style (LC & Bel)
X...Get straight to the point is not my style, probably that's ppl is usually frustrated when I am having conversation with them.
如果你能爱听我的长篇大论而不会 feel frustrated...
won't be alone 
won't feel sad

feel happy, 
feel important, I will tell u more... 

I could have a Doraemon who is never bored or feel frustrated with me.

If I could change my character, not to tell long story, my life might be better.
1) Keep my reply/answers short & sweet (summarised)
2) Don't tell long stories to LC & Bel.

IT: Aiyo, no need to change la! Happy 就好了! Hahaa... continue to let them suffer la!

Now, I know why I like to have soft toys cos my imaginary friends will always smile & looks happy when I tell them long story... they LOVED it. Hahahaa.....

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