Sunday, December 1, 2013

Hello December!

September & December is my favourite month every year! 2013 is ending in 30days...OMG! I shall conclude my UPS & downs on the last day of December! I always request one leave slot in December because it's my favourite month. This year, I'm struck in Singapore is because I'm doing my Degree in Nursing :( It's going to end in June 2014! I've plans in September 2014- holiday plan :)

On my leave this year,
 D1- E-test
 D2- BBQ lunch feast with colleagues
 D3- Deeto with Husband
 D4- Class & Attend Godson school celebration
 D5- Bring mom to see Dr in Polyclinic
 D6- Dental appointment
 D7- Help husband to pack for Business trip

Packed schedule in Annual Leave 2-8/12/2013.

Need to start my 3assignments soon then ask my 2English teacher to check through! Target: Passed with a SMILE :)

My Missy career is going to be different in 2014, going to be posted to another area! I asked for it! My NC say, I "itchy backside"! My Acting ADN say, " it's a good learning opportunity!" My SNM say, " learn the correct things, don't learn the bad things!" After my SNM announced the job rotation schedule on the Nov ward meeting, my colleagues asked me why I'm going to another department?

After I've finished my Degree, I will start my 1year bond - start: June 2014 to end: June 2015! Then I can transfer to another department: either CVR or Clinic. I'm already 35! Wa Phiang!

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