Saturday, July 24, 2010

My 1st preceptee...

It's going to happen for real this time?! I can't believe my eyes & ears when d new roster came out & Sister Ong says that I'm going to precept Belinda Tan. I'm so excited & scare too BUt I'm sure I can do it. Actually, previously I'm suppose to precept Yanly but then she was posted to CVL so I didn't get to precept her at all. Monday(26/7/10) is coming & it's d 1st day I'm going to wk & precept my 1st "chicken". So many Qns pop up in my head!!.....What should I teach her? Will she accept my teaching methods? Can she understand my teaching? Are the things I teach her is correct? ECG, Cardiac Output, Pigtail insertion, Cardioversion, AMI, APO, Intubated, Drugs, Intubation, Extubation, Arterial blood taking blah blah...... oh! btw, how long she'll be with me?..... I simply have no answer yet??

It's has been so many yrs ago since...when I 1st started out as a newly graduated RN & posted to B2...almost 9yrs ago??? Can U imagine?? :D My 1st preceptor is Aishabi.( A furni & unforgetable incident is I had NOSE BLED in B2 & my colleagues laughed at my Preceptor & say It's bcoz she stressed me too much!!!) Then I went for my Adv DIp & came back in Nov 2004. My 2nd preceptor is Ms Leong S.T.( I quite scare of her coz when comes to wk she is so serious.) And Now>>> Finally it's my turn to b one! I'm actually slower than the rest coz my younger colleagues has already have a few preceptee lor! I'm consider slow lor :0 ( I'm not complaining :X)

My initial assessment of my preceptee; Belinda Tan :)
- there seen to be a little "fate connection" between the two of us.
- I don't know her well at all. I only Know her name, her rough age (~25), has "attitude" look, nice smile, stays at Yishun.
- A fast learner according to Belinda Wong.

My initial assessment of myself ( after she c this, she may consider changing her preceptor :P)
- Knowledge not enough :S
- Blur blur

- Slow slow
- ? got patience...Abit only
- Speak not that clear
- Scare scare

We shall wait & see for d results. Hope she could benefit from my LIMITED edition knowledge. Actually I don't nid to worry too much coz there are other more experienced Seniors around to teach her (HAhAA) if she needs so it depends on her too. I can only be part of her learning process. I shall evaluate & decribe my experience of being a Preceptor 3months later if I'm confirm to be her preceptor coz Belinda Wong say I may not be the one(maybe is Mr Lim CC). If it's Mr Lim CC oso a blessing in disguise for her coz he is so much experienced & knowledgeable than me. If it's true then I take it as a challenge & a learning journey for me too! JiaYou ba!!

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