Sunday, May 2, 2010


So hot at night again! Going to BBQ, ready to serve nx morning! Sleeping day but I simply awake!!! Argrrr No peace at home, we r like same surname/ legally bonded pple living together. I can't feel warmth, , care & concern or mutual understanding between US!? shouting, scolding at her loudest voice prn or when she !!! Why? I'm getting more & more impatient Dad's seeing dr for his usual medical condition... SOB due to Smoking prn! Please la, take care of ur own health, nobody is responsible but urself. When will all this settle down & I feel safer, happier & able to sleep in peace?! So much as usual complain situation. I want to go beach to "SHOUT Out"! Stupid things please go away, leave me ALONE! Eat ice-cream, potato chips, shopping, buying things... Blahh... Blahh...

No more HR, BP, response.....eyes closed, not moving anymore, pple crying & asked u not to go...These r some of d examples of how my clients left! If I'm chosen to go to another way as my time is up, mission accomplished or watever d reason might be... I'm really scared coz I've got to move on to another place alone. How will I passed on?! Will I hv my last WisheS b granted?! I'm just crazy to talk about tis or I'm normal?!

I'm not fated to hv Scotty as my pet?! Theresa says that Scotty is too aggresive for us to handle! Actually, it's quite true! That time when u walk Scotty, I'm scare, out of control & no chemistry. Lucky for Scotty, Ivy & hubby. Wat do u think??? If I'm going to hv a dog of my own, d must criteria is.... 1. Female dog 2. Healthy 3. < 1yr old coz I want to name my dog, take part in her growing process & create bond, take pics 4. I must b ready 5. Must b chosen by me & hv chemistry.

I feel better after I nag, complain in babymonmon blog.

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