Thursday, August 25, 2011

23 Aug 2011 is one my worst afternoon shift for this year! 

So busy wif a co-manage customer despite so many pair of hands helping tis slowest old ! I left at 2330hr & took cab.

Dear customer, I'm sorry that u have to be under me today but I think I tried my best to attend to U! 
During d process, I may have offended someone who my wrongly used words to reply. I'm going to get complain by d that "someone". Nvm la, jus my luck

 D journey is adventurous cos d kind taxi uncle did a wrong "U" turn at d round a-bout, luckily I quite know d way home He sped at 100km/HR &  accident almost happen cos he probably didn't realise 1 black car is behind us!  Well, nevertheless I'm home safely & paid $17.00! 

Called hubby to chat while waiting for cab cos I'm scared, sad  & feels like ! Actually, I could have a free lovely ride home from hubby if I ain't so busy! He wanted to wait but I dun noe how how so told him to go back 1st!

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