Sunday, December 26, 2010

Phuket trip 22-25 Dec 2010

Day 1: Took "metered taxi" @ 450Baht to Bann Yuri Resort! After settle down, we went to Jungceylon in Patong. We had Japanese food at Fuji restaurant :) dumplings, salmon sushi, ramen, hot tea & plain's was delicious except d "crabstick sushi :(, d price is reasonable, if I were to go back phuket, I'll definitely go back & eat it again! We did some shopping around d shopping centre...bought some stuffs (Bra & Panty) & my Piglet HP cover! :( haiya, regret for not buying d mickey mouse HP cover too! We walk towards Patong beach to look for dinner spot without knowing exactly d directions.

Finally, we settle down to have steamboat cum BBQ buffet at roadside, d food was alright to fill our stomach. After dinner, we started to walk back to our resort, daddy asked me if I'm tired & want to take cab anot BUT stingy me doesn't want to spend d cab $ to go back. We stopped at a minimart & bought a drink. The taxi guy ask us if we want to take cab back to resort & offered 200baht! I only have 170baht & d person pretend to MR NICE guy & say OK la! He made a round about & go straight & "UP THE HILL"(EMPHASIS) & reached our resort!!! WTH?!! Feels like ganna cheated!!! Otw back to resort, daddy asked me how much $ left then I told him, I spend almost all! Daddy ("scatch head") & asked...U should still have 2000Baht?!! Me (Puzzled;scatch head!!)...What?! I don't have that much left. I did a thorough search for sometime & even calculate d amount spent. Then I was looking for receipt for d exchange rate but I can't find it anywhere.....d only place left is d rubbish I went to look inside d rubbish bin & d 2000baht is inside!!! It's like thrown inside like a "crushed" rubbish! Hahhaaaa.... :> I'm so damn happy like a bird, flying proudly to tell daddy.

PS: Daddy, thanks for nagging at me, if not I won't be searching for d "missing 2000baht" :)))

Day 2: Had morning breakfast at d resort, yummy fav toasted bread wif butter & strawberry Jam, omelette was warm & delicious while other food taste normal. After that we went to Patong beach area to shop area & den took "tutut" (450baht)to Central Festival Phuket. I bought some Winnie Pooh serving plates, cups & Hello kitty Plates too wif 10% discount on Winnie d Pooh items, 1 T-shirt for Brother, 1 ZARA top. We r so lucky to eat at this "SuKiShi"(Charcoal grill & Japanese restaurant) coz ALL food items r on 50% discount!!! I loved the food :>>> YUMMY+++ Thumbs UP... I want to go back there to EAT again :))) We also went to Big C & Tesco Lotus...bought 1 bra & 2 underwear...quite worth buying. , tibits & birdnest. We took Taxi 500baht back to up the hill resort.

After that, we went to Patong beach again to shop & bought a Banana chocolate Pancake & had dinner at Sweet restaurant.....d green curry, Pah Thai was nice :)

Time's 3rd day of d trip lo.....woke up at 6plus & prepare to go to.....

PHI PHI island tour.....EXCITED!!! They pick us up at 7am in d morning & drove abt an hr & we reached d Jetty. We met d crew Jenny, Max & errmmm...can't remember d name of d person who operate d yacht & d rest of d participant. Before we board d yacht, we r instructed to take off off our foot wear & they'll return to us at d end of d adventure! D yacht was beautiful & cosy too! Jenny & Max was sharing with us d experience & places names as we drove into d BIG's a nice & sunny weather. We had sunnyblock on our face & body to prevent sunburn. I look as I'm seasick when we reach our 1st destination & a kind lady offered "gum" to chew on. We alight from d yacht & have 1/2hr to take photos, play with water & we r served with freshly cutted fruits like pomelo, pinapple, dragonfruit, watermelon & also banana's was delicious :) We set off to another area to snorkeling :>>> I was so scare but d crew was very helpful & nice to help me along. Well equipped wif snorkel & facemask, life jacket & a floating board.....finally i was in d water. Jenny patiently taught me how to snorkel & I saw so many beautiful fishes :))) We had a picnic at one of d beach.....we had fried rice, pasta, potato salad, salad, chicken slice, chips, pies & my fav soft bread.....yummy..... After Lunch we went to monkey beach & 2nd snorkeling session.....of coz I'm still scared but I still sucesfully went to see alot of fishes !!! We stopped at a beach to have a beer & fruits(Papaya, watermelon, pinapple, rock melon plus kit kat & fruit cake) session again before we head back to d shore.....Heheee...I think i ate alot :)) We went back to d resort & had some rest before our finally shopping around Patong beach at night. We wanted to catch some fireworks but suddenly it starts to rain at we went back to resort via FOC resort transfer.

Day 4: Home sweet home!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm feeling.......

It has quite a while since I last posted my wishful thinking that might not happen in real lift. Read a post in d newspaper my Christorpher Lee...he put on 7kg!!! He mentioned that his blood group is O+, likes to eat meat & high carbohydrates food.....sound like me!!! This month, I've been thinking of eating meat!!! Omg?! Nv even exercise once this month & in 2 more days, is end of November!!! I shall comfort & fool myself with reasons like.....blame it on auntie visit(good appetite, many cravings), stress emotionally & physically at Wk ( eat to destress to prevent depression), happenings at home like dad hospitalized, mom bully me :( etc.... Whatever!!! Going to be FAT monkey?!

Sometimes, we really need to b in their role in order to understands others better! But when we realise that may indicates that we've regretted for making that decision. We may be guilt minion!!! I can't turn d clock back to mend d situation that I've created, I can only do my best to "stitch up" d already created wound. I want to remind myself do Yr best in making decision, conversion & etc. I just pray that my "close friend" will try to understand my situationS. My WISHES..... Hope my dad can come home safely.


Friday, October 15, 2010


DETERMINATION!!!! I need u badly to have some savings when I'm old & can't work long hours & no children! It's going to be very tough but I hope I can do it! Lesser entertainment & nonsense stuff, eat cheaper etc... Let's see!! I will start on October. We will evaluate in 2months time on my progress.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

My thoughts

27 August'10

Went to taka shopping wif Belinda for my birthday present. But end up I'm not happy coz I realized something. I've  very monkey hand coz i touch all d wallets but still can't make up my mind. Belinda show mi "face", jus like LC! Haizz... Now den I realize that y I feel happier to buy things alone! I take my own sweet time to choose, touch & buy at my own pace. I dun need to worry if I'm wasting other pple's time & dun make pple upset. I can accompany pple to choose but vice verse. Good! Now den realize. 

28 August' 10

Elaine's hens party at Sentosa Siloso area.  
The theme color is Pink but I dun hv time to buy so I wear what I can find & end up I look so furni as usual, but who cares rite as long as I like! I'm responsible for balloon part & take some nice pictures & EAT! It's quite scary, challenging & U must b abit drunk to b more brave. Overall, had great fun with Siti, Walla, Mirana, Jessie & Regine.

Life is not "FAIR"?! Do u agree? Do u disagree? What r yr rationale?! Why?!
At different stage of life, u may hv different friends? Why is it so?!
So grumpy due to?!! Wahahaa

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Gäm Siä

Dad was admitted to NUH twice within 2wks Due to long term smoking addiction!!! Omg!!! Luckily he is fine after treatment. I'm grateful to d pple who is concern abt my dad! Hubby is oso very sweet to fork out some of his precious time out of his busy schedule to bring my dad home. Hubby try to cheer me up by fulfilling my requests & wishes! Bring me go eat nice food, chat with me, bring me & OZ to ECP & tolerate my Princess pattern & mood! I loved ECP coz can go walk walk, it's very windy & "blowed away" my unhappiness and good nice food to eat( like famous wantan mee & porky satay). Sometimes things doesn't happen d way u wanted or imagine SO d morale of d story is...treasure what Ü have, Do what Ü want to do, eat whatever Ü want & be happy! Ah Li la

Y pple must make others feel bad or unhappy?! We don't own u for a living okay! Pls try to reflect your own actions & words even though u say U don't mean it! I'm also human & my mum's princess lei! Thanks for yr consideration. After a "Shout out", I feel better

Saturday, July 24, 2010

My 1st preceptee...

It's going to happen for real this time?! I can't believe my eyes & ears when d new roster came out & Sister Ong says that I'm going to precept Belinda Tan. I'm so excited & scare too BUt I'm sure I can do it. Actually, previously I'm suppose to precept Yanly but then she was posted to CVL so I didn't get to precept her at all. Monday(26/7/10) is coming & it's d 1st day I'm going to wk & precept my 1st "chicken". So many Qns pop up in my head!!.....What should I teach her? Will she accept my teaching methods? Can she understand my teaching? Are the things I teach her is correct? ECG, Cardiac Output, Pigtail insertion, Cardioversion, AMI, APO, Intubated, Drugs, Intubation, Extubation, Arterial blood taking blah blah...... oh! btw, how long she'll be with me?..... I simply have no answer yet??

It's has been so many yrs ago since...when I 1st started out as a newly graduated RN & posted to B2...almost 9yrs ago??? Can U imagine?? :D My 1st preceptor is Aishabi.( A furni & unforgetable incident is I had NOSE BLED in B2 & my colleagues laughed at my Preceptor & say It's bcoz she stressed me too much!!!) Then I went for my Adv DIp & came back in Nov 2004. My 2nd preceptor is Ms Leong S.T.( I quite scare of her coz when comes to wk she is so serious.) And Now>>> Finally it's my turn to b one! I'm actually slower than the rest coz my younger colleagues has already have a few preceptee lor! I'm consider slow lor :0 ( I'm not complaining :X)

My initial assessment of my preceptee; Belinda Tan :)
- there seen to be a little "fate connection" between the two of us.
- I don't know her well at all. I only Know her name, her rough age (~25), has "attitude" look, nice smile, stays at Yishun.
- A fast learner according to Belinda Wong.

My initial assessment of myself ( after she c this, she may consider changing her preceptor :P)
- Knowledge not enough :S
- Blur blur

- Slow slow
- ? got patience...Abit only
- Speak not that clear
- Scare scare

We shall wait & see for d results. Hope she could benefit from my LIMITED edition knowledge. Actually I don't nid to worry too much coz there are other more experienced Seniors around to teach her (HAhAA) if she needs so it depends on her too. I can only be part of her learning process. I shall evaluate & decribe my experience of being a Preceptor 3months later if I'm confirm to be her preceptor coz Belinda Wong say I may not be the one(maybe is Mr Lim CC). If it's Mr Lim CC oso a blessing in disguise for her coz he is so much experienced & knowledgeable than me. If it's true then I take it as a challenge & a learning journey for me too! JiaYou ba!!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Another day....

Another day...means....1day nearer day$$$, sucess, unexpected futures & happening in yr life, retirement, next overseas trip and many more!! 1day away from yr... fond memories, unhappy experience, regret moments & etc!! What is d moral of my story?! Is for U to think & for mi to reflect. For now, I can onli true to urself, live happily wif smile coz even if u  oso another day so dun make urself miserable(< chance for wrinkles/ high BP/stroke BUt >chance for happiness),do what u nid to do & most importantly LÖve pple that Ü LÕve!! Easy to said than do

What do U think?! 

Monday, July 12, 2010

Off day

想做就去做!明天。。。我能做什么事呢?我能不能做到? 一定。。。要!!加油!明天才告诉你。

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Jus Clumsy!!!

What!!! There goes my CORN la!! I'm simply clumsy, didn't place my corn cup properly & spill all OVER d place! Didn't get to eat, still have to clean up d fresh steamed corn la!! StuPig

Monday, June 28, 2010

Omg!!! Didn't noe that I'll be that tired after 1full day(8-4.30pm) assessing staffs about PAPR...repeating my answers, questioning & chopping my name stamp etc. I think I'm not suitable to be a educator or nurse clinician coz I dun have enough patience, passion for this Job!

Monday, June 21, 2010

These few days...

These few days.....18 July- had desserts at VIVO wif Belinda, KÖh & Marilyn, we shared few types of delicious & favourite! After that MIT "ti bah" & we went to Nick Hse... It's wonderful coz he get to c soccer match wif Nick & I get to play wif Furgie; very adorable, highly energetic & playful dog! 19 July- MIT Belinda for short trip shopping at orchard... I didn't buy anything den in d evening time abt 7pm MIT Jolene & Benjamin, Chin Wei, Jermaine, Adam, Joey, Vince & myself for dinner at Merchant Court! It's crabby nite...varieties type of sauce cab, quite nice dinner. We had fun! After that, we went to PS to watch " A Team"! 20 July... MIT Priscilla at 12.30pm to go for shopping at Orchard, Suntec & then City Hall for dinner with Weide & Meilan at Shukodo Japanese Food Bazaar! I bought 2 tops, international mixed nuts for myself. 21july(Mon).....Monday blues as usual... HAd my 1st PAPR session as a accessor.....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dear Genie

Dear wonder genie, pls grant Me a "turn-over new leaf" mum! Sometimes I'm so frustrated & sad!  if not grant me strength, faith, or/& re-chargeable patience to fight til d end! If can't?! It's ok! I'm grateful to Ur listening. Thanks  

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1st Jüne'10

I'm waiting for bus to Newton den take a 10minutes walk to Cairnhill CC. I'm going there to attend a 2hr 30mins course on nails art. I'm excited, dun Noe wat'll happen later. Will my soft hearted ears buy many things ltr?! Pls dun coz i'm broke. I ask Siti to get me another LC bag which I dun Noe how much is it!? Got to pay for Aisha & Wati's bday present too! Oh ya, not forgetting Elaine's & Su Chin farewell present! Wawawa.... Many many things to pay like my credit card, lift upgrading cost & facial wash haven buy la! It's been some time since I window shop lei! Since I'm early, mayb I can go Window shopping wif . Nobody nobody will noe! Bus uncle.... Pls drive faster, thanks for ur cooperation! Where should I go?! Not too far! I'm sleepy too; yawnz... Somebody help mi! I dun want to slp now, slp later please

I thought I rch 5mins earlier BUT almost 3/4 of d students already seated!  i quickly chose a seat & settle down. I followed d Instuctions given by d female teacher & male assistance. I'm given a few designs to choose from, I narrow down to 2 designs... "Ms Piggy" & "Coral"! Started to pay my artificial nails after d teacher confirm my nail size & pattern. (mine is curve  but my more appropriate pattern according to d teacher is "Eagle") hahaa... I made up my mind to do "Ms Piggy" & I completed my design wif some help from d teacher. I loved d part whereby I can put on "stones", so nice Yeah! After 3 hrs, I finally finished my piece of nail art. The best part is Daddy came to pick mi up & I got supper too!  Daddy say not bad Took a few pictures wif Canon G11. Oh... Of coz I didn't make any friends.


My fantasy thoughts came to me...what if one day I'm granted a special power to see pple thoughts or special scenes/ situations What would I react?! Am I able to change things to better or make it worse?! Will I be scare coz other pole can't see what I see or they may not believe or they'll think I'm crazy! Wait till I've this special power den I shall wif u all!

I've many names for my future dog.....BrownieYugiGingerJoli & I'm still thinking....

I'm craving for Durian!!! Yummy... I can't lose weight becoz I eat eat eat & didn't go exercise. Going to Taiwan in 28 days time... I'm excited

Sunday, May 30, 2010

What do I deserve?!

Excuse me!!! May I ask " what do I deserve?" Can anyone answer me?! Hell or Heaven placement am I entitled?! Already fixed or still assessing by WHO?! Do I have an options or chance to explain myself!? How would my life be like!? How my life is going to end?! Will I have my family to be with me when I'm about/ forced/ chosen to leave this world?! There are so many why & fear when life comes to a near end! Will I still be able to see or talk to them! Tell them that I LÖve them & I'm sorry about what I have done. Can my favourite babymonmon come along wif mr coz I'm afraid to be ALONe when I leave this world for real. What if i leave this world suddenly & who'll know my last wishes?!

I seriously need to think about it & make a list before this day come unexpectedly.

Why am I so touchy!? I regret that someone I dun really know died & he didn't have a chance to say " Gd Bye my wife, I'll U & please take care of urself when I no longer be able to be wif u! Be Brave & move on. Did I not do something that my actually save his life?! Or it's just his & mine destiny?! Dear Uncle, please RIP & may ur family moves on.!

I sent an MSG to Hubby & told him "LOve U." At least I told him, even if I got to leave sudddenly but he still feel my last words! Call my mom in awhile.

Due to this sad lesson learned... I Cried when I heard her say, "Wake Up" & why I wasn't informed! I blame myself for not doing certain things which mayb change d ending! I'm sad! Life is unexpected! Monkey... Be Brave & go do what I want to do while I still has d chance. I'm learning, I need many many many "gall stone"! Anyone want to lend or sell it to me! Speak UP!

Friday, May 14, 2010

For a change

I went for half leg waxing, threading of my eyebrows & upper lip ytd! Quite painful process but d end product makes me feel & look different! I can wear dress & short! A temporary gd bye to Ms hairy monster Tan! Hahaaa..... Today, finally I went for a hair cut & after so long of consideration to hightlight my blacky hair! Spend abt $200 for a mini make over! Do I look better? No one hv any comment yet! I had a nice brunch at sushi teh.....I eat salmon maki, fish floss prawn maki & Shiratama Azuki( green tea ice-cream, red bean & mochi)- all my favourite Even though I'm eating alone but I still feel very happy coz it's all my favourite food! I found a dessert that i eat in HongKong in Vivo I'm going dere one day wif hubby to eat! Wait for mi k

Friday, May 7, 2010

"Woody" tan

Another mornng to prove that good judgement, decision is important & dun regret if possible! I dun like to b d in charge coz I think I'm not capable to get pple to Wk wif me! I'm slow, sometimes bad luck, poor judgement/ decision!? Consequence mayb staff Overworked, job satisfaction, " hottness", moody, grouchy, anger etc!! Inevitable in d real working society. I feel sad, hopeless at times & angry at myself/ d situations. Why people work with laughter, not very stress, dun really care attitude etc but I'm like affected by their emotions, words, actions, verbal & non- verbal cues, expressions, tones & etc!?? Think too much
I'll too..." hack care"

What are my Options...A) Continue to b blur Sotong, rot & earn $$. B) Quit. C) Find another job. D) Strike big big lottery & quit d job den go holiday many many days. E) B Mrs "Lim" Hse-fly. F) go further study & rot in nhc / go other hospital! G) Open a shop.

I have not seriously think what I want so I'll just "Rot" there. I'm hopeful for a better, lovely, enjoyable working day tml!

Sunday, May 2, 2010


So hot at night again! Going to BBQ, ready to serve nx morning! Sleeping day but I simply awake!!! Argrrr No peace at home, we r like same surname/ legally bonded pple living together. I can't feel warmth, , care & concern or mutual understanding between US!? shouting, scolding at her loudest voice prn or when she !!! Why? I'm getting more & more impatient Dad's seeing dr for his usual medical condition... SOB due to Smoking prn! Please la, take care of ur own health, nobody is responsible but urself. When will all this settle down & I feel safer, happier & able to sleep in peace?! So much as usual complain situation. I want to go beach to "SHOUT Out"! Stupid things please go away, leave me ALONE! Eat ice-cream, potato chips, shopping, buying things... Blahh... Blahh...

No more HR, BP, response.....eyes closed, not moving anymore, pple crying & asked u not to go...These r some of d examples of how my clients left! If I'm chosen to go to another way as my time is up, mission accomplished or watever d reason might be... I'm really scared coz I've got to move on to another place alone. How will I passed on?! Will I hv my last WisheS b granted?! I'm just crazy to talk about tis or I'm normal?!

I'm not fated to hv Scotty as my pet?! Theresa says that Scotty is too aggresive for us to handle! Actually, it's quite true! That time when u walk Scotty, I'm scare, out of control & no chemistry. Lucky for Scotty, Ivy & hubby. Wat do u think??? If I'm going to hv a dog of my own, d must criteria is.... 1. Female dog 2. Healthy 3. < 1yr old coz I want to name my dog, take part in her growing process & create bond, take pics 4. I must b ready 5. Must b chosen by me & hv chemistry.

I feel better after I nag, complain in babymonmon blog.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Received $200 incentives from Wk place & spend it all jus in 2hrs

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

It's a hoo...

I received a SMS from Pigsy earlier morning! I thought I'm dreaming coz lately she has been very busy wif her assignment, MIL, bb Hao HAo , family & Wk. Pig claim time & she has extra time to see mi! I'm so happy, den I realise I really do care alot for this Piggy frienship. Almost 12yrs we have know each other & friends for so long already! From single to married & she has a adorable kid. She buy delious or rather heart-felt snacks for mi & I went out early to buy bread from Chinatown for her. When I see her, I felt so happy, relieved to know that I'm still her piglet friend! Thanks soo much, d mini meet up really mean alot alot to mi!

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Fun day

Good morning.....everyone! I'm wakie wakie by my audio mummy clock!!! Arrgr....  I'm meeting OZ d westie adorable doggy & spend my meaningful Saturday wif her plus hubby

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Full of regrets

Being human is a challenge. I nid to b in different roles every day & depends on my situations. Due to my poor HR Skills & in-sensitive etc, I tend to offend people & neglect or couldn't understand how others feel/wants or whatever...that's Y I've very few closed friends?! Most of d time we regret after d "golden time" passed! I can't turn d click back & make a better decision. Life has to move on & simple pleasant surprise may perk mi. Asking people for forgiveness is a courageous & difficult task for mi. I can't speak properly. Sounds like u've got many grieves. Treasure what you have now n say "I love u."

Annual PPA is done & my score is lucky

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


These few dAys weather is moody... Either super Hot or suddenly rain?! I'm confused!? Is d earth Sick?! Tml d weather is 34Degree Celsius ah!!! Omg?!! Crazy, I'm going to b roasted ! I'm oso moody coz of d weather!

I think I'm getting Old or Sick of my job that's y I feel sianz & tired whenever I think or go to Wk lor! My working environment is exciting & high adrenaline drive at times But can b scary ESP I heard SIM voice or c her i can't really tAlk to stranger coz I'm scared! Sometimes I'm like blur blur & feels like my soul floating ard! I really want to help but sometimes is out my ablities! I dun want b a burden to others but sometimes I can't control!

Tml, I'm going to get my air-flown LV wristlet onli la! Yippee...wonder which design they get for mi & do I nid to pay extra?! So excited! What else do I nid?! Next target item?!... Mayb a wallet!

Heard & c alot abt taiwan and finally I'm going to Taiwan for a
holiday in end of June! Yeah!!!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Sweet 10-04

Ytd I bought Epilator to prepare my hairy leg to C d world again! So Ytd i trim my hairy leg & tis afternoon I Epilated my leg wif my new equipment :> Quite scary & pain ah! But I did it!!! Went to Old Airport to eat lunch...fried Hokkien Mee, Lor mee, Soy bean milk, RoJak & takeaway 3 in 1, dessert :> SUper FUll! Den went East Coast long nv go!!! We walk & walk den sat for some time & walk again.....until my leg aching. Time to go for dinner den Home sweet home.