Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Hey U!!! 

Hey U!!! Spoilt my day 1 @ work!!! I'm trying my best to care for , though I may missed out some details BUT hey U...oso got attitude problem!! So rude to comment if I'm from China?! Even if I'm from China, u shouldn't hv a "idiot look"! My heart had "palpitation" when I talk to him, he say 's hand & leg is very cold. He asked me if he put me in d fridge, how would b freeze to death!!! I've covered 's all 4limbs wif towels & added addition blankets. He say he want to speak to d in charge of d department...ok lor! If u want to have high standard, pls sent yrself to high class hotel when in time required!! I'm just bad luck!

Lesson more attentive to pt's needs & more importantly relatives needs!!!

I'm stressed!!! But wukong, hang on cos tml is a better day cos my 8-character clashes with his Bro! I can DO It!!!power....go go go!

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