Thursday, December 22, 2011


iPhone reflected 2"unknown no" call- didn't call back then receive a call from dad friend. Dad asked me to bring his nric cos he want to see dr at 24hr clinic. I went down quickly to his rescue! As we wait for our turn to see d dr, I called bro to bring down d wheelchair that I bought d other day so that later I can send dad home. That rascal bro, told me he haven eat & say he want to ask my mom to send down the wheelchair!!! I'm so angry!!! Cos I oso haven fully had my "messy" MacDonald happy meal(I was given a ugly toy instead of chipmunk!-pissed) I told my bro,"if I die before him & he got to take care of mom & dad; who is going to do it!!" argrr....I didn't ask him to bring STAT, ask him to bring after he eat his dinner. Really palpitation
But dad is still happy to see brother bring d wheelchair to fetch him. I push him halfway & bro take over to push dad home. Bro pushed dad very fast & dad looked scare.

Sat, I'm going to HK for holiday & now dad not well, bird flu alert.... when is my miserable life going to END & let me have a life I imagine

Dear Santa, please...please...please... All I want for this Christmas...please grant me!!!

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