Monday, October 14, 2013

It is already OCTober?!

Time really worked hard, passes quickily every second, minutes, hours, days & month and almost d year 2013 is coming to an end already. I'm so far...I'm old again by one year & I've not accomplished anything. Today, one exam paper down, one more to go on Thursday. I'm super nervous today, think probably I can get like 10/30. I think I wrote rubbish, as much as I can remember. But my essay + presentation, I already got 35.27+19=54.27/100; so if I manage to get 10marks today, means in total I'll have 64.27/100; which means instead of one "D"og, I get a "C"at! Well, all I ask is a Pass. Next paper on Thursday, FHC-essay+presentation: 19.5+34=53.5/100; so I already passed. I shall aim for 15/30 then in total I will get 67.5/100; means I get a "C"at(+).

Today, I received a wonderful gift from Wenfeng & the boys, It's my favourite... photo frames with pictures & deco with my favourite stickers!  LOVE it!

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