Tuesday, December 6, 2011

What a FUN-filled day :)

Belinda & myself always wanted to rent a stall from flea market to sell away the items that we don't want. Finally, Belinda rented a stall from Braddell Heights CC Multi purpose Hall & Hard Court on 4/12/11. I ransack my cupboards & possible areas to dig all my treasures & sellable items. To my surprise, I really found some treasures & memories that I've forgotten long ago. I slept at 3am on 4/12/11 & woke up at 7am to prepare myself. The Big box contains old & new clothes that either I can't fit or I dun wear at all, some soft toys, 1photo album with 2 nice foc pics, cute towel & genuine NAraya bags etc. LC also brought some old clothes to sell away. We reach Braddell CC at about 9am, paid Kelvin $15 for 1stall & set up our stall, price tag the items & wait for our customers. There are about 20stalls, some sells clothes, bags, jigsaw puzzles, soft toys, homely craft etc.

I paid $3.50 for rental cos I stayed till 1pm. 1st item SOLD is "cute rabbito Naraya bag" for $4.50, the auntie was abit hesitant to buy it cos she don't whether she will use it. But I managed to coax her to buy it with a $0.50 discount. Hahahaa.... I sold $16 of clothes($3X5+$1) to a Philipino lady. I think I quite brave to show her my 3/4pant to her & told her tat she will look very nice with heels. I showed her another mixed(pink & orange) color dress that my brother bought for me in Thailand & coax her to buy it at $3, I told her that only 1 piece & is special. Hehehee....

I bought 2items from the Flea market- 1 Smurfette IPhone cover for $10 & 1homely craft "country kitchen" item for $20. I left at about 1pm to NEX for Lunch before going to RWS.

Belinda continues til 4pm with her sister & she helped me to sell off my 3NARAya bag for $15, 1photo album for $2, 1jean for $2 & 1towel for $0.50. The rest of the items were either given away or sent to salvation army for a better use.

Overall, it's a fun session cos I get to "work" as a salesgirl for 1/2 day & earn some $ & buy new items. I don't like the hot TENTAGE, maybe this is one of the reason I fall sick & tires out easily.

PART 2 event of the day is to RWS :):):) Pigsy TerSee family booked a room in Festive Hotel 2D1N with 2"FOC"Universal Studio ticket at the cost of $600 to celebrate JH's 2nd BD. Expensive hor!!! We meet at Festival hotel lobby to go up to the hotel room to "WOW" & see how does the expensive hotel looks like. The room is really nice, the view is nice, the bed & pillow is soft, got bathtub etc. We r instructed by Pigsy to pose for pics. After we settle down, we get change & play at Hard rock hotel man-made sand swimming pool. We only played for almost 1hour & JH was shivering badly but he still continues to play with the sand & water. We asked him if it's nice, he said,"nice but cold cold"! HAhaa... We went back to the room to get change for our next program- Dinner Buffet at FIEsta. LC was very sporty to come back to RWS after his soccer session & bought 2BD present for JH. The food at Fiesta overall is above average for me; I loved the cold prawns, salad, olives & fruits. After we had our dinner, we celebrate JH's BD with Swensen's ice-cream cake. Too full! JH loved the 2 present that uncle bought for him, according to his mom & pictures evidence, we r convinced that JH really loved Hershley more :) LAst min, I decided to stay at Festive hotel for a night to feel d expensive bed & environment. But, I can hear ZG loud snoring sound & I receive a "kick" from JH! Hahhaaa.... it's so furni!! Overall, I still enjoyed myself despite I didn't have a good sleep. Worst of all, my stupid course at 8am at TP wasn't on & I didn't noe till I reach the there!! Waste my time, my effort, my sleep & my travel fare.

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