Wednesday, August 31, 2011

I'm in wif my hubby :P

I went to my fren hse at night & hubby after soccer wanted to pick me up BUT I went "missing"!!! This is bcos I didnt answer my hp(cos I'm busy eating Chix wing & drink abit of beer)& my mom said that I went to Hubby hse(Hubby called home & bro say don't hv!)Finally, he called my fren & my fren say "hey, Ivy...yr hubby looking for U, u Beta call him!" time DIE liao!!!) & then I quickly call him to explain. Hahahaa!!! me: scare rite!!! Luckily, no severe scolding!!! I told Hubby...scare right(to lose such a mafan syndrome cute Monkey)...heheee...He say he scare d person who catch me...Poor thing!!! wahaaa.... Of cos feel VIP(Very Important Piglet) & happy!!!

Hubby....another message locked: "ok, deeto on 17 Aug 2011 @ 8.58pm!"

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