Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Last slots of leave 2-8Dec'13

Day 1-2/12/13
:( Has already passed! I tried to study my ICP test! Went to school at 2pm, a rainy afternoon to do my E-test 1 alone. Well, others do in a group, I'm a loner! All by myselft & I got 7/15% ; which means I've failed my 1st E-Test. E-Test 2 on 16/12/13, what stategies should I have? Can't bring my Hubby because he is in Korea lah! Wa Phiang...I aim to score 10/15%! Must study even harder!

:) The happy thing is that my Husband is back in Singapore with HK gifts waiting for me! Can't wait to see my presents! Husband say, " chey. I buy many presents for u. Half of my money i have is on your presents!" Wahaha...I like that! I missed HK! Last yr we went in December, like the cold weather, the yummiest street food & the best part is Xmas present Quest! Hahahaa...I bought him 2under-sized inner wear! So furni!

:/ My colleague; Izzi...1st gal to CTSICU this year, starts her D1 office hours (for 2weeks). Her preceptor is Mya. I wonder who is mine? Will my preceptor vomit blood? Will he/she like me? She said most people are warm. Hehe there kept asking me about you(me) too. They eager to see you(me). Wa Phiangz! I'm being delayed because....its because hidayatul insist going end January.. Whatever lah! I want the MONEY!

Day 2- 3/12/13
Plan: BBQ lunch with Bel, Anne, KIV KOH, XXL & kids! Buy Hao a birthday present. Repair my dad's wheelchair.

Day 3- 4/12/13
Plan: Dating. I want to eat delicious waffle with Ice-cream.

Day 4- 5/12/13
Plan: School. Attend Hao Birthday party in his school!

I'm a busy Bee :)

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