Tuesday, June 1, 2010

1st Jüne'10

I'm waiting for bus to Newton den take a 10minutes walk to Cairnhill CC. I'm going there to attend a 2hr 30mins course on nails art. I'm excited, dun Noe wat'll happen later. Will my soft hearted ears buy many things ltr?! Pls dun coz i'm broke. I ask Siti to get me another LC bag which I dun Noe how much is it!? Got to pay for Aisha & Wati's bday present too! Oh ya, not forgetting Elaine's & Su Chin farewell present! Wawawa.... Many many things to pay like my credit card, lift upgrading cost & facial wash haven buy la! It's been some time since I window shop lei! Since I'm early, mayb I can go Window shopping wif . Nobody nobody will noe! Bus uncle.... Pls drive faster, thanks for ur cooperation! Where should I go?! Not too far! I'm sleepy too; yawnz... Somebody help mi! I dun want to slp now, slp later please

I thought I rch 5mins earlier BUT almost 3/4 of d students already seated!  i quickly chose a seat & settle down. I followed d Instuctions given by d female teacher & male assistance. I'm given a few designs to choose from, I narrow down to 2 designs... "Ms Piggy" & "Coral"! Started to pay my artificial nails after d teacher confirm my nail size & pattern. (mine is curve  but my more appropriate pattern according to d teacher is "Eagle") hahaa... I made up my mind to do "Ms Piggy" & I completed my design wif some help from d teacher. I loved d part whereby I can put on "stones", so nice Yeah! After 3 hrs, I finally finished my piece of nail art. The best part is Daddy came to pick mi up & I got supper too!  Daddy say not bad Took a few pictures wif Canon G11. Oh... Of coz I didn't make any friends.

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