Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Annual affair evaluation

It's Personal annual affair to evaluate on what I've contribute to d organization & what else I can contribute! Well, it's all d same info I can give! Jus sign blindly & same Qns repeated by d same lady!

Qn 1: Do want to study?!
: oh! No, not yet!
Lady: Y?! If u dun hav tis cert den I can't push(I can't write much positive contribution).
:, mayb if got sponsorship BUt quite difficult hor coz Boss got 2person in mind for Master!
Lady: ...

Qn2: any plans for get marry/ have babies?!
: Not really....
Lady: must plan.

Poor lady coz she got to think many many hard to write something nice & plain for me.
Thanks for wasting yr brains cells for tis too- !

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