Thursday, December 31, 2009

31st December 2009

It's the last day of year 2009 & in few mins time...saying Hi to 2010! It's a good time to think of what's my new year resolutionS??? I oso have no idea coz I've no dreams to fulfil, I'm jus spending my day by day!!! What to expect for my life?!

Sunday, December 20, 2009


I went a charity sale + donation event on 19dec at 4pm. It's my very 1st time to do this type of charity...quite excited :) Initiallly my partner is Karin( d gal who invite me to do this) but last minute she got something my partner changed to Tasha. Upon taking over d 1st shift....I've to check to make sure d petty cash is $100 & d products. My partner hasn't arrived upon taking over so...I was quite scared & sianz coz I got to look after d booth alone?! Luckily she came shortly & we counted d items 2gether. We decided to change d arrangement to see if we could increase our sale & we moved d donation box infront so that people can donate without being shy or" can't reach" & we were happy coz it workS...I feel hungry coz I keep seeing people eating "junk" food...I had dinner break at about 6.30pm..."xiao ba wang". Interesting people asked us for toilet, delifrance & where to change for lucky draw and we helped her to keep an eye on her NTUC purchase & she bought 3books & donated $10 too!!!! Finally...closing...A lady bought all d standing note clip :) that's nice...We went to L4 to return d donations But took about 15mins more :(

Nevertheless, it's a wonderful experience & we helped d poor too:>

I heard this kid who told her mum..."U got too much $$ ah" when her mum was about to come near our booth...this kid never have to worry about his life so can't feel for others. Another kid who pass by us says>>>so poor & they still can smile?? It's because d poor is contented with what they have received from others.

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Genting shOrt trip 13-15Dec'09

After I finished my 4th nite...I quickly pack my bag & rush to mit daddy at bring mi home & have a super quick shower then take cab to board on coach to KL & then book coach + skyway to Genting....finally we rch at 1815hrs after 9hours of long journey!! OMG!! The 1st thing we do when we rch Genting...we brought 2scoops of Baskin Robin(world class chocolate & strawberry ice-cream). SlUrped *-* Long waited...

We met Muthi to get our room key. We stayed in Genting first world hotel 16-738, usual standard small room. We had a power nap before meeting Monica & her husband for dinner at Genting Highland Rama Thai at 8pm...d food is nice...I soup, kangkong, Thai style fish, chicken curry, otah & "Ruby dessert". After that we went to check out if there is any movie to watch...we decided to watch "frog & the princess" the next day. Initially, wanted to watch "feng yun" but we r worried it may b in Cantonese which we may not understand! We went for window shopping instead. We went to Casino to try our luck but not fruitful & gave some contributionS...I think it's because I'm TIRED & can't concentrate...heartache :(

We wanted to set alarm to eat FOC breakfast to save money but both of us...didn't wake up until around noon time. We had Lunch at "Hou Mei" restaurant...we ordered Roasted Chicken rice, "shui jiao" soup, specialty noodle & Coke float! Yummy...A nice aunty gave us a $10 discount voucher...D meal was not that cheap. We went to Casino & then watch movie after that at
4.45pm. I requested for cup corn :) not too bad.

In total we had 8scoops of Baskin Robin :) OMG!!! Once again...we did it!

Good times always passes quickly...we r home to face d reality :( need to earn more $$ for our next trip.

I enjoyed myself & gain weight again.....Fat fat...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Almost there :)

Endure!! I almost completed my clinic job rotation. I feel quite miserable even though when my supervisor asked if I can manage anot?! I'll smile & say "can lah!" But d truth is...I wan to say...I HATE my job rotation, Y am I so unlucky? always encounter furni situation, strange people etc. Hahaa...when my colleague Walla is doing SDA...she is always hapi & can come in CCu to help & chat wif us?! 011209...I feel sad bcoz I didn't get to eat brunch...I onli eat 1/5 of md choco bread & feel like vomitting..maybe bcoz I pass d urge to eat. But I reward myself with MacDonald teriyaki grilled chix meal 7 shared with my mum. I feel quite gd :) coz I eat brunch...chinese packed rice but I feel full...I ended wk at 4pm after I called all d pt's to remind them to come for appointment. I went to harbour front & buy chocolate ;p Then mit daddy Lim & ate delicious dinner...kidney mee sua :0

Sunday, November 29, 2009

What's on my mind?

I met up with my friends last fri & they asked me...r u going to be a missy for life? I oso dun noe BUt I hope to b out of NHC by 2012 blah! Y? I think by then I'm old & may not function that efficiently. My idea dream job by then may be "Urban Write" staff selling my favourite stuffs :P being a kindergarten teacher :) Housewife? NOoo...dun want to be "yellow-faced granny" hahaa... being "Tai Tai" then I may consider :> dreaming while wide-awake!! In S'pore, U must be super rich den U can be jobless & still can enjoy. Things r getting more & more expensive. D amount of $$ can't seems to be enough every month. I already spend half of my salary in d beginning of d mth & got to count down for my nx mth salary. I can't buy lotsa things that I want. But luckily I still go shoping & eat nice food lah!


From nov9 till new job scope includes SDA. Why? I'm d chosen one to be 1mth SDA missy...thought my turn won't be tis yr But still got to face it bravely. Luckily my working partners r nice people. I think i'm not suitable to a SDA missy coz got to handle FON...people, situations, phone calls, stupid shit endless paper work & people checking on ur wk as usual etc!! On 2nd day, I yawned :p coz got to look thru many paper work, write things that i may not have done. Hopefully by end of the yr, I dun get more than 10 complains or else BOSS's hair STANDS!! Hahaa :) D most unforgetable event happen is when a client turn out when his procedure is scheduled on a different date!! Got to make phone calls & endure their angry face & words and even can't hold my tears & cried eventually...bad image...infront of my colleagues. No face :( Well, it's over hopefully...just hope that no complain letter! What my feedback so far?? I feel too much copied paper work, some times miscommunications coz d lab & ward level calls d client & may confused plus wrong informations may b delivered, client should b responsible for their own health as some dun take med after they feel "well enough". Nevertheless, I'm going to completed my task tis wk & pass the baton. What information should I pass to them? Probably d routines, d roles & situations they may face. I'm going back to my original job scope & I wonder how long I nid to function normally coz I lose touch for a month. Dear friends, pls bear with mi.

Monday, November 2, 2009

3rd night....

Finally it's my last nite...I was praying for better & peaceful nite BUT obviously my prayer is not answer coz I'm still BUZY!!! OMG, wat's happening? Normally my nite shift is quite Okay. It's ICA client turn bad again! Got a call from my colleague at 5plus while we doing our morning rounds. I went over to help for a short while den my more experienced sis came & I went back to my original place to continue. Shortly, tat client came to us & we started to wk. One of my senior made a comment & my colleague cried! Poor thing oso coz everyone is trying to finish their wk but additional wk came. I'm really sorry that my colleague got to wk OT. It's jus my luck ah! Anyway I got a notification from my Sister that I'm doing SDA :<>

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Simply UNLUCKY :(

I'm soo unlucky since I accepted to be d kind soul to take my colleague's nite as she can't do tis round of nite! Well, don't believe that in tis world, good deeds will get good returns! Or is it d combination is simply incompatible?! On d way to wk my 1st nite & I forget to bring my HP! My clients didn't sleep well & my patience was USED up & one of them passed out. Get stupid remarks from DR. When u help someone, don't think of getting returns coz it may be impossible & people expects MORE! Then on my 2nd nite, my clients simply can't sleep & seems to be disturb by somethings or someone! Argh :( Why? Usually I'm not that Jinx lei! Another client passed out but manage to wake up. Help people oso must see if tat person is worth helping anot. Stupid encounter. Finally when everything is OVER but it's not over yet. Supervior say.....why is d TV still on? U didn't switch off since last nite? I swear i switch off d TV with my own hand. I write a list of what to do..... off Tv is one my task! If ghost switch on, then am I suppose to catch that ghost??? BOss suddenly appear & say why is d TV on? Nv off d whole night??? As if she can save millions of $$$ by switching off d TV for that few hours. Think properly!! Don't find lame excuses to scold & spoilt peoples' day. Tonight is my last night, pray for d best! Jia You, monkey Tan, don't let people bring u DOWN.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


KOh, Marilyn & myself went to visit Belinda & family on 29092009. Callum is soo cutez & small. They bought me a black forest cake & I get to "blow" candle! The sequence was a bit furni....after Belinda light up the candles, getting ready the camera & I was instructed to "blow" the candle! Hahaa...haven sing birthday song lei, having make a's all okay coz I'm very happy to "blow" candle! Every year, didn't get to hear pple sing bday with cake & "blow" candle.

Daddy normally will sing b'day song for me but no cake. Aiya, I oso never buy bday cake & sing for him leh!

Monday, September 28, 2009


It's my 29th last 20's number to be seen & nx year I'm in d 30's club :( Yesterday went out with Priscilla, Weide, Meilan & Soon Pore to celebrate my birthday at Bugis Seoul Garden. Yuting is unable to join us but she sms....Hello..! Happy birthday to u!! Best wishes..

Daddy Lim sang mi a birthday song..... *-*

ThQ everyone for the birthday wishes :)

0413...Marilyn Tay: Happy Birthday Ivy..Stay pretty and happy always..Enjoy ur day..
0750...Belinda: Happy BiRThdAY Nanny!
Kenneth Prudential: Hi Ivy, Happy Birthday.
0836...Meilan: Happy Birthday, gal! May u stay happy always!
0934...Pigsy See: Happy birthday my Piglet...Hope U enjoy your special day :)
0957...Zhiguo: Happy birthday :)
1040...Sotong: Happy birthday missy tan! Stay happy always :)
1245...Huiling: Happy birthday. ENjoy ur day.
1239...Christina: Happy birthday to u.
1754...Renu: Hapi birthday. Many many happy returns of the day..
1949...Regine: Hey Ivy, "Happy Birthday!"

1743...Siti: hi, m late to wish u happy bday again!
2250...Kavitha: Hapi b-lated b'dae my dear fren ivy..

I've received 3bags this year.....Adidas bag from Pigsy, LV from daddy & Longchamp from colleagues :) plus pouch from Wenying.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

23092009 ROM anniversary

23092009 is Our ROM anniversary..... wanted to meet Daddy Lim for Dinner BUT got a recall back to work coz my colleague is MC! It's ok lah! Finished work at 10pm coz got some calls to make before I leave work place as I'm on night next day so worrried that things may crop up due to me. I didn't request Daddy to pick me up soo... I took train back. Abit sad that I went to work & he can't come to pick me up since it's our anniversary :( Wait for next year & request OFF day & not to go work.'s OVER!!! Cheer UP :)


It's Daddy Vin's actual day birthday!!! He went to return Honda Jazz 7724 to his friend Francis then he went to fetch Our new car....Suzuki Swift 5466. He came to my hoUse to have "Ai Xin" Lunch prepared by me :) I cooked ABC soup, sotong balls & my fav brocoli with prawns :) Taste wise... edible & not bad lah! (rated by myself) hahaaa......
After lunch we went back to Admirtly to load car items. When I opened my cupboard & I SAW......a big paper bag.....LV??? OMG??? it's my advanced birthday present :> LV bag? I can't believe my own eyes coz it cost $1080 & daddy buy for me as my birthday present! No wonder, he say he's BANKRUPT after he buy the present *~* It's the design that me & Priscilla went to see when we went shopping the other time & say wants to buy it with instalment. Now it's mine!!! I told daddy why never bring me go & buy?? Coz I want to have a feel of buying branded goods in branded shop. Wahaaa.....Crazy right *-*. We went to Orchard Heeren to look for neoprint machine to take pictures...but all the neoprint shop under renOvations. We proceed to Cineleisure & found the neoprint shop :) BUT Xpensive...$12.00!!! We were so stiff & not much of pattern & poses :} Not too bad lah!! Still Quite nice :] We window shop for quite some time & settle down at Cedele restaurant to eat our dinner. Aiya, forget to bring camera to take down the nice food that we ate :{ We had Linguine with Beef, Wild Berry Pancakes with sausage, Mango Lasi & Carrot cake. Delicious meal; I Loved the food :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


Daddy went to fetch OZ from Fiona's Hse to Admirlty to celebrate OZ's belated birthday (actual date is 0309)!
We went to Bishan park to play in the late afternoon. OZ doesn't seems to be interested to socialise or make new friends...BUT only interested to EAT snacks!!! Arghh!!!
Then we went K9 cafe(near Turf city) to have dinner. Daddy bought her "lamb-favor Meatball"...she swallow them all in spilt seconds...hahaa..... :) Daddy asked...."OZ long time never eat ah!" We ordered pancakes which toOk 45mins to prepare.....Bitter gourd dagger eye Daddy has NO more patience to wait.....& asked them to packed for takeaway!!! :( Waited for so long & we didn't get to eat. Luckily not that hungry. We sent OZ back home.
After that, we proceed to Nick & Stacey's to eat steamboat dinner. Finally.....DINNER time :) Nice coOkies & cream ice-cream with sweet Cherry ;> HAhaaa...Daddy look soO furni while he was playing "Hoo-la-hOop" :) :) :)
Home sweet home :) Suddenly I realise that both of Us didn't go for pee pee after we left home.....

Wednesday, July 29, 2009 July challenge :)

OZ.....she is a west highland white terrier(westie). We started to babysit her since 15July night till 28July'09. A tOtal of 14days. Initially when I was being offered to this challenging task.....I don't know whether I can cope anot coz there are a few factors that hinder me from saying "YES" immediately! Firstly, I have to stay in Admiralty for 2weeks. Thus mom would have to be take care of herself! Staying with in-laws is different from staying at home coz at home I'm like a spoilt brat! Secondly, OZ is not my own dog, if anything happen, I'll feel bad. I don't whether can adapt to the new environment & new family members, can she poo & pee at the right place.....etc.Thirdly, i'm worried that I don't like OZ....I don't how OZ look like, keep ask daddy how OZ look like? How old is OZ? Gal or Boy? Any food allergy? We went to the pet shop to get treats( vegetable biscult), wipes & a toy for her :)
We went Fiona house to learn how to bath OZ, bring her stuffs on 15july evening. When OZ step in our house, she pOO on the newspaper that we prepared in the living room. Lights OFF, but OZ still walking around & scatching our door! I couldn't sleep well :( & I'm working morning shift! I was soO tired :( I was worried about OZ! Plus I bought 2 ticket to watch HArry Potter with daddy after work! Luckily OZ can adapt to the new environment :)
We went to Belinda's house on 17july via TAXI.
Daddy, OZ & myself went to east coast park for a outing on 26july!! OZ is like a tree inspector, she inspects almost all the tree that she can find. daddy keep ask OZ to look up so that people can see her cute face BUt most of her time, she was looking for something on the floor.
14days passes quickly, Fiona came to pick up OZ on 28july'09. Wonder how OZ feels? Will she remember US? Will she remember that she POO in mUm's room & pee out of the newspaper?
Fiona ask us if we would consider having a dog anot in future? In my own point of view.....I might want to a Dog if only DAddy & me have our own house. I don't want my dog to be given "funny" food. My dog need to be clean every time she goes for a walk or after pee & poo. A lot of time, love, patience, tolerance & responsiblities is required to have a dog.

Monday, July 6, 2009

A Promise...LOCKED!!!

It's officially LOCKED........

On 05072009 14:04:45 Of coz, when i become debt free next time, its yours.

Above is an important sms that I want to remember for LIFE even when i'm LKK or demented!

Sunday, May 3, 2009

1st of May... Alya's b'day.....
Mit Regine LoO, Ms Low& Walla at Yishun bus interchange to take bus to Siti's hse to celebrate her daughter's b'day. Ate nice corn rice wif chili chix, cuttlefish, veg & yummy Kuehs.... a mini CCU gathering....Janice, Belinda & Priscilla Foong was dere too......
After tat Bengawan sOlo frenz came to pick mi up to go to Cathy to watch Movie.....Horseman....quite errmm...."bloody, some disgusting & scary sceneS. We walked to City Hall to eat Sushi favourite sushi restaurant!!! I loved d Salmon sashimi, friend Ika tempura etc...I wanna go back again! Hahaaa... We walked back to DG & went to Settler's cafe near Central mall to play games....It's a great place to play games, talk & laugh loudly. We played Panda silly games whereby each person got some cards on hand & we nid to do actions tat is indicate for each action card. Each time U did d wrong actions, d person is "rewarded" wif d cards & whoever got d most cards is d loser. We oSo played heart attack & snatch d bone quietly when u gamed, d one who didn't get to bone=Loses. We played till 1am & reach home at 1.40am.....
Good times passes flies without our notice :( I enjoyed myself!!!
Friendship is not a big thing - its a million little thingz.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

OFF day.......

I'm Off for tired, exhausted & breathless too!
I've enjoyed a nice movie >>> X-men Origins: Wolverine (2009) wif daddy Lim. Hugh Jackman is sooo handsOme. Story plot....."X-Men Origins: Wolverine" goes back to the time before the X-Men trilogy to tell the story of Wolverine's epically violent and romantic past, including his complex relationship with Victor Creed (who later becomes Sabertooth) and the ominous Weapon X programme. Along the way, he encounters many mutants, both familiar and new, including surprise appearances by several legends in the X-Men universe.
I rate.....4* ! Had a sinful dinner...white Bee Hoon, fav bean veg & special Chix mid-jOints....soo fUll.
Cm fun program lined my colleagues at YishUn Mrt bus interchange to go for Siti's bb 1st mth celebration at 1pm. Then go back to BKP & mit ex-colleague for fun & foOd.
Sat going for delicious makan, see Dogs, relax & recharge myself.........where to go? what to snack? wow....Yeah!!! mini holiday in S'pore......

Monday, April 27, 2009

I'm "famOus"..... i got myself "famOus"....we had a emergency mini meeting today at 1pm coz of swine flu outbreak.....SIM called my name & i answered Ya....den she say abt my PONY tail....she say i always got my camera charged & ready to take photos of UR PONY TAIL!!!!!!.....If i sent these photos to QM!!! Tink she imply tat "disciplinary actionS" will be taken! Hahha....I don't care! I don't know! I don't understand! CRAzY!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

it's OVER!!

Finally... IT"S OVER I've finished my 2weeks HD reservice liao!! Yahoo...means tat
i'm near to my holiday :)
After completion of 4nights.....I planned to go for Pedicure & manicUre,
waxing of my gorilla hairly leg, cut my messy bee hoOn hair, do threading & bUy
Priscilla a Charles & Keith bag & get myself a pair of Charles & Keith Orangee shOe.
I want to enjoy myself FULLY la!! Oh ya, osO attend Alice's ROm on 22nd Mar. Dinner appt Poly frez on 28th Mar & mit Begawan ex-colleagues. PLUS go HK on 23-26mar
so many programs..... ;)
27Mar go yUm cha wif lao ma :>
Eat, sleep & play is my best past timeS *-*
oh ya...can shop freely w/o seeing much Co0l man expressions....

Friday, March 13, 2009


I'm looking forward to my Annual Leave in 23Mar till 29Mar 2009!!! Hohoo...Holiday :) D monki

lambchop going to HONGKONG for holiday from 23Mar til 26Mar :) We booked tis tour since

last via Belinda's CITI bank credit card!! I'm going to HK Disneyland again....Few years back I

went with Pris & Elaine BUT didn't see everything coz limited time!! Airticket is about $500 for

2pax & I've changed $600 to HK$. I'm sure it's not enough:) but got to spend thirfty.


I'm working in HD ("hell department") for tis two week for my reservice every few months. Tis time round was like hell liao....& i got myself a new Nick name...." tOxic Ivy!! hahaa...well actually i'm already "Poison Ivy" tat kills pple with my blUr blUr lOok & answerS! i've managed to pull thrU 5days of tOxic straight morningS....staring from Sun till Thurs lor! ? 5straight morningS??? initially i'm doing 4straight morningS in a row then i need OFF on fri so i change my duty with another staff who has morning shift so.....become 5morning lor......I'm osO lucky to work with nice people who helped mi alot. I had nursed a same family for 4consecutives day which drives mi CRAZY la.....They think i'm their PRIVATE nurse isit??? Keep calling mi, staring at mi & wants things done STAT!!! How??? DR can't come STAT whenever they have to response to my call....they need to walk & maybe held up by other things mah!! Pls be considerate.....I don't like my Bubble to be pOke coz i feel insecure & irritable!!! I understand tat U all going thrU alot BUT pls do consider my feelings Oso coz @ d end of d day i'm still a ordinary female HUMAN being :( I'm emotionally stressed & tired out.....For d pass 4 day i had to sleep extra early :( A simple pt D/C takes mi about 45mins "ding dong ding dong" coz of MC date la, insurance la.....?why? we r not clerk & we r not GOD to clear all ur enquires le!!!!! "C" is subsided yet ask for more & more...... I'm grumpy but i got to voice out or else i'll go crazy lor!!! Thank GOD!!! my reservice is going to END soon in 2 day time.

my new toy

tis my valentine's day present from my beloved lambchOp daddy....d color is metallic rOse..... soO sweet... I loved it!! :)