Sunday, May 30, 2010

What do I deserve?!

Excuse me!!! May I ask " what do I deserve?" Can anyone answer me?! Hell or Heaven placement am I entitled?! Already fixed or still assessing by WHO?! Do I have an options or chance to explain myself!? How would my life be like!? How my life is going to end?! Will I have my family to be with me when I'm about/ forced/ chosen to leave this world?! There are so many why & fear when life comes to a near end! Will I still be able to see or talk to them! Tell them that I LÖve them & I'm sorry about what I have done. Can my favourite babymonmon come along wif mr coz I'm afraid to be ALONe when I leave this world for real. What if i leave this world suddenly & who'll know my last wishes?!

I seriously need to think about it & make a list before this day come unexpectedly.

Why am I so touchy!? I regret that someone I dun really know died & he didn't have a chance to say " Gd Bye my wife, I'll U & please take care of urself when I no longer be able to be wif u! Be Brave & move on. Did I not do something that my actually save his life?! Or it's just his & mine destiny?! Dear Uncle, please RIP & may ur family moves on.!

I sent an MSG to Hubby & told him "LOve U." At least I told him, even if I got to leave sudddenly but he still feel my last words! Call my mom in awhile.

Due to this sad lesson learned... I Cried when I heard her say, "Wake Up" & why I wasn't informed! I blame myself for not doing certain things which mayb change d ending! I'm sad! Life is unexpected! Monkey... Be Brave & go do what I want to do while I still has d chance. I'm learning, I need many many many "gall stone"! Anyone want to lend or sell it to me! Speak UP!

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