Sunday, November 29, 2009

What's on my mind?

I met up with my friends last fri & they asked me...r u going to be a missy for life? I oso dun noe BUt I hope to b out of NHC by 2012 blah! Y? I think by then I'm old & may not function that efficiently. My idea dream job by then may be "Urban Write" staff selling my favourite stuffs :P being a kindergarten teacher :) Housewife? NOoo...dun want to be "yellow-faced granny" hahaa... being "Tai Tai" then I may consider :> dreaming while wide-awake!! In S'pore, U must be super rich den U can be jobless & still can enjoy. Things r getting more & more expensive. D amount of $$ can't seems to be enough every month. I already spend half of my salary in d beginning of d mth & got to count down for my nx mth salary. I can't buy lotsa things that I want. But luckily I still go shoping & eat nice food lah!

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