Friday, December 9, 2011

Such a lovable boy

My godson JH is such a lovable boy most of the time :)
Now he knows how to call " God-ma" & when u hear him call me, my heart melts :)
I brought JH BD gift to his house on 5/12/11 & helped him to set up the Tomy car model & he started to play non-stop.

Today, I'm supposed to go to Pigsy hse to play but I'm sick so I cancelled our date.

via whatsapp....
Pigsy: I told Hao u sick. Nw he keep godma godma godma godma godma godma godma godma.
Pigsy: Guess what. Hao asking for u. He ask me where is godma??
Pigsy: I asked him track who buy he say godma.

Shall go visit him another day & set up part 2 tomy car model :)

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