Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Time not enough

Time is never for me to use. I need to go school for classes, work, most importantly beauty sleep which is never enough or never good enough. I don't say I feel recharged today. I don't have extra time for shopping, bring my dad for a walk or bring my mom to BKP to shop. I need more time! I've 3assignments to rush & practice my HA assessment!!!

My husband has stayed in Korea for almost 2weeks for business, not leisure!
I'm looking forward to my presents!!!
Looking forward to go Deeto with Husband!
Things to do, eat... fave Ah Chang Porridge, Pepperoni Pizza, Udon, Sushi, Desserts & many more!

Last wk, I was planning to get 2new tailor shirt for my husband for Xmas present so...I went to Men's Tradition an hour before my class starts BUT!!! They say they need d number before d shirt to check his measurements then I can order!!! Super pissed with that shop assistant Man unhelpful reply.Super stupid!! Don't let u earn my money. Buy other things!

I was super happy that I get 13/15 in my 2nd E-test! Total: 20/30! Aiming to get 20/35 for individual assignment & 25/35 for group assignment! Grand total: 65/100!

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Ending; back to reality soon!

OMG! Yup, it's Sunday already! My leave has come an end today! Will it have a fairy tale ending?

6/12/13 D5
It's my sleeping day! Too lazy to do anything so I stayed at home. But went to Causeway point to get delicious food for All of us! Suppose to do something but I did not do it!

7/12/13 D6
Bring Dad to see Dr Lim.
Watch movie: Frozen with Ter's family at my FAVE VIVO!
Quick lunch & super full Dinner with Ter's family!
Ice-cream with Ter's family!
Received a early Xmas gift from Ter's family! Super Like!
Saw something that I like too but did not buy! Not within my needs budget, it's just a want!

Recently just finished this Korean Drama: Flower Boy Next Door on PPS! Super like Park Shin Hye n Lee Jung! I like Park Shin Hye star star shawl! Nice, thumbs up!

8/12/13 D7
Plan: Mum's turn to see Dr Lim.
Waffle with ice-cream meal :)
Home sweet home to pack bag for husband!
Print my ICP notes!

Future plans
10-13/12/13-School at 6.30-9.3m
12 & 13/12/13- Speed study for next E-Test, need to get 10/15.
14&15/12/13- Either day to start assignment

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Half gone!

Well, it's already Thursday & half of my leave is gone! Treasure it before Sunday comes!

3/12/13 D2
SO in LOVE with ALL my presentS from HK! My husband really spent alot of money on me during this HK trip! Thanks :) Feel abit guilty towards husband cos I keep throw tanthrum that I can't go with him to HK! 

4/12/13 D3
Plans suppose to be: Lunch-> cycle at ECP-> buy new wheelchair-> O$P$ -> dinner
Due to unpredictable weather forecast, we change our plan slightly. We went to get a bicycle for JH as a bday present. I spent about almost an hour to finalise the color, model etc! I was worried about whether JH will like d color anot? Can he ride anot? Will WF see d uneven paint spray anot! Wa Phiang! After that we went Lunch at old airport road hawker centre to eat Hokkien Mee$5+ Kueh Chay $8.50+ Rojak $3+ lao bao almond beancurd+ 100plus drink! Very full! I'm supposed to eat 60% full cos I'm suppose to be on diet But nvm lah...Nx month then diet lor(special quote from husband!) Wahahaaa... Then we went to Ubi Rainbow to buy a "red" colored Wheelchair for dad...Here comes my problem again...will he like the color? Hence, husband send me home to show him the W/C. Luckily he don't mind the color! What a relief :) Special wish request granted by dinner for my parents at BKP! So happy!

5/12/14 D4
School 9-11am.
Husband comes to pick me up for lunch at Boon Tong Kee Chicken rice then send me to Sembawang. Thanks for picking up d bicycle for me. Heheee.....

Going to miss my husband for 2weeks cos he is going Korea for Work!

Remember to bring me to Deeto when u come back from Work! :)

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last slots of leave 2-8Dec'13

Day 1-2/12/13
:( Has already passed! I tried to study my ICP test! Went to school at 2pm, a rainy afternoon to do my E-test 1 alone. Well, others do in a group, I'm a loner! All by myselft & I got 7/15% ; which means I've failed my 1st E-Test. E-Test 2 on 16/12/13, what stategies should I have? Can't bring my Hubby because he is in Korea lah! Wa Phiang...I aim to score 10/15%! Must study even harder!

:) The happy thing is that my Husband is back in Singapore with HK gifts waiting for me! Can't wait to see my presents! Husband say, " chey. I buy many presents for u. Half of my money i have is on your presents!" Wahaha...I like that! I missed HK! Last yr we went in December, like the cold weather, the yummiest street food & the best part is Xmas present Quest! Hahahaa...I bought him 2under-sized inner wear! So furni!

:/ My colleague; Izzi...1st gal to CTSICU this year, starts her D1 office hours (for 2weeks). Her preceptor is Mya. I wonder who is mine? Will my preceptor vomit blood? Will he/she like me? She said most people are warm. Hehe there kept asking me about you(me) too. They eager to see you(me). Wa Phiangz! I'm being delayed because....its because hidayatul insist going end January.. Whatever lah! I want the MONEY!

Day 2- 3/12/13
Plan: BBQ lunch with Bel, Anne, KIV KOH, XXL & kids! Buy Hao a birthday present. Repair my dad's wheelchair.

Day 3- 4/12/13
Plan: Dating. I want to eat delicious waffle with Ice-cream.

Day 4- 5/12/13
Plan: School. Attend Hao Birthday party in his school!

I'm a busy Bee :)

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December!

September & December is my favourite month every year! 2013 is ending in 30days...OMG! I shall conclude my UPS & downs on the last day of December! I always request one leave slot in December because it's my favourite month. This year, I'm struck in Singapore is because I'm doing my Degree in Nursing :( It's going to end in June 2014! I've plans in September 2014- holiday plan :)

On my leave this year,
 D1- E-test
 D2- BBQ lunch feast with colleagues
 D3- Deeto with Husband
 D4- Class & Attend Godson school celebration
 D5- Bring mom to see Dr in Polyclinic
 D6- Dental appointment
 D7- Help husband to pack for Business trip

Packed schedule in Annual Leave 2-8/12/2013.

Need to start my 3assignments soon then ask my 2English teacher to check through! Target: Passed with a SMILE :)

My Missy career is going to be different in 2014, going to be posted to another area! I asked for it! My NC say, I "itchy backside"! My Acting ADN say, " it's a good learning opportunity!" My SNM say, " learn the correct things, don't learn the bad things!" After my SNM announced the job rotation schedule on the Nov ward meeting, my colleagues asked me why I'm going to another department?

After I've finished my Degree, I will start my 1year bond - start: June 2014 to end: June 2015! Then I can transfer to another department: either CVR or Clinic. I'm already 35! Wa Phiang!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Last day of November already!

Times flies! It's already November already. Started my 2nd Trimester of Degree in Nursing. I'm excited but also stressed! 1month passed & I'm going to have my first E-test for ICP module. Still struggling, trying to focus & understand what I've read! 30MCQs, 15%.   

Because of this E-test & HA class, I can't go travel! Very depressed, angry & alone! 

29/11/13- feel like crying. Don't want to go work! No travel during my last slot of leave in Dec, doing nothing that I like on my leave! Feel abandoned! Don't want to talk but I can't because I got to work! Feel miserable, sad & angry! The worst thing is that I did not bring my stocking, feel so naked. Went to "Cheers" to buy but they don't sell...more depressed! But luckily Kak Mas has spare stocking to give it to me :) I was so looking forward to end my shift but I end up going late but I managed to buy the medicine that I need & fill up claim form to claim my holiday. 

28/11/13- Husband attempted to cheer me up by pickimg me up from work, bought me 12cupcakes & Jason Wu Melissa Owl Limited shoes. I was happy. But what I want is to go travel with him.

I am determined to plan a trip alone next year once I have completed my Degree. No need to be long. Maybe 3D2N to start with. 

Sunday, October 20, 2013

getting SICK!

I had some coffee milk n multi-grain bread at 6.30am then I fasted til 5pm! My hands were trembling while I gobble down my balanced coffee milk. My only wish was my Husband smooth ride wish came true and he waited patiently with a packet of warmed Chicken rice. I wanted to SMS him not to scold me cos I'm way to hungry, dehydrated and my left hand hurts. We are truly understaffed, we r over-worked and tired.

Saturday, October 19, 2013

Define Me(*>.<*)

I'm monkey Gal o(╯□╰)o.
Already got my UPDATED version NRIC.
I don't save money BUT I spend money ::>_<:: p="">I behaves like a kid but acts like an adult depending what type of people I'm dealing with.
I'm shy in nature but only when u 1st know Me.
I don't have alot of friends.
I'm super BLUR, lives in my own world with my NICI family members who knows my very well, I bully them alot but they forgives me for what I do to them.
(⊙o⊙) hahhaa..... I raised my hand to flag down a bus 120 that cannot send me home without thinking, luckily there's someone who is boarding the bus. LOL!
I love to roam around like a Dog.
I've no talent in studying BUT I'm doing it currently. I can't remember, my brain can't process info, poor English etc. Let's pray that I cleared it by June 2014. It's a chance that so many ppl fight for me.
My Zodiac seek balance or Fairness.
I love to eat yummiest latest fav is Figs, fried lotus root, currently no stock in hand. I love to eat Udon, rice is currently fav main.
I'm a sleep cat who loves to laze around and sleepy devil is always in my body. But sometimes I can't sleep well.
I'm fierce to my certain people with or without reasons.
I'm a lazy monkey.
I rely on my Husband for quite alot of stuffs.

Things that I wanna do:

I want to but textbook for next semester.
Buy a nice dress.
Cook a yummiest meal for hubby.
Pack my stuffs.
Send my winter clothes for dry cleaning.
Buy 1pair of track shoe...thinking of yellow color.
Buy 1pair of nice Heels.
Do Pedicure, Medicare in Dec or during my leave.
Cut hair.
Go massage.
Go facial.
Of course, I need to wotk up a keep FIT, lose WT schedule.
F/U with TCM Yee Feb 2014.
Pass my exams.
Learn a new skill after July 2014.
Travel 2 countries in 2014.
Complete my bond in July 2015.
Change job after July 2015 or just stay?! I can't be NC-_-|| cos need alot efforts to fight againSt politics, and many challenges. 

Monday, October 14, 2013

It is already OCTober?!

Time really worked hard, passes quickily every second, minutes, hours, days & month and almost d year 2013 is coming to an end already. I'm so far...I'm old again by one year & I've not accomplished anything. Today, one exam paper down, one more to go on Thursday. I'm super nervous today, think probably I can get like 10/30. I think I wrote rubbish, as much as I can remember. But my essay + presentation, I already got 35.27+19=54.27/100; so if I manage to get 10marks today, means in total I'll have 64.27/100; which means instead of one "D"og, I get a "C"at! Well, all I ask is a Pass. Next paper on Thursday, FHC-essay+presentation: 19.5+34=53.5/100; so I already passed. I shall aim for 15/30 then in total I will get 67.5/100; means I get a "C"at(+).

Today, I received a wonderful gift from Wenfeng & the boys, It's my favourite... photo frames with pictures & deco with my favourite stickers!  LOVE it!

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 1st week of Annual Leave :)

It's my 3rd slots of leave in 2013. It's wonderful :)

I went to Kyoto with Hubby while he go to work. On the 1st day when we reach Osaka, no train & no bus to Kyoto. It is because there is typhoon. We had sushi. We deposited our luggage bags in the locker. I get to Universal Studio Japan :) I spent most of my time in the shops. It's Halloween & we get to see nice parade, & some Halloween ghost walking around. After that, we came to Osaka airport to check out if we can get any bus or train tickets. Luckily, there's no typhoon & we manage to go Kyoto via bus. I'm so happy. Hubby get to go work & I get to enjoy in Kyoto. After we check in, we go for a late dinner. I loved their Gyoza & Ramen was delicious :) The Park Royal Hotel was at a good location, so near to NIshiki market but their bed is not my best liking.

Day 2 morning, I'm suppose to go breakfast with hubby but I can't wake up. I was tired, sleepy & no strength. Eventually, I manage to wake up at 9am & went for hotel breakfast at 9.30am. The breakfast is very Jap feel. Of course, I ate my favourite bread with butter & blueberry. Went back to room at 10am & prepare to go Nishiki market to shop. Surprise, Hubby came back at 11am when I almost ready to go out. He came back to accompany me to Nishiki Market while his Boss give him some free time. Of course, very happy & we had a nice simple lunch :) I'm struck in few shop, their stuffs are so nice. Hence, I can't help but stay very long in some shops. Hubby rushed back to hotel to get ready for work again while I continue to shop. Bought some super nice socks & tights from Tabio. I'm loving it, I should have buy MORE. It is all so lovely, an eye-opened experience for me to see so many things in the NIshiki Market. I went to Diamaru but the items are all so expensive. I only get a umbrella & 1 apple juice. I went back hotel to rest. I took a short nap before I set off to conquer another shopping mall. Hubby came back again whilst I taking a nap. Luckily, his boss do not need him to go back to work. We went to the LOFT to shop...I Love this shopping mall cause they have all the items that I like. I told my Hubby, "Can U ask them not to sell this anot?" After that, we went to eat my favourite Udon with fried brinjal, prawn & sweet potato.

Time passed so's already Day 3, we went for NIshiki market to eat yummiest pancake with lots of fresh spring onion. Last minute shopping before we check out at 12pm & too cab to Kyoto station. Hubby bought the train tickets & deposit out baggage before we go shopping & food. Loved their Isetan. Not enough time for me to do slow shopping. Regret for not getting a nice cardigan which is expensive. I did not want to miss my train so I was quite discipline to follow the time allocated for me. Finally reached Osaka Airport to check in then go look for dinner. The eel rice, Udon & fried chicken was super nice. The Eel taste so fresh.

Goodbye Osaka & Kyoto! Thank you hubby for bringing me along to Japan. I enjoyed myself!!!
Hubby asked me, "If I can only chose 1item for him to buy?" I would say help me buy "Tights" from Isetan or Tabio.


BKK trip with Anne & Belinda for the first time. I was abit worried that they will "kill me" because I'm so mafan & slow when we shop. Luckily, I was not too bad. We took MRT from airport to the nearest train stop to our hotel. Too bad, BKK rains when we reached BKK station & I got to carry my black luggage bag to avoid any mishap. We had nice salad, crepe, pad thai etc. After that, we went crazy at Platinum mall & we bought quite a lot of stuffs. We went to my favourite central world to shop at Melissa & Naraya. They bought me 1pair of expensive shoe & I bought one for myself :) super happy! We went back to hotel discreetly to unload our purchases before we set off to Chinatown BKK. I am secretly smuggle in to avoid paying extra. We had yummiest food & bought some local snacks.

We woke up at 7am (BKK time) & set off at 8am to do our last shopping before we set off to airport. Belinda was frustrated & I'm stressed because I can't remember the pudding location at central world. Luckily, we manage to find it, if not !!! ( for u to imagine!)  After we check out, we went shopping again before we go back to airport via MRT. We carried the bag to MRT.

When we reached Singapore, Belinda left first with her hubby & kid. I accompany Anne to buy Liquor while her hubby waiting for her finish her shopping at duty free. I took CAB home & it cost me $59! OMG, to make it worse, Cab uncle brakes very often & I almost want to PUKE in his prestige CAB! Overall, if u asked my if it's a rush trip? I would say, "YES!" but still I enjoyed myself.

LOOKING FORWARD to my next trip. Time to decide my 2014 AL slots.


Had a nice dinner with Weide, Meilan & Priscilla at VIVO BORNGA Korean restaurant. It was expensive but the taste was not too bad. Thank you for your time & company.

Missing person: Soon Pore because he is SICK!.

Saturday, August 31, 2013


My favourite tibits: Sun dried Figs, "wan wan" biscuit, nature's wonders baked macadamia nuts.

My favourite food: Liang court Udon with deep fried jap sweet potato, Ichiban croquette & Pepperone pizza.

My favourite drink: Mango yugurt drink, milk tea & Starbucks.

My latest NICI edition: Red autumn lady bug, Stinky. In total, I have 14 NICI friends in punggol.
My favourite month of the year 2013: September! Y?? It is because.....It's my birthday month! My husband's birthday month! It's Pigsy & Anne's birthday month! My husband already given me alot of presents Lo! "Permanent" hair removal treatment to my upper lip & half leg! So cool right? Even though he say he don't mind it BUT......for u to fill up the blanks! Braun Buffel pouch! My latest NICI friemds! What else? Oh ya!!! I am on leave for 2weeks! Even though I am super busy with my mum's, my dad's & my auntie appointment! I am going for a super short trip to BKK for 2D1N with Belinda & Anne! Hope they can accommodate my "slowness", sleeping pattern & child-like behaviour!

Birthday wisheS?! Well, ,my wishes are to be healthy, good health for everyone less wrinkles, more wisdom, no pain, happy go lucky, less bad mood, less tantrum, eat good food BUT don't get FAT so easily, happy at work, happy in school, pass my assignments, presentation & of course EXAM, husband many many sayang me & listen to me, husband got excellent job opportunities & LESS stress factors etc...many many more, can't stop listing down. Oh ya, not forgetting good sleep & good appetite! LOL:) Too many, O guess God is too finish granting my WisheS!

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

spot d difference!

Chubby hubby texted me while he is on business trip in US. I'm going to give you a surprise when I come back from US, wear short okay. I was looking forward and keep guessing what is it?

One day while I was ironing my uniform, I saw an advertisement on permanent hair removal. A thinking light bulb was like *ting*; maybe hubby bringing me go "remove my hairy hairy" since I told him that was one of my wish.

12/8/2013- I'm a happy gal...hubby woke up early & cold Vietnam's Pho as breakfast for us. Then we set off to my planned surprise! Yes, I'm right! He bought to Lynn Dr's clinic to do permanent hair removal for me! I was (⊙o⊙)! D kind Dr did my "小胡子 " removal for  FOC! It was a "wow" experience for me! I still can smell d "burnt" smell when I reach home. Lol! It was nice without facial hair but at d same time I feel weird! It's very expensive!

Dear hubby, Thank you! Spot d difference!

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


Whenever hubby is out town, my tummy will go on strike but he is back they function as per normal again. What happen?  Hahaaa... he probably won't believe cos d way I'm eating is like a monster.

Daddy got me nice big presents from Japan, all comes with a meaningful indications. There's umbrella, pouch, Jewellery box without Jewellery (Lol!!), Royce chocolates!!! Thanks a million! Love them all!

I had "Pepperoni Pizza" restaurant pasta, pizza & homemade beefballs in d afternoon. At night before I go work, we had my favorite UDon at Liang Court. It was awesome. Then we went to d supermarket & I bought 2big Japan sweet green apples @ $12.90. It was sweet, crunchy & my dad loves it. My 2nd night, I manage to satisfy my cravings...California Handroll, potato croquet & Royce chocolate potato chips(d ants attempted to invade it but I manage to save my chips)

Curtin school started on 15/7/13. I'm already stressed, trying to pull out my brain cells to help me pass all d modules & redempt my Big present from hubby when I get d cert. Temper rises, hair dropping, stressed +++, bad at computer... etc. Can I really do it?  Let's see! Good luck!

My birthday coming soon! What shall I buy for myself? I'm so stingy, I doubt I'll buy anything la! Lalalaaa... sing a happy birthday song! ↖(^▽^)↗

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My WILL...

Dear Hubby,

If one day, suddenly I'm critically ill & no hope after all possible interventions done after a week, please let me die with dignity. U know I'm a scary cat...scare of pain so don't Let them prick or poke me unnecessarily. Please only allow my close relatives & friends to visit me, I don't too many people sees my ugly sick face & body. Please go to work as usual but after work Please be by my side whenever u can cos I don't like to be alone. Please be decisive about my management. If I gotta go before u, please stay strong & live happily. Get another partner if u got chance, don't be single. Don't worry, I won't be angry cos I don't want u to be lonely, at least someone who can take care of u etc. Please cremate me & babymonmon  to accompany me in d world. The rest of my soft toys, Please donate to salvation army.

I might not be to meet u in my next life BUT Please remember... I love u! Thanks for taking care of me whenever u can, pamper me whenever u can, tolerate my stupidity, bringing me for trips, buy me all d yummiest food, branded items & NICI friends etc. I'm saying all this at hour cos I scare I've no chance to tell u. What else I missed out?

Saturday, May 25, 2013

Just 2D1N trip to Macau

Hubby was thinking of going for a short trip to de-stress...I'm given 3choices to chose from...1)bintan 2)staycation in USS 3)Macau! It's a last min decision cos I haven made up my mind though I was given a few days to think about it. I was confused. Finally, I decided to go Macaulay for 2D1N getaway. Arrangements were made by hubby, I just pack my bags.

Hubby came to fetch me early in d morning 6am to Changi Airport via car. Check in, went to withdraw $,exchanged HKD then go lounge for breakfast. Board SQ. I was excited, palpitation cos I wasn't mentally prepared but well, it's was cool. U dunno What will happen tml, just do it! Or else I might regret for not going. Reach HKD airport, quickly look for counter to purchase tickets to Macau. Yup, we made it! Shopping time, Makan time! I ate my fav roasted duck meat n was yummy...bought 4famous egg tarts for our high tea. Finally checked in to our hotel...surprisingly, our room type is upgraded...Nice! After a nap, we r ready for our next shopping n makan trip before we head to casino. I'm lucky, we found my new fav shopping place but they r closing when we reach there. But nvm cos I'm coming back next day. Well, of course I did not win any money but oso manage to not lose any money.

Woke up as planned n have breakfast at a milk pudding place with porky was nice! After that, shopping... bought 1dress,1leggings n 1sweater. Took cab to harbour n luckily managed to buy tickets back to HK airport. When we reach HK airport, we had some food before I go n spend all my leftover $. We did a very last min fav NICI friends items at a special!!!

Fly back to Singapore via SQ!  End of trip.↖(^▽^)↗♥♥♥

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

While I was working my last night...I'm hoping NO admission, no complications & a safe night. Then deep in my ♥, I wished that hubby will come fetched me to have breakfast & home sweet home...(=^.^=) wish came true! I was so happy, get to eat all my favourite food with my favourite hubby was so blessed!

RD *^O^*
Hubby came to pick me up for yummiest lunch at BKP... ramen! Buy Oz biscuits, buy my fav herbal jelly milk tea 30% but silly me bought expensive items...O_o.Went back to punggol & rest. Then went to watch "The Croods "...♥♥♥♥..."Tatata... ↖(^▽^)↗" Prior movie session, went to my favorite bookshop den eat yummy fav "Yang Zhou fried rice", duck & soup.

Discussed a "stew-pig" mistress even...or rather my new nickname is "Ms Excuses ". I get to know myself a little bit more...nv fails to beat around d bush & nv get to d point, so many excuses, doesn't have rationale when talk or do things, doesn't bother to find out d procedures...haizZ... I just hope for world peace mah! Just keep everything to myself & won't get into troubles.

DOo>_Got hubby into trouble... LATE!
Sighed... but still he bring OZ & Ivy to ECP to take a walk. I loved it cos it's so relaxed!
After send OZ home...hubby send me to sch to sign contract den sent me home!
Hello gals out there... are u all jealous & envious of me?...But sorry gals...he is TAKEN!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Whenever Daddy is back from his business trip...I'm sure to get presents ㄟ(≧◇≦)ㄏ
This time...I've got port wine & Moscato, Coach blue bag, magnets, Tiffany bracelet & Daddy .back safely. I'm super happy to receive so many presents at one go...

Friday, February 15, 2013

My Hubby

This hubby is frequent "air-man"...always fly to other countries for training...I think he enjoying his new job but at Same time stressed!!! He always buy me nice food like chocolate & gifts...

I received...a pink BURBERRY BLUE LABEL key pouch ♥...burn a hole!

Valentine's day...I received a brown BURBERRY BLUE LABEL WALLET. ♥♥♥...this time burn  a super "Big Hole"...really nice (=^.^=)
Of course usual his mistress blur blur nv buy anything but give him one silly card & blank cheque vouchers" Paiseh" ...u got a lousy mistress!

Actually... I'm super happy that hubby say go Weide's hse with me to "Bai nian "! Thank You very much. ^O^

I'm ending tis soon...cos I'm sleepy le!!!