Wednesday, May 29, 2013

My WILL...

Dear Hubby,

If one day, suddenly I'm critically ill & no hope after all possible interventions done after a week, please let me die with dignity. U know I'm a scary cat...scare of pain so don't Let them prick or poke me unnecessarily. Please only allow my close relatives & friends to visit me, I don't too many people sees my ugly sick face & body. Please go to work as usual but after work Please be by my side whenever u can cos I don't like to be alone. Please be decisive about my management. If I gotta go before u, please stay strong & live happily. Get another partner if u got chance, don't be single. Don't worry, I won't be angry cos I don't want u to be lonely, at least someone who can take care of u etc. Please cremate me & babymonmon  to accompany me in d world. The rest of my soft toys, Please donate to salvation army.

I might not be to meet u in my next life BUT Please remember... I love u! Thanks for taking care of me whenever u can, pamper me whenever u can, tolerate my stupidity, bringing me for trips, buy me all d yummiest food, branded items & NICI friends etc. I'm saying all this at hour cos I scare I've no chance to tell u. What else I missed out?

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