Saturday, November 19, 2011


Second night shift...18/11/11
Running late cos of traffic Jam, rush to take MRT & wanted to take cab BUT!!! Finally comfort taxi SH 8504 T came & I told him that I wan to go SGH Blk 4 & he say " SGH?!!! It's so near, u can't walk ah?!  what ?! (angel Monkey's yr punishment for being so lazy!) BUT!!! I'm late that's y I want to take cab so tat I can reach a few mins earlier without sweating like a ! Evil monkey rationale; hello! I'm a customer & I'll pay u cab fare! When we reach D destination- only cost $3.20; I give him $10 & he say "No small change ah?! " Stupid me still tell him, I got $0.20. Whatever la! I jus go work so I told him, jus give me back $6!!! Den I alighted d cab & SLAM d door to vent out my anger!

monkey says " nvm, he will get what he deserved.

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