Saturday, December 24, 2011


Omg! R u blind or simply can't be bothered?! Can't u see that there's a pregnant woman standing infront of u. She is with a big " tummy"; her baby is looking at u!!! U r such a young woman, cannot stand for awhile?!

If next time, I'm pregnant & nobody give up his/ her seat for me, U WATCH OUT! I'll tell u straight to yr face! Excuse me, would u mind kindly give up yr seat please! If that person pretend not to see, i would courteously say to him/her...."Open ur eyes, I need this seat!"

Well, it's just my thought, it would not occur to me! Maybe it will when i become LZB.....hahaaa 

Friday, December 23, 2011


Applied for Zoo pass & got it. It's a company benefit It's only valid for today & I've to return it tml. It's was raining early in d morning so I decided to bring my parents to go in d afternoon. We went at 2plus via dad's new "pushchair" via Taxi to the Zoo. It's was drizzling when we reach d Zoo but luckily it is not raining heavily Hence, we manage to see quite alot of things over 4hrs. Poor mama have to walk wif her, I'm sure her leg is going to ache tonight. Mama was so hungry after we walk a short distance, our last meal at 11am so we bought 2chicken wing & 1 cup fruits. Of course, mama finished them all! Hahaa...I asked her, "u 2days nv eat ah?" & she say ya BUT I forgotten that she had makan at 11plus.

Handsome hubby came to pick us up, I saved $10 taxi fare. Pls hor, cannot cut my 2012 season parking coupon cos I've got plans for 2012. Almost LOST my iPhone, luckily is drop in handsome hubby car, if not.....dead meat la!!! Fly away

Wanted to contribute some instant noodle to salvation army BUT to my horror....they no longer there today!! Faints But luckily managed to get d items I wanted to buy ytd.

My piggy leg really is aching after a long day since 6.30am! Going to sleep early if possible & I've to wake up early tml morning to return d Zoo pass before 11am to HR! My stupid forehead red patch is BACK to haunt me again! So itchy & ugly! Help 

Thursday, December 22, 2011


iPhone reflected 2"unknown no" call- didn't call back then receive a call from dad friend. Dad asked me to bring his nric cos he want to see dr at 24hr clinic. I went down quickly to his rescue! As we wait for our turn to see d dr, I called bro to bring down d wheelchair that I bought d other day so that later I can send dad home. That rascal bro, told me he haven eat & say he want to ask my mom to send down the wheelchair!!! I'm so angry!!! Cos I oso haven fully had my "messy" MacDonald happy meal(I was given a ugly toy instead of chipmunk!-pissed) I told my bro,"if I die before him & he got to take care of mom & dad; who is going to do it!!" argrr....I didn't ask him to bring STAT, ask him to bring after he eat his dinner. Really palpitation
But dad is still happy to see brother bring d wheelchair to fetch him. I push him halfway & bro take over to push dad home. Bro pushed dad very fast & dad looked scare.

Sat, I'm going to HK for holiday & now dad not well, bird flu alert.... when is my miserable life going to END & let me have a life I imagine

Dear Santa, please...please...please... All I want for this Christmas...please grant me!!!

Friday, December 9, 2011

Such a lovable boy

My godson JH is such a lovable boy most of the time :)
Now he knows how to call " God-ma" & when u hear him call me, my heart melts :)
I brought JH BD gift to his house on 5/12/11 & helped him to set up the Tomy car model & he started to play non-stop.

Today, I'm supposed to go to Pigsy hse to play but I'm sick so I cancelled our date.

via whatsapp....
Pigsy: I told Hao u sick. Nw he keep godma godma godma godma godma godma godma godma.
Pigsy: Guess what. Hao asking for u. He ask me where is godma??
Pigsy: I asked him track who buy he say godma.

Shall go visit him another day & set up part 2 tomy car model :)

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What a FUN-filled day :)

Belinda & myself always wanted to rent a stall from flea market to sell away the items that we don't want. Finally, Belinda rented a stall from Braddell Heights CC Multi purpose Hall & Hard Court on 4/12/11. I ransack my cupboards & possible areas to dig all my treasures & sellable items. To my surprise, I really found some treasures & memories that I've forgotten long ago. I slept at 3am on 4/12/11 & woke up at 7am to prepare myself. The Big box contains old & new clothes that either I can't fit or I dun wear at all, some soft toys, 1photo album with 2 nice foc pics, cute towel & genuine NAraya bags etc. LC also brought some old clothes to sell away. We reach Braddell CC at about 9am, paid Kelvin $15 for 1stall & set up our stall, price tag the items & wait for our customers. There are about 20stalls, some sells clothes, bags, jigsaw puzzles, soft toys, homely craft etc.

I paid $3.50 for rental cos I stayed till 1pm. 1st item SOLD is "cute rabbito Naraya bag" for $4.50, the auntie was abit hesitant to buy it cos she don't whether she will use it. But I managed to coax her to buy it with a $0.50 discount. Hahahaa.... I sold $16 of clothes($3X5+$1) to a Philipino lady. I think I quite brave to show her my 3/4pant to her & told her tat she will look very nice with heels. I showed her another mixed(pink & orange) color dress that my brother bought for me in Thailand & coax her to buy it at $3, I told her that only 1 piece & is special. Hehehee....

I bought 2items from the Flea market- 1 Smurfette IPhone cover for $10 & 1homely craft "country kitchen" item for $20. I left at about 1pm to NEX for Lunch before going to RWS.

Belinda continues til 4pm with her sister & she helped me to sell off my 3NARAya bag for $15, 1photo album for $2, 1jean for $2 & 1towel for $0.50. The rest of the items were either given away or sent to salvation army for a better use.

Overall, it's a fun session cos I get to "work" as a salesgirl for 1/2 day & earn some $ & buy new items. I don't like the hot TENTAGE, maybe this is one of the reason I fall sick & tires out easily.

PART 2 event of the day is to RWS :):):) Pigsy TerSee family booked a room in Festive Hotel 2D1N with 2"FOC"Universal Studio ticket at the cost of $600 to celebrate JH's 2nd BD. Expensive hor!!! We meet at Festival hotel lobby to go up to the hotel room to "WOW" & see how does the expensive hotel looks like. The room is really nice, the view is nice, the bed & pillow is soft, got bathtub etc. We r instructed by Pigsy to pose for pics. After we settle down, we get change & play at Hard rock hotel man-made sand swimming pool. We only played for almost 1hour & JH was shivering badly but he still continues to play with the sand & water. We asked him if it's nice, he said,"nice but cold cold"! HAhaa... We went back to the room to get change for our next program- Dinner Buffet at FIEsta. LC was very sporty to come back to RWS after his soccer session & bought 2BD present for JH. The food at Fiesta overall is above average for me; I loved the cold prawns, salad, olives & fruits. After we had our dinner, we celebrate JH's BD with Swensen's ice-cream cake. Too full! JH loved the 2 present that uncle bought for him, according to his mom & pictures evidence, we r convinced that JH really loved Hershley more :) LAst min, I decided to stay at Festive hotel for a night to feel d expensive bed & environment. But, I can hear ZG loud snoring sound & I receive a "kick" from JH! Hahhaaa.... it's so furni!! Overall, I still enjoyed myself despite I didn't have a good sleep. Worst of all, my stupid course at 8am at TP wasn't on & I didn't noe till I reach the there!! Waste my time, my effort, my sleep & my travel fare.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Bad habits

Almost after every afternoon shift, I reached home at 11pm & wants to go till full before I sleep :( greedy piglet. No wonder; Belinda says that me & LC got " Fu Qi Lian"means my face is getting "rounder & rounder" No! I dun want free membership to "Pui Pui" club! I want to join "slim slim" lady clan! Hahhaa......

Saturday, November 19, 2011


Second night shift...18/11/11
Running late cos of traffic Jam, rush to take MRT & wanted to take cab BUT!!! Finally comfort taxi SH 8504 T came & I told him that I wan to go SGH Blk 4 & he say " SGH?!!! It's so near, u can't walk ah?!  what ?! (angel Monkey's yr punishment for being so lazy!) BUT!!! I'm late that's y I want to take cab so tat I can reach a few mins earlier without sweating like a ! Evil monkey rationale; hello! I'm a customer & I'll pay u cab fare! When we reach D destination- only cost $3.20; I give him $10 & he say "No small change ah?! " Stupid me still tell him, I got $0.20. Whatever la! I jus go work so I told him, jus give me back $6!!! Den I alighted d cab & SLAM d door to vent out my anger!

monkey says " nvm, he will get what he deserved.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Events in October 2011


It's August & Christina's BIG day!! Liping & myself is invited to be her "sisters", we arrive at her house at 0800hrs. I was shocked to see her Husband to be at home in his causal clothes. Then I realise that they have did their traditional ceremony in JB already & they are only inviting us to her tea ceremony & wedding banQuet. We helped out in the tea ceremony & night event.


It's my Cousin's wedding!! I went to attend d wedding with my 3rd uncle & auntie & my brother cos my dad say he doesn't want to go cos he feels "SOB". D wedding is held at Calton hotel, 2nd floor! I saw my relatives & say HI only cos it has been so long since we socialise, somehow i feel like they r stranger to me. The couples r so beautiful, their wedding photo album is very beautiful NICEI I loved her wedding gown, so Princess!!

OMG!! So embarrassing cos my Stupid OLD shoe SPOILT!! Damn!! Have to find ways to repair it, ask d waitress for rubber band BUT they don't have ah!! Luckily d manager found some tape & I repaired it so that I can finish d event!

We left before D dessert is served again!! Goodbye Mango sago :(

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm in wif my hubby :P

I went to my fren hse at night & hubby after soccer wanted to pick me up BUT I went "missing"!!! This is bcos I didnt answer my hp(cos I'm busy eating Chix wing & drink abit of beer)& my mom said that I went to Hubby hse(Hubby called home & bro say don't hv!)Finally, he called my fren & my fren say "hey, Ivy...yr hubby looking for U, u Beta call him!" time DIE liao!!!) & then I quickly call him to explain. Hahahaa!!! me: scare rite!!! Luckily, no severe scolding!!! I told Hubby...scare right(to lose such a mafan syndrome cute Monkey)...heheee...He say he scare d person who catch me...Poor thing!!! wahaaa.... Of cos feel VIP(Very Important Piglet) & happy!!!

Hubby....another message locked: "ok, deeto on 17 Aug 2011 @ 8.58pm!"

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Foot & shoulder massage !!!

26 Aug 2011
After a long tired working day, I went for Foot & Shoulder massage with Mimi & Pro at Chinatown before we go our fren hse for steamboat! Actually, I was abit reluctant to go for it cos I'm "paisei" to let ppl see my "hairy monster leg!" D shifu is big size & tall(look like alot of strength), OMG...I'm so scare! the foot massage was "painful; pain score of 8/10 at times. I like d shoulder massage, it was good BUT wasted cos I carried a super big & heavy bag. Hahaaa....
D whole session is about 45mins & it cost $20! I feel that it's quite worth it, I may consider to go again next time :>

My latest fav KOI flavour is Oolong Machiato :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

23 Aug 2011 is one my worst afternoon shift for this year! 

So busy wif a co-manage customer despite so many pair of hands helping tis slowest old ! I left at 2330hr & took cab.

Dear customer, I'm sorry that u have to be under me today but I think I tried my best to attend to U! 
During d process, I may have offended someone who my wrongly used words to reply. I'm going to get complain by d that "someone". Nvm la, jus my luck

 D journey is adventurous cos d kind taxi uncle did a wrong "U" turn at d round a-bout, luckily I quite know d way home He sped at 100km/HR &  accident almost happen cos he probably didn't realise 1 black car is behind us!  Well, nevertheless I'm home safely & paid $17.00! 

Called hubby to chat while waiting for cab cos I'm scared, sad  & feels like ! Actually, I could have a free lovely ride home from hubby if I ain't so busy! He wanted to wait but I dun noe how how so told him to go back 1st!

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Finally! It's over!

After 2+1/2month wait...finally d curious monkey went online to check & d wait is over!
Of course, a very little bit sad :( but still a relief cos I dun nid to wait anymore & I've to continue to work at my usual comfortable shift Wk! Hahahaa...

What went wrong?! Probably I didn't present myself well & fail my interview?! Or my "not-fated" boss feels I'm not suitable for his clinic! D best answer would be I'm not "young" & I've limited language ability! Well, all of d above is jus my wild guess & I can nv know d real ans!

I can delete my "Questions to ask if I'm being employed."

Try again next time & do a better job! 

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Strange 

I'm still awake at this Hour! My body time clock is not right again?! D worse thing is tml I'm afternoon shift but still need to wait up early & go attend "magnet" talk!!! North pole vs south pole!!! Whatever la!

Hehee....daddy give me allowance$$$....what to buy?! So nice

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hey U!!! 

Hey U!!! Spoilt my day 1 @ work!!! I'm trying my best to care for , though I may missed out some details BUT hey U...oso got attitude problem!! So rude to comment if I'm from China?! Even if I'm from China, u shouldn't hv a "idiot look"! My heart had "palpitation" when I talk to him, he say 's hand & leg is very cold. He asked me if he put me in d fridge, how would b freeze to death!!! I've covered 's all 4limbs wif towels & added addition blankets. He say he want to speak to d in charge of d department...ok lor! If u want to have high standard, pls sent yrself to high class hotel when in time required!! I'm just bad luck!

Lesson more attentive to pt's needs & more importantly relatives needs!!!

I'm stressed!!! But wukong, hang on cos tml is a better day cos my 8-character clashes with his Bro! I can DO It!!!power....go go go!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

My 2nd AL 


25 JUN 

Went to orchard to MIT my ROC friends for dinner & gossip. Had ayam penyat at Lucky plaza followed by a stroll to taka. After tat we went to Shaw to have dessert. In total expenditure is $20. 

26 JUN 

Hubby bought "roller blade" refresh 1hr course at woodland void deck @$15 cos our skill is lost over time. I've learned how to stand, go, stop, fall in a correct way & go faster. My piggy leg is tired but overall it's fun & I felt I've did some exercise. 

27 JUN 

Bought dad to go NUH for f/u 

28 JUN 

Bought mum to go NUH for f/u. 

29 JUN 

Only did some housework.

30 JUN 

Had a hair cut at VIVO by Tim @ $49!!! I realize I lost my UOB card & went to get a replacement & I MIT my bengawan ex-supervisor. I don't noe what to talk to her.'s a awkward situation. 

1 July

MIT Priscilla at Raffles place to explore d MBL...well, spacious but nothing much to buy!!! We went to suntec branch to eat at Aston. Midnight movie "X-men" wif popcorn combo! 

2 July

It's a "exercise" day!!! Hubby bring me to eat Old Airport Road & eat Fried prawn noodle, Garlic Pork Chop, Rojak & Sarsi drinkSlurp & soo good!!! We went to ECP for a romantic short walk den rent a Expensive($30) & many effort 2seater bicycle for an hour!!! We den went to fly kite at d beach. Another delicious dinner spread.....long Q wantan noodle & beef noodle, fried carrot cake & takeaway "bubur chacha"!!! Effort gone done d drain?! Wahahaa.....

3 July

MIT Pigsy & Hao for lunch at Sushi Teh, den we went to takashimaya to Shopping!!! Daddy Lim.....I got a smallest present 

We den went to buy my latest craze....2macaroons @ $2 from TWG.... I'm loving it!!  Hao oso loved it!! 

ZG came to MIT us at takashimaya basement & we proceed to Goodwood Park Hotel for Taiwan & durian buffet @ $46. It's quite nice & we r SO many many full!! 

4 July (Last day)

Went to SGH to MIT Belinda & took bus to Tiong Bahru Market to eat Lor Mee (178), Chwee Kueh & sugar cane drink! 

We den went to Singapore Expo & did some shopping! After a long day....I'm so tired & "sad" cos tml I'm going back to Wk !'s time to go back to earn $$$$ to replenish my monkey Fund! 

Looking forward to my next leave!!! Hehee 

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Explore new adventure

28may...dr looking for RN 

30may...dr call me & did a phone interview!

7june...visit dr clinic

Is this a new start of my work journey?!
Actually, I'm in a dilemma! Yes, I've thoughts of leaving my current job & look for another job But there are so many things to prompt me not to! It's a office hr job, only 1boss & some colleagues but many foreign, Malay speaking customers, wat abt my benefits?! How many days of leave?! Can I take urgent leave?! Can I take off day to bring my mum for check ups?! Do I still hv gd salary?! Any bonus?! Will I lost my skills?! What if I can't fulfil their expectations?

I shall go & explore d working environment den decide whether ok or jus stay at my current job!?

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Where r Ü?!

Dear personal diary..... Where r u?! I can't find u!!! Poor thing...mistress lost u coz she is so damn messy & unorganized!!! If u oso hv d power to "Toy story!!"...please try to fond yr way home coz I nud my impt stuff inside like my Fren's bday, when did hubby last gave me present & what r d gd stuffs that hubby bought for me, blah blah informations!!! So sad, didn't dare to tell anyone :(

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


......"u are MIP in my personal life now leh. mip = most impt person".......msg 

Very sweet hör!! 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annual affair evaluation

It's Personal annual affair to evaluate on what I've contribute to d organization & what else I can contribute! Well, it's all d same info I can give! Jus sign blindly & same Qns repeated by d same lady!

Qn 1: Do want to study?!
: oh! No, not yet!
Lady: Y?! If u dun hav tis cert den I can't push(I can't write much positive contribution).
:, mayb if got sponsorship BUt quite difficult hor coz Boss got 2person in mind for Master!
Lady: ...

Qn2: any plans for get marry/ have babies?!
: Not really....
Lady: must plan.

Poor lady coz she got to think many many hard to write something nice & plain for me.
Thanks for wasting yr brains cells for tis too- !

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Too- 

Too- = stupid monkie!!! Open yr eyes  & look properly about d timing on d events & bus arrival time la!!! Cannot tahan u...tis stupidla!! Hopeless!!! Happened once per day is BAD enough!! 4eyes lei!! Wake up

Sunday, April 17, 2011

I löve my Saturday

After leave, I work for 3days & rest for 2days! Friday.....slack like a crouch potato! So lazy, only eat, "wash" tv & ! Fat fat 

160411 Sat.....
Had a "dream" outing wif -sy & Hao! Daddy fetch them at 3plus & proceed to Jolene & Benjamin's Hse warming at Bedok! It's a mini gathering... & Shannon & hubby + Thedore! Their hse is cosy, d  display is cute & disgusting, but we didn't manage to enjoy d facilities We had OCK chic wingS, fishballs & nuggets and tarts as dessert! It's a relax, fun & "wow" to listen to stories. We left abt 5.30pm & proceed to Universal Studio to get d $5 tickets. We meet Zg there & had dinner at "Ruyi" restaurant. I had "Zha Jiang Mian"....I'm loving it!!!....d noodle is very "Q" & sauce is jus nice! Slurp :) We watch fireworks at 3rd time to watch it but I'm still fascinated!!! Hahaa :))) Hao is scare ...probably d fireworks is too loud but once it ends...he immediately claps !! Hahaaa..... Such a cute & clever boy . Home sweet home....after 10mins struggling wif d stroller! Hao had a good sleep! 

 most importantly... LC... Thanks many many !!!.......Err mm.... When is d next outing

Sunday, April 10, 2011

My 1st slot of leave :)

4th April 2011

2nd day after hubby came back fr his business trip, my 1st day of leave...we went Tiong Bahru for Lor Mee& Shui Kueh!! Its was yummy :), after we went VIVO city. Hubby had a haircut while I enjoy window shopping. After that we went to visit doggies & watch a movie "Sucker Punch" meaning show coz...hehee...I dun really understand & I not within my imagination?! Yeah!!! Hubby bring to east coast park & we had a long walk. It's so relax, I'm happy that one of my "wish plan" was fulfill! Dinner at " Shi Na" restaurant which is disappointing! 

Thanks hubby for a wonderful day! I'm happy monkey 

Not forgetting to remember...3rd  April 2011...for d wonderful presentS & strawberry chocolate!!! I loved them all!!! Thank Ü

6 April 

Had lunch with Belinda & Anne at Ayam Penyat Ria! 

7 April 

Go pray grandparents wif mum at Jurong Temple.

8 April

Went to visit Wèidè & Meilan...they r blessed for 2 handsome brave princes! So envious :) 

9 April

It's already Saturday, 6th day of my ending leave & soon back to reality (WORK!!!) Good times really passes so Fast! 

Poor daddy is filled with non-stop work flow. Can feel & see d tension, stress...coz it's all written in his face & tone!!! Hahaa....of coz I can't help much, sorry...I'm jus a  living day by day! Can only lend u my when u go de-stress(MJ-ing) 

I'm going out d "Ter family" awaits me :) , dear kind weather...pls grant me a cool & fine weather! Thanks so much!!! 

We MIT at Sembawang MRT station & took train to Toa Payoh. We had roaster mixed rice & dumplings soups. After lunch, we bought KOI drinks & proceed to take a shuttle  bus to Turf City. We went to "Fidgets" to play! We climb, slide, squeeze thru' d "limited" space, kneeling on d cushion & chasing "Hao"! It's really tiring, challenging my old monkey body...oops!! Old monkey!!! After that, we went to Doby Ghaut & eat Pizza!!! Slurp :) Home sweet home 

10 April 

Last day of my leave :( 
Sadness ;( 
Happiness :)... Had Deluxe MacDonald  breakfast with Jasmine Green tea..... I'm loving it!!! 
Goodbye good times & welcome 

Saturday, April 2, 2011


For d past 2wks, things happen..... Hubby Lim on business trip! iPhone died on me!!! Dad admitted & discharge!! Belinda went overseas!!! Work is hectic, busy, stressed & crazy.....whole body aching like a old lady, poor monkey!!! No friend to talk to & complain!!! Bought my $210 iPhone 4; 16G at bugis & change to Singtel corporate plan to save $10/mth....for 24months contract.... So in 21months den I can say it's a free iPhone for free!!! But d port over process is lousy!!! Went back to d shop & change SIM card at bugis again!!

Belinda went for holiday....australia.... Received Gifts from her!!! Monkey bowl, macadamia nuts, Elmo magnet!!!

Hihihi.... Annual leave....yay yay!!!! Shiok la..... Plans many many.... Mon: hubby, Tue: pending, Wed: go out wif Belinda, Thur: beach/ dental/ hair appointment /massage/ MIT christina. Fri: pending, Sat: go out, Sat: go out Pigsy, ZG & Hao ^_*

Time's Nx Nx mon again!!!!

BYE BYE.........good luck

Sunday, March 13, 2011


Hi, dear "distant Auntie" came visit me on 120311! D last visit is in Novemember 2010!!! Y u always like to visit when I'm doing night shift?!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


I'm at ECP all by relax!!! Even d bus journey is 1hr & walking journey about 15mins BUT it's still worth it! I'm happy!!! Bought DOVE Amicelli chocolate & magazine from 7 eleven den sit at "water rock"! So nice...windy, not too sunny, listen to d playful happy water waves & enjoy my almost melted chocolate!! Wanted to "shout out"......ah!!!!! But scare ppl tot I CRAZY so didn't!! I shall come here whenever I'm off!!!

Away from WK, away from CPOE, away from thinking how others think about me & how to response with d correct way to prevent myself from feeling awful!

Life is short?! True or false?! My answer is MAYBE!!! Hahaaa!!!

Was angry with d only person who reads my BLOG!!! I'm of course grateful to him for d things he done for me to make me happy BUT I'm just a who want to hold yr hand & go to d eating place together, just in case if I go myself & I meet mishap...I still can tell u my last wish, I dun to be alone when I'm with Ü! I want to share all d things that I like with Ü! Dun rush coz it may b my last time doing this silly move with u coz life is full of surpriseS!!! Now I'm more certain & understand about U, I'll go to d eating place 1st when u nid to wait for parking lot, I'll not ask u to share d food that u don't like & I'll order 2bowl of beancurd so that u can enjoy in yr own way, I'll not ask u go do shopping with me. Don't b angry anymore.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I've spend my whole afternoon trying to take good care of my dementia customer! I almost USED up my patience that I've bring to Wk! He didn't forget his daily "sweets", favorite wifey & family members etc!!! He smiledwhen I ask him about he & his wife Löve story! So cütë & swëet!! I tried many ways & making sure that my dementia customer is SAFE in my hands! It's quite tiring but they r Cute & they hv lotsa fun stories to share!

He reminded me of my Hubby's 阿公 when I probably met him when I'm in poly Yr 3 for dinner! That yr, after class, we went to Tampines to pick up 阿公 but Hubby "caught" 阿公"playing" wif his watches & I remembered Hubby serious facial expressions while asking 阿公 to give him back d watches! (Hehee...Hubby didn't change after all these Yr & I've takeover 阿公's role!!) We(me, Hubby & Stephanie (can't remember is there's any other pple). ordered kidney mee suA & while waiting for d food to come..... 阿公repeatedly asked me tis Question..."where do u stay?!" Smart 阿公have already predicted that I'm his future granddaughter -in-law! Hahaa...many many thick skin

Friday, February 18, 2011

Moody ör Sick?!

I'm just otw home after work! So tired, troubled, sleepy & so many negative feelings! What's wrong with me?! Am I sick or just moody?!
A advanced diploma student ask me..." r u alright? U look sick!" I answered her...."!" Can't help feeling helpless at times! Don't know what I want?! Don't know how to rectify my problem!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Wish came true

Daddy bring me to eat CRAB & eat it wif me with his Bare hands!!! Wow....monkey Tan need to Blog it proudly to remember this SpeciAL day(170110). So touched!!! D crab taste so sweet & fresh!

Friday, January 7, 2011


I'm living aimlessly?! No aim/plans/goal....just repeating d same routine everyday & sometimes regrets for not doing particular things on one fine day! Subsequently, slowly become more lazy, unstable mood, emotional & sometimes Dislike myself for being like this! Still, not doing anything to change d way I live my life! It's hard for a Libra monkey to set aims/plans/goals.....I'm so undecisive, lazy & boring with no ambitions!!!

I've decided...Nx time when I've something in mind for a particular situation den I should say out tactfully. The outcome/situation may be better or I may feel better rather than feeling guilty & stupid for not saying out!

New year 2011 resolutions.......
1) Be happy
2) Be < lazy & > hardworking 
3) Plan something for myself & make it come true
4) Talk sense & voice out my "Stupid"/ "Clever" opinion(s)
5) Exercise
6) Eat nice food , buy nice clothes/shoes/accessories
7) Treat my VIP in my life better
8) Read books to improve myself (evilsay...sure anot!? Dun buff) 
9) Pray that my supervisor(s) & colleague(s) will less dislike me, jus neutral will do

For now, there are 8, more resolutions to come.....